• @sunshinef said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf well, he's now replying. I read some ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ. But that's because (most probably) @talkwithstranger asked him to.

    You can say that, but no body forces me to reply, and i do reply to some posts as well and dm's. If i dont then my personal instagram is open. Or esle it is night in my time so ill be probably sleeping.

  • @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:


    @ODIN has not responded to us once. All we want is for things to be done the right way, according to the rules set for this site.

    The reason why i dont reapond is i dont log in too often, i have my life too, sometimes i get online for a second and log out. I have my stuffs to consider too. But i do respond to posts and dms when i get time.

    I get the feeling that we "users" are not worth his precious time when we are the ones who have the betterment and future of TWS at heart. But that still doesn't explain why he also ignores his very own moderators.

    This is you saying it, did you try messaging me inbox? I made my personal instagram public for this issues, did you try messaging me there? I dont just ignore. Many users tag me, if i dont reapond to your text then message me on my personal account. Its on my profile.

    @ODIN I don't want you to feel like I am attacking you in any way. That's not my intent at all. But all I have seen from you is that you take things very personally and also make decisions based on your personal feelings. I mean, look at this. You are the center of this drama right now. This is a display of pettiness and clique like behavior in my opinion.

    I do accept that i made mistakes of not guiding new users on how to become a mod. And i know i did hurt users feelings when they choosed @Bela yet i ddnt choose her, and i know i made mistake of not clarifying this from.the start. I will make it official on requements on becoming a mod. I am sorry for that everyone.
    I dont see how i became a centre of this cuz there is nothing personal, i did clarified about the current mods i choosed and why i ddnt chose bela.

    You recite the guidelines/criteria for moderators but that is not only redundant, but you are also contradicting those very guidelines by basing your actions on your personal feelings. This has spread a lot of negativity throughout this site, users and staff included.

    There is no personal feelings as i said, we made the choice, and all mods had agreed on choosing @im-a-bae as a new mod, and @Mr-H , its not something that i just comeup with, plus i am not the one who mentioned her, i wanted to but she was already mentioned by other mods, all i did was making sure if she deserves the position, you can ask @Global-Moderators if i am lying here

    @ODIN under your lead, look at everything that has happened. The terms that come to mind are tyranny, corruption, unmodding, pettiness, immaturity, cliques, biased, unfair, and the list goes on. This isn't just me saying this, this is what I have heard from users and moderators alike.

    Unmodding problem was there for long time. And all those problems, the only thing that makes this as the centre of drama is not choosing @bela as new mod, if we are clear, and i did mentioned the reason already. You pointed out all the problems i do have and i will fix them asap.
    I ddnt help willow to get unmodded cuz i ddnt want her to unmod her self, and i told her the reason.
    I dont see what kind of immaturity you are talking about, or cliqueness or pettiness.

    3-4 months ago, this site was fantastic! It was growing and blossoming at a very healthy rate. This site was functioning and running like a well oiled machine. What has happened? Look at the drama and division now. There are major damages that appear to be making this site weaken to the point of crumbling internally.

    We will fix that, and the moding process, we will make everything clear to everybody, i guess it will help.

    I want this site to be great like that again and continue to grow without all these uncontrolled variables in the governing and all this negativity. Something has to change.

    Will you reply to me and these issues now @ODIN ? Or is this not worth your time and consideration? Don't you care about the decline in morale on this site?

    I think i replied to ypur questions, i do care about the site.
    Thank you.

    You keep thinking that Bela is the center and root cause of all this drama when it is not. You must not be understanding, this is NOT only about Bela. This concerns everyone.
    There are real issues I have voiced in a few posts on here involving this website that you need to address and quit dodging them in your responses. You actually are NOT answering my questions. You are only picking minor things to respond to and avoiding the major issues. You are avoid the whole issue at hand really.

    I understand if you don't want to talk about this publicly and understand that you have a life and cannot reply immediately. But at least direct your responses to the root of the problems that I have voiced.

    If you don't want to publicly talk about this, you are more than welcome to PM me about them. I have tried to contact you there too just to have a civil discussion with no drama.

  • @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @sunshinef said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @captain_rogers said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @willow you think I'm angry right now? Well I'm not. I'm simply just done with everyone's bullshit. And hell nah I don't want mod anymore. If it weren't for Abby I wouldn't be here anymore. I'm sick of this place. All people ever did here was lie. Especially @ODIN or RAGNAR whatever his name is.

    @ODIN this is the change in attitude that I have seen over the last month or two and what I am talking about. These ill feelings and negativity is what I am seeing all over this site now, and you seem to be at the center of it all.

    It is with much sorrow that I say this, but I am just going to be blunt and simply put it out there. For this damage to be undone and to rebuild moral, staff functions, friendship connections, and for the future of this site, there needs to be a change in leadership.

    I'm sorry, but @ODIN , you need to go. This site needs a new admin.

    Wow.. That's a strong word. All I want is better TWS. Maybe let's see @ODIN how he would solve this. We should not conclude on that.

    @ODIN will still ignore us. Do you think we will see a shift in moral and this negative atmosphere turn back into the positive environment it used to be? Will @ODIN change his methods? That's a lot to ask of someone.

    Can you clarify how did i ignore you?

    If we don't see this change in administration, then to me, there is nothing left worth fighting for. The decline of this site will continue. It's already way out of hand.

    It is said and promised already, all the problems will be fixed

  • @willow said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:


    Well rules are changed already, when @Willow wanted to unmod her self i couldnt reply her text for a reason. I found her good moderator of all time

    What was the reason Samnas.
    Not โ€œi ddnt respond to you because I didnt know how.โ€
    Give me a good one. And maybe Ill shut up, maybe.

    What reason you want me to give you? Thats the only reason i had. I didnt want you to be unmoded.

    who was willing to help the site no matter what. It was hard for me to show her how to unmod her self.

    Level of bitterness towards my cute little generic message โ€œthanks for helping the site growโ€ : 1000000000000

    But whoever wants to unmod her or himself, i was appointed for a reason. A mod can dm me and i will easly unmod them.

    I dmed you. Twice. The first time I asked how I could be unmodded. It was a message to only you, no group chat with you AND @talkwithstranger. You never answered. Until four days later, I posted a topic mentioning how my ex never responded to my messages even though its his job.

    Yup, it was a long message you sent i remember, but still as i said i ddnt want you to be unmoded, you helped the site alot, unless you want to deny that too

    And then, four days after I sent my initial message, only a few hours after I made a public complaint, did you decide to respond.

    I ignored it for a reason. I already mentioned the reason. Thousand times.

    It is a moderation rule that mod information doesnt get leaked. So how the fuck am I supposed to communicate with you if i cant mention issues in public, but you wont answer in pmโ€™s?

    Its not everytime that i dont answer your pm's. Its only whe you asked me how to unmod yourself. And i gave you the answer

    If i am not online then i made my personal account of instagram public, you can text me there instead.

    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ talkwithstranger calls itself a social media platform. And yet we need OTHER platforms to get in contact with the site leaders? Ive mentioned it several times these past few months

    Uhh i think facebook have instagram account, right?
    You need good reason for this. I have my instagram for a reason..i dont get notifications when im offline. But i do get them on instagram. So dont complicate this please.

    We need COMMUNICATION. Until that is improved, no one is going to be happy.
    You need COMMUNICATION to train new mods/ask potential users to be moderator (issue that @mr-h had)
    You need COMMUNICATION to find what users want in features.
    You need COMMUNICATION to explain why users are being modded and others arent
    You need COMMUNICATION so that existing moderators can also enjoy themselves here.

    Maybe it wasnt hint enough when I nagged admins the past two months.๐Ÿ™„

  • @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @captain_rogers said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin I did that because I trusted you. And you snapped it right in half. All you ever did was lie. I'm sick of being taken for granted.

    I didnt want to tell you that "you cant handle tough situations" right infront of you cuz i took you as my own little brother. You had been making topics over and over when some one pisses you off. Its hard to control emotions sometimes and that is the reason why i got hard time modding you. Not that i ddnt want to, but still i had a thought of you being a mod, everything, every mistake that mods do, is my mistake, and i am the one to be blamed and everything.

    I don't understand this. You wanted to make a moderator knowing this person posts topics out of anger? Tell me again how this is NOT personal and biased?

    Nothing against you @Captain_Rogers , it's just that I am finding major inconsistencies here and rather unprofessional conduct from a person who is supposed to be the leader and set an example of the guidelines and criteria for staff members.

    If I am wrong or you see my views as being skewed, please elaborate and enlighten me. I'm open minded and always willing to listen and learn. @ODIN

    You should read my last posts to understand that one.

    Well to elaborate it, i said a user need to have good reputation, active, closer to other users, and needs to know community rules, which @Captain_Rogers had them all. But he couldnt control his emotions or anger. Amd that is the problem. Any leader who cant control his anger may result to any problem. I mentioned the topics he made out of anger just as examples of what happens when he gets angry.

    Ps. He clarified him self about the topics recently

    I understand that. But that does not explain why you still wanted to give him a position as moderator. I see this as not following guidelines and you bending the rules. Thank you for at least replying to this, but I hope that you will respond to the other issues that have been voiced in this topic.

    Its so hard for you to understand i can tell. At first i wanted to mod him because he had all qualities we wanted. But after thinking on how he handle issues i then decided to not mod him. Or did i mod him.?

  • @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @morf said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:


    @ODIN has not responded to us once. All we want is for things to be done the right way, according to the rules set for this site.

    The reason why i dont reapond is i dont log in too often, i have my life too, sometimes i get online for a second and log out. I have my stuffs to consider too. But i do respond to posts and dms when i get time.

    I get the feeling that we "users" are not worth his precious time when we are the ones who have the betterment and future of TWS at heart. But that still doesn't explain why he also ignores his very own moderators.

    This is you saying it, did you try messaging me inbox? I made my personal instagram public for this issues, did you try messaging me there? I dont just ignore. Many users tag me, if i dont reapond to your text then message me on my personal account. Its on my profile.

    @ODIN I don't want you to feel like I am attacking you in any way. That's not my intent at all. But all I have seen from you is that you take things very personally and also make decisions based on your personal feelings. I mean, look at this. You are the center of this drama right now. This is a display of pettiness and clique like behavior in my opinion.

    I do accept that i made mistakes of not guiding new users on how to become a mod. And i know i did hurt users feelings when they choosed @Bela yet i ddnt choose her, and i know i made mistake of not clarifying this from.the start. I will make it official on requements on becoming a mod. I am sorry for that everyone.
    I dont see how i became a centre of this cuz there is nothing personal, i did clarified about the current mods i choosed and why i ddnt chose bela.

    You recite the guidelines/criteria for moderators but that is not only redundant, but you are also contradicting those very guidelines by basing your actions on your personal feelings. This has spread a lot of negativity throughout this site, users and staff included.

    There is no personal feelings as i said, we made the choice, and all mods had agreed on choosing @im-a-bae as a new mod, and @Mr-H , its not something that i just comeup with, plus i am not the one who mentioned her, i wanted to but she was already mentioned by other mods, all i did was making sure if she deserves the position, you can ask @Global-Moderators if i am lying here

    @ODIN under your lead, look at everything that has happened. The terms that come to mind are tyranny, corruption, unmodding, pettiness, immaturity, cliques, biased, unfair, and the list goes on. This isn't just me saying this, this is what I have heard from users and moderators alike.

    Unmodding problem was there for long time. And all those problems, the only thing that makes this as the centre of drama is not choosing @bela as new mod, if we are clear, and i did mentioned the reason already. You pointed out all the problems i do have and i will fix them asap.
    I ddnt help willow to get unmodded cuz i ddnt want her to unmod her self, and i told her the reason.
    I dont see what kind of immaturity you are talking about, or cliqueness or pettiness.

    3-4 months ago, this site was fantastic! It was growing and blossoming at a very healthy rate. This site was functioning and running like a well oiled machine. What has happened? Look at the drama and division now. There are major damages that appear to be making this site weaken to the point of crumbling internally.

    We will fix that, and the moding process, we will make everything clear to everybody, i guess it will help.

    I want this site to be great like that again and continue to grow without all these uncontrolled variables in the governing and all this negativity. Something has to change.

    Will you reply to me and these issues now @ODIN ? Or is this not worth your time and consideration? Don't you care about the decline in morale on this site?

    I think i replied to ypur questions, i do care about the site.
    Thank you.

    You keep thinking that Bela is the center and root cause of all this drama when it is not. You must not be understanding, this is NOT only about Bela. This concerns everyone.
    There are real issues I have voiced in a few posts on here involving this website that you need to address and quit dodging them in your responses. You actually are NOT answering my questions. You are only picking minor things to respond to and avoiding the major issues. You are avoid the whole issue at hand really.

    I understand if you don't want to talk about this publicly and understand that you have a life and cannot reply immediately. But at least direct your responses to the root of the problems that I have voiced.

    If you don't want to publicly talk about this, you are more than welcome to PM me about them. I have tried to contact you there too just to have a civil discussion with no drama.

    Then what issues are you talking about? What dramas?

  • @wtfjudith said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    I actually find that voting for mods sounds like a good idea. This could give us an idea of who users trust and look up to, then current moderators could check them over to see if theyโ€™re suitable for the position or just trollers. A new post could be made to replace adminโ€™s old โ€œlooking for moderatorsโ€ topic or that one could be used too so that people who are willing to get the position could leave their name and explain why they think theyโ€™d be good for the site. Then a official voting poll could nominate the top three users people want and mods could eliminate the ones who wouldnโ€™t be suited for the position.

    Idk, there might be flaws to this, but sounds like a good idea to me ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

    You always stole my attention honey, i love you ๐Ÿ˜˜

  • @odin @SunshineF @Morf @Unmodded-Nate @TheRisingSun

    Omg @odin I Process application,people petition .I have clear all my intention but please watch your words.. How did u come up on this,u said " The only thing that makes this as the centre of drama is not choosing @Bela as new mod..

    With all due respect,please watch out your words..Since the day I Know I am not a mod I am all fine,I accepted it prior before anything i know i may win it or not..

    But please dont point out that the center of this drama is due to I Am not a mod..A good leader doesnt point anybody at the first place. Stop mentioning my name please ..I am out of this and I am not also the root cause of this topic..I do believe its not longer about me mod or not a mod..

    Again as I am reading throughout I observed this is about governance and transparency just answer your people..

    Again a piece of advice dont point me out as if I promote drama I am not like that..I am not the promotor of this, and once again I Am not the main cause dont use my name as an escapegoat of this topic..

    Sincerly,respectfully yours,

  • @WtfJudith good point. But did you think about fake accounts?its not the first time users made alot of fakes to voting polls.

    Lets say a user get few votes, but just cause he really needs the position he can easly create fakes and vote for him self. I will pick the one with many votes. Uhh will that be considered as a wise way or good way of appointing mods.?

  • @willow said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    You brought Luci and I into this the moment you mentioned our names. So dont say you โ€œdont want to bring it inโ€.

    It is a smooth talk honey ๐Ÿ™Š Indonesian do it to keep someone heart's feel okay.

    I have thought since I first became moderator that users should know about decisions.
    Psh, times were much simpler here when I enforced that idea lol.
    I think, from what im understanding, you have the wrong idea about why I unmodded myself.

    Nope. I am fully understanding about it. I saw everything thats why i am always watching your posts, agreeing to be your husband, seeing you around. I know you are exhausted, someone talks funny things behind you but i cant shut up their mouth honey, it is their freedom.

    A lot of โ€œi dont give a shit, quit looking for attention. Stupid postsโ€ have been marked on my topic. I found it best that I ddnt post an explanation.
    But for you baby boy, sure.

    I know. I am really aware darling.

    Moderators are expected to basically run the website. Before Ragnar/Odin/Samnas became an admin, that was still what we were expected to do. Ban spammers and toxic users. Work out fights. Report issues. Etc. Every ten days or so we would hear from @talkwithstranger . He would upvote a recent post, tell us to move horny topics to the find your date category, on occasion tell us to check the latest added feature, and then leave.

    I saw it on the hella old posts. I know you miss the old time.

    It was only when I started speaking out against trolls that things started to get messy.
    Oh if only he hadnt created a new group chat, I could get screenshots about all the idiotic issues I actually thought he would listen to.
    At the end of it all, the past seven months have all been the same. Why am I running a website, without getting paid, and without receiving any kind of recognition or appreciation for it?

    I know. Thats why i brought up your case with Luci as the past sins. It is all linked in.

    Congrats Willow! You got a dinky little tag on your profile. That tag was the symbol of when I first became a target for idiots. Thats all it did, was attract stupid ass trolls.
    -Willow was tired of trolling
    -Willow is tired of no appreciation

    1. Stop saying you are not worth
    2. Stop saying you are a drama queen
    3. Stop saying that you are stupid
    4. I love you so dont discourage yourself like that.

    Onto part two
    It reached a point where Im not having fun. Its a chore. One I do not enjoy. Other people might, but I do not. I do not simply ban users for the hell of it.
    I messaged admins so many times. Both @odin and @talkwithstranger
    Needing advice about something. Needing permission to do something

    Thanks for sharing this stuff :)

    I cannot help someone if I have absolutely no one showing me the way. I never got an answer on half the messages I sent. I never made a decision i felt 100% supported on.
    Willow was tired of no communication.
    I will NOT do something that causes me unnecessary stress.
    It was unnecessary bullshit.
    And when i finally got an answer. It was because Im unmodding myself. Not even from the guy who is supposedly handling moderator affairs ( thats you btw @odin )

    currently triggered but i am still watching they both decision in the future

    But the admin...who doesnt answer for days. Shows you how long I wait for answers on sometimes urgent matters.
    Then I see all these people wanting to be moderator. New faces and people with more connections. So fuck it.

    Lol. Thats why i am really against @bela when she wants to be a mods.

    Whats sitting around ranting going to do GA?
    They never listen, so why would they start now?

    You still have me honey :)

    (Oh yeah and I just cant WAIT for someone to show up in here and call us crybabies, fml)

    Say a name and i will do something for that person ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

  • @bela said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin @SunshineF @Morf @Unmodded-Nate @TheRisingSun

    Omg @odin I Process application,people petition .I have clear all my intention but please watch your words.. How did u come up on this,u said " The only thing that makes this as the centre of drama is not choosing @Bela as new mod..

    With all due respect,please watch out your words..Since the day I Know I am not a mod I am all fine,I accepted it prior before anything i know i may win it or not..

    But please dont point out that the center of this drama is due to I Am not a mod..A good leader doesnt point anybody at the first place. Stop mentioning my name please ..I am out of this and I am not also the root cause of this topic..I do believe its not longer about me mod or not a mod..

    Again as I am reading throughout I observed this is about governance and transparency just answer your people..

    Again a piece of advice dont point me out as if I promote drama I am not like that..I am not the promotor of this, and once again I Am not the main cause dont use my name as an escapegoat of this topic..

    Sincerly,respectfully yours,

    Then some one needs to tell me what is this all about? Is ot cause i dont reply to users? Or the way i am choosing mods? I dont get it. I think i clarified everything.

  • Gonna post the third protest letter about the unstatisfied, worst conditions the current Administrator should have a new breakthrough.

  • Global Veteran Banned

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @WtfJudith good point. But did you think about fake accounts?its not the first time users made alot of fakes to voting polls.

    Lets say a user get few votes, but just cause he really needs the position he can easly create fakes and vote for him self. I will pick the one with many votes. Uhh will that be considered as a wise way or good way of appointing mods.?

    @odin @WtfJudith @Morf @Unmodded-Nate @Bela @sunshine @EVERYONE
    Votes of recently created accounts can be discarded, to avoid fraud.
    In the end the people that will vote are the ones that care and they are all known.

    let's say 10 mods are needed, and there are 15 candidates.
    Let every user cast 10 votes. At the end of the poll, the top 10 will become moderators, and the rest 'reserve moderators'.


  • @bela said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin @SunshineF @Morf @Unmodded-Nate @TheRisingSun

    Omg @odin I Process application,people petition .I have clear all my intention but please watch your words.. How did u come up on this,u said " The only thing that makes this as the centre of drama is not choosing @Bela as new mod..

    With all due respect,please watch out your words..Since the day I Know I am not a mod I am all fine,I accepted it prior before anything i know i may win it or not..

    But please dont point out that the center of this drama is due to I Am not a mod..A good leader doesnt point anybody at the first place. Stop mentioning my name please ..I am out of this and I am not also the root cause of this topic..I do believe its not longer about me mod or not a mod..

    Again as I am reading throughout I observed this is about governance and transparency just answer your people..

    Again a piece of advice dont point me out as if I promote drama I am not like that..I am not the promotor of this, and once again I Am not the main cause dont use my name as an escapegoat of this topic..

    Sincerly,respectfully yours,

    Bels, take your time and rest now. Go out and lurking some days or talking to Cal.
    SEE THATS WHY I AM AGAINST YOU IN THAT POSTS feel hurted? So, dont involve in here.

  • @therisingsun said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @WtfJudith good point. But did you think about fake accounts?its not the first time users made alot of fakes to voting polls.

    Lets say a user get few votes, but just cause he really needs the position he can easly create fakes and vote for him self. I will pick the one with many votes. Uhh will that be considered as a wise way or good way of appointing mods.?

    @odin @WtfJudith @Morf @Unmodded-Nate @Bela @sunshine @EVERYONE
    Votes of recently created accounts can be discarded, to avoid fraud.
    In the end the people that will vote are the ones that care and they are all known.

    let's say 10 mods are needed, and there are 15 candidates.
    Let every user cast 10 votes. At the end of the poll, the top 10 will become moderators, and the rest 'reserve moderators'.


    Funny right? I will not create such drama if @Morf orf @sunshinef and @bela dont come up with it.

  • @g-a I am not hurted at all even once i said words cant bring me down..I am just clarifying to Odin to be careful of his words as a leader..just saying in general coz its not good pointing names as a leader..

  • @ODIN
    @bela said in A SECOND PROTEST LETTER:

    @odin @SunshineF @Morf @Unmodded-Nate @TheRisingSun

    But please dont point out that the center of this drama is due to I Am not a mod..A good leader doesnt point anybody at the first place. Stop mentioning my name please ..I am out of this and I am not also the root cause of this topic..I do believe its not longer about me mod or not a mod..

    Again as I am reading throughout I observed this is about governance and transparency just answer your people..

    Bela is on point. This drama is not about her. As she observed, this is about governance issues which the people do want you to address.

    Thank you for clarifying this Bela. I don't know why your name was dragged into this but I apologize.

  • @morf I fully understand everyone both @odin and people..@ odin there is no one to be point out we the sovereign people of tws are unique individuals accountable on our own will,we are capable of flaws and strenght..if you said u have clarified things then its good again just answer your people,hear their side and open for suggestion and what makes tws a good site..

    @G-A i am never hurted im just clarifying things to odin that a good leader doesnt point out who is who..I also saw your post that someday i might thank u,whose knows i may will,and i understand what u mean by it..

  • Music Lovers

    You all should kys.
    You all apply so much brain in this stupid site and how it works. Just go and apply your wisdom in the stuff that actually matters.
    And actually, who gives a shit about being a mod.
    Its not really โ€œ LEADERSHIP โ€œ , its just a bunch of free jobless people working free for the cheap Website creators.
    So just chill and have fun on this site. No need to bring shit in here.

  • @rendezvous

    This is the best comment EVER!!!

    You are a wise old soul ren!!
