• Have u ever did something very hard in your life?? Something very tough?? Do u remember that??

    I m having something cringey/hecky feeling while watching this gif, but its perfect to place it here in this topic

    Dont get me wrong, i m talking about hard things, i mean tough things/challengable things not hardcore that thing 😂😂

  • I talked to Aman. Twice.

  • @no32one said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    I talked to Aman. Twice

  • @jimmy1708
    Coming back from the brink of death is hard to do...
    but to have to do it twice in a matter of years is no easy feat !
    (welcome to my world)

  • @mr_peanut wtf..

  • @jimmy1708 said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    @mr_peanut wtf..

    Ikr.... ain’t easy doing once , let alone twice in a decade :O

  • yeah.. like acting things never affected me cause I have to be strong for the people around me. For telling I'm fine even my world is falling apart.. things like that :)

  • @mr_peanut said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    @jimmy1708 said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    @mr_peanut wtf..

    Ikr.... ain’t easy doing once , let alone twice in a decade :O


  • @cjko said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    yeah.. like acting things never affected me cause I have to be strong for the people around me. For telling I'm fine even my world is falling apart.. things like that :)


  • @jimmy1708 Pikachu is so cute :)

  • @jimmy1708 he most difficult thing I ever did is walk out of a relationship which could have ruined my life.

    A little about the situation :-

    It was an love marriage scenario where I was talking to girl for around few months.

    She was good looking and sweet.

 She was self centered, gold digger and materialistic. She said yes to me because she wanted to relocate to my city as it had the career opportunity she was looking for.

    She used to say, “whatever you have is mine and whatever I have is mine too”

    I used to take it lightly but started realizing that she was serious when she she said few more times while having a serious conversation.

    She used to manipulate me to do things according to her wish and agree to things related to future.

    On frequent basis she used to demand things from me. And used to cry for money.

    In that 2 months duration I used to feel bad internally and was continuously thinking how I will manage in future.

    I couldn't say anything because I had developed feelings for her. On the other hand I was just some guy she was going to marry.

    Moreover, our parents had difference of opinions making things worse

    So, keeping my self strong I told her that we don't seem to be an ideal match. Wished her best for future and goodbye.

    I am still gathering myself after this decision. Life has been peaceful now but it seems to be empty.

    The most difficult thing was not breaking the relationship with the girl for whom I had developed feeling. It was the phase after it, knowing the loneliness it caused.

    It was a struggle everyday not to revert the decision and crawling back to her to build the relationship again.

    On several occasions I thought of calling her up and fix things.

    I had mood swings giving me a very hollow and empty feeling.

    I had hit all time low putting me in depression, affecting my work and everything around me.

    I miss her sometimes and think how different things would have been if she had not being the way she was.

    Nevertheless, I am happy that I could separate myself from the people who were going to bring me down.And hopefully things will turn themselves to be better.

    I am still searching for the one perfect girl
till that time
I shall travel alone:)

  • @giant-panda this explains well about how bitter you are in @Mr_Peanut topic.. I understand now..

    you should see this @Liliputian1 @Mr-H

  • @giant-panda said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    @jimmy1708 he most difficult thing I ever did is walk out of a relationship which could have ruined my life.

    A little about the situation :-

    It was an love marriage scenario where I was talking to girl for around few months.

    She was good looking and sweet.

 She was self centered, gold digger and materialistic. She said yes to me because she wanted to relocate to my city as it had the career opportunity she was looking for.

    She used to say, “whatever you have is mine and whatever I have is mine too”

    I used to take it lightly but started realizing that she was serious when she she said few more times while having a serious conversation.

    She used to manipulate me to do things according to her wish and agree to things related to future.

    On frequent basis she used to demand things from me. And used to cry for money.

    In that 2 months duration I used to feel bad internally and was continuously thinking how I will manage in future.

    I couldn't say anything because I had developed feelings for her. On the other hand I was just some guy she was going to marry.

    Moreover, our parents had difference of opinions making things worse

    So, keeping my self strong I told her that we don't seem to be an ideal match. Wished her best for future and goodbye.

    I am still gathering myself after this decision. Life has been peaceful now but it seems to be empty.

    The most difficult thing was not breaking the relationship with the girl for whom I had developed feeling. It was the phase after it, knowing the loneliness it caused.

    It was a struggle everyday not to revert the decision and crawling back to her to build the relationship again.

    On several occasions I thought of calling her up and fix things.

    I had mood swings giving me a very hollow and empty feeling.

    I had hit all time low putting me in depression, affecting my work and everything around me.

    I miss her sometimes and think how different things would have been if she had not being the way she was.

    Nevertheless, I am happy that I could separate myself from the people who were going to bring me down.And hopefully things will turn themselves to be better.

    I am still searching for the one perfect girl
till that time
I shall travel alone:)

  • Well @Jimmy1708 i once had an engine with an egr problem so I had to dismount like the whole fucking head just to scratch the fucking sort out, plus ask you momma she know my hard thing 😘

  • @giant-panda See how life and love moves in mysterious ways.We cant have it all capture perfect..Glad to know that you're able to gather all the courage and strenght separating yourself from the person not worthy of you..Love and life must be a balance of ups and downfall(s).

    Words to ponder: Dont look back in despair,because life has more to offer,cheer up and enjoy the best of your life, who knows in perfect tyming you will find and have your partner ,not perfect,not ideal but can be your "the one"..
    Cest la vie

  • @bela said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    @giant-panda See how life and love moves in mysterious ways.We cant have it all capture perfect..Glad to know that you're able to gather all the courage and strenght separating yourself from the person not worthy of you..Love and life must be a balance of ups and downfall(s).

    Words to ponder: Dont look back in despair,because life has more to offer,cheer up and enjoy the best of your life, who knows in perfect tyming you will find and have your partner ,not perfect,not ideal but can be your "the one"..
    Cest la vie


  • @robinnotthehood said in Have u ever did something very hard in your life??:

    Well @Jimmy1708 i once had an engine with an egr problem so I had to dismount like the whole fucking head just to scratch the fucking sort out
    Ok,Try to seperate it from ur engine, and try to start it without egrâ˜șâ˜ș

    plus ask you momma she know my hard thing 😘

  • I fucked a rock once. Is that considered doing a hard thing?

  • @jimmy1708 I brought a 30 kg bag on my shoulder once. I know it's not that tough.