• @wildwallflower said in I think its time I did this!:

    Cj had posted a topic few days ago, 'what would you be doin now if you'd not joined TWS', it's been a lil more than a month since i joined here and im thinkin what would i do without tws?
    Some ppl think this website's shitty, some have faced insult, some got heartbroken but today I'm glad to say that I've been lucky to have met the best of the best ppl on here and never had a bad experience. I've used tws mostly to vent my bitter feelings out, n I've felt light, like I'd feel after finally throwing up, being sick for a long time. The ppl on here made me feel that whatever happens m not alone, they'll always be there. They've made it all if not a lot at least lil bit easier. I know where to go when i feel low and i know I'll come back smiling.
    I thought about it if i wasn't here would i feel the same? No, i wouldn't, definitely wouldn't. It's not just the sharing problems n getting comforted but the topics, can't deny they have a different effect on me. Replying on the topics, debating, arguing, teasing feels like I'm conversing with all these ppl in real life (that feeling might be dangerous, i dunno but i feel good um.. weird)
    Then there are these people whom i dont talk to but I'm used to there presence here. They are (or were) a part of this site and somehow make (made it) it whole. And it really hurts when they leave.
    I dunno what the future holds for me, all days ain't the same. Things could be better or worse, but today I'm grateful for a lot of things. And i think its time i said this.
    I just wanna say a huge THANK YOU to all of you. Thanks for not givin up on anyone, thanks for ur patience. You're makin (have made) so many bitter lives better, including mine.
    You are doin a great job! You're AWESOME ๐Ÿ˜˜
    I love you guys

    OMG, I'm moved.. I never thought some of my topics affect you guys. :)
    I'm indeed really glad to know that I touched some lives and spirits here. Well, we all been through hardships and challenges in our lives, some were just here for fun , but I believe most of us here were seeking for companion, for friendship, for someone who's willing to lend ears to everything you want to share. It feels great having that someone especially when you felt that the real world is turning its back on you.. I found solace and happiness too here in TWS, found new real friends . Some of the users here almost gave up on life, I HOPE we continue touching each other's lives and souls. It would be a great help , spread the love and care guys.. We all do need it honestly.. :)

  • @wildwallflower

    Thanks for the tag mention babe ๐Ÿ˜ I shall change my name to triple H - hawt, hunk and horny. Does it suit me?
    Back to the topic TWS has this mystique that brings ppl together and help em if you just get lucky enough to met the right ppl. I can think of a long list of ppl that made TWS and they are awesome their own way. Some are active, some lurk and some have vanished for good. And the reason why it's so special brings me to what @spaceboy said... I believe that a person that was never lonely could ever relate to someone that is lonely. Tws is so effective cuz the ppl that join here (apart from the horny creeps) are ppl that can always relate with us, either being about loneliness or some other reason. There will be always thst special someone that can light our day. Happy u joined and we crossed paths ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

  • @mr-h said in I think its time I did this!:


    Thanks for the tag mention babe ๐Ÿ˜ I shall change my name to triple H - hawt, hunk and horny. Does it suit me?
    Back to the topic TWS has this mystique that brings ppl together and help em if you just get lucky enough to met the right ppl. I can think of a long list of ppl that made TWS and they are awesome their own way. Some are active, some lurk and some have vanished for good. And the reason why it's so special brings me to what @spaceboy said... I believe that a person that was never lonely could ever relate to someone that is lonely. Tws is so effective cuz the ppl that join here (apart from the horny creeps) are ppl that can always relate with us, either being about loneliness or some other reason. There will be always thst special someone that can light our day. Happy u joined and we crossed paths ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—

    I'll drink to that :champagne: .... well said Sir.... well said indeed ;)

  • @mr-h Tripple H
    No we don't want another Tripple H, think of something original ๐Ÿ˜

  • @wildwallflower

    Omfg is there something you don't know about ?! Hahahah g fucking g you have beasted me, shall you pick my name? ๐Ÿ˜…

  • @mr-h @wildwallflower

    Now now children

    lmfaro :O

  • @mr-h i know its not possible for everybody to be active and ppl have their reasons to leave, but i just hope that ppl don't leave, i didn't talk to @stranger personally but i can sense his absence, i just hope this never stops, i hope there's more activity on here..(i dunno what magic this place has done on me i feel weird when i read my own thoughts)

  • @mr-h used to watch WWF with my grandpa when i was a kid, he liked Hulk Hogan. Also used to play the card game.

    About new name, sure ๐Ÿ˜

  • @wildwallflower said in I think its time I did this!:

    @mr-h i know its not possible for everybody to be active and ppl have their reasons to leave, but i just hope that ppl don't leave, i didn't talk to @stranger personally but i can sense his absence, i just hope this never stops, i hope there's more activity on here..(i dunno what magic this place has done on me i feel weird when i read my own thoughts)

    Regardless of peeps leaving for whatever reasons.... this is a fantastic place to meet new peeps and learn new things.
    End of the day, anything like this will be a constant of change. People coming , people going .
    It is always a shame when people go, but they have their reasons. For them it is the right thing to do... for those of us that stay, well it's up to use to make it work ...
    Fuck the peeps that come here for purely perverted reasons ... it's not them that make this a good, magical (at times) place ... It's those like you, @Mr-H , @cjko, @heyitszoey, @spaceboy, @bela, @WtfJudith, @ and many more that make this the place that it is.
    You, like I feel that there is something special here.... thats cause there is. For us... it's a great place to be associated to and with. It's us and the like that keep it going.
    As for reading own thought's, personally I try not to cause I often scare myself as to how sensible I really am hahahaha

  • @wildwallflower

    We can't really stop ppl from leaving, they have their reasons. We can only make sure they know they are free to lurk or return anytime they feel like as we / their friends will be just around the corner! :)

  • @mr-h said in I think its time I did this!:


    Thanks for the tag mention babe ๐Ÿ˜ I shall change my name to triple H - hawt, hunk and horny. Does it suit me?

    Wow ! Is this triple H Hawt, hunk and horny gateway to Heaven or Hell ?๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  • Global Moderator

    To this Batch I call : "Bela's Fuel and Drive"
    @cjko @Mr-Peanut @Green-Archer @wildwallflower @spaceboy @RoseStar @Cel @Stranger @sara-f and @Mr-H

    Last August I decided to leave this site after my bday,until Mr.H asked me if I am sure of leaving? I replied yes and why? Then he began to uttered words that strike me a lot about newbies..At first, I dont really care about it but the more I ignore; the more I lurk and cant hold on but reply hehe he is a great conscience buddy

    Not being guilty, I do stay and now I am so proud to say I belong and Im still here alive,alert,awake,enthusiastic..You guys are awesome,amazing and worth staying, I never regret with my decision to stay..
    I am so glad to see this batch having connection, and I feel a growing family in them.. May camaraderie prosper despite debating over a topic..I wish to thank you all for the good deals.. Love yah guys!

  • @bela I'm so glad you didn't leave Bela, thank god you talked to @Mr-H about it. When i joined here you and him were the only oldies more active here, it would have been painful to see you leave. So kind of him to care so much about newbies, his intentions are genuine, he succeeded in stopping u from leaving. Some other person might not have stayed even after all that but u did โ˜บ it shows how much of a caring person you are. Thanks for not leaving โค

  • @wildwallflower said in I think its time I did this!:

    @bela I'm so glad you didn't leave Bela, thank god you talked to @Mr-H about it. When i joined here you and him were the only oldies more active here, it would have been painful to see you leave. So kind of him to care so much about newbies, his intentions are genuine, he succeeded in stopping u from leaving. Some other person might not have stayed even after all that but u did โ˜บ it shows how much of a caring person you are. Thanks for not leaving โค

    First, well said Ms. I second that motion.!.

    Second hehhehe .... you called them oldies @Bela & @Mr-H hehhe ... see, who's the oldie now guys??? huh??? lmao :P

  • @wildwallflower He bribe me lol..Well most newbies are my great..keep it up catsai

  • @bela said in I think its time I did this!:

    @wildwallflower He bribe me lol..Well most newbies are my great..keep it up catsai

    hahaha , Bribery and corruption , lol is this what it's come to?

    Glad you still here Nutniece ..... you oldie;)

  • @mr-peanut old users, based on when they joinded not their age ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ

  • @wildwallflower said in I think its time I did this!:

    @mr-peanut old users, based on when they joinded not their age ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ


    you still called em oldies hahahaha

  • @mr-peanut oldies but goodies

  • @bela

    Awww. No worries. Tws was slowly dying it still is but if we all abandon the ship it won't be pretty. Might as well stay and try to hold it afloat then leave and let it sink. Users make tws great if we all leave it will be a ghost town!

    Glad you and everyone that's active is here :)