• @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    @damncuteguy awwww

    alt text

    Will you be still going to write ''awwww''?

  • @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    We'll first invite the tws baby making machine, mr. @Ragnar along with his beloved one, @im-a-bae . Children like @sup will be asked to close their eyes lmao because They ll be busy making kids nevermind.

    Im one of the most sexual virgins that have ever appeared on TWS and you're telling me to close my eyes bitch :smirk:

    @sup enters with his great jawline and he's shirtless because he doesnt like wearing shirts and tshirts. He has great eyes and tells me that i look like a mothafaka.

    Okay so I love you for this :D

    Next we'll have our TWS wisest guy, mr @ObviouslyLucifer who'll entertain @sup because sup doesnt know that looci is actually his daddy in disguise. We'll have @Evan-Elderson too. Evan will join me and we'll both do crazy things together bec he my bestie and he's a gemini too so.

    WTF....do you mean sexual "daddy"?????

    We'll then have @Rendezvous who has the permission to enter the party only if he's pregnant.

    Me and @WtfJudith will make sure that happens :joy::joy: :joy:

    Then we'll have @WtfJudith who'll bring her dog naked and @sup will adore its nudity.

    I love nude bitches(This is a pun....almost)

    Me and @WtfJudith will operate rends baby out and eat it. I'll have 60% of the baby and judy will have 40% of it.

    Yummmmmm...Mind If I join?

    GA will prove he isnt a gay and @sup will ask ga out.

    :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

    Then comes @Willow . As soon as she enters, everybody runs towards her. I adore her hair colour lmao and then she gibes us a surprise. She takes her purse out and guess who? A reptile slithers out of it. And its @stranger-dangerr (fake account not real). As we tell mr snake how much we miss him, @Rendezvous covers his nose and tells us how its smelling like rotten eggs.

    I love @willow and @stranger-dangerr!!!!!
    Kiss on the forehead to willow and manly handshake to snake.
    Something like this:

    @ObviouslyLucifer says its hydrogen sulphide (wise ehh).

    More of a nerd :joy:

    Then enters, @Zoobie . He says how he's jelly of neymar and how he forgets to do stuffs. @sup pushes him into the washroom and forces him to bathe. (Sups doin this since he's a gay).

    I will lick @zoobie :P :P :P
    Mmmmmmm he's yummmmmmmmmyyyyyyyy

  • @sup ILY

  • @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    Then we have @Kat_15 who comes in . Kat joins me for a karoke. We sing shawn mendes songs all day.

    No we dontttttttt. Fuck no please.

    . @BOOTS22 and @Abby-22 come in and have a great time too.

    I take a sneak-peak while they make out in another room XD.

    We all then visit the graves of spoofer and layla and express our condolences.

    I loved them :(

    @heyitszoey comes in and tells us her secret to 3k points.

    I give a friendly non-toxic flying kiss to @heyitszoey

    I feel like i miss somebody very much. So I call @im-bored and ask him to come as soon as possible. Bored comes with his long pretty hair and tiny eyes and its fun! Judy apologies for, he isnt a catfish.

    I mistakenly greet him as a girl because of his long pretty hair.
    My bad @IM-BORED

    @DamnCuteGuy enters and starts dancing. He shows off his extremely awesome belly dancing skills.

    We all applaud him for his awesome belly dancing skills like :joy:

    Then the doorbell rings. I open the door and then I I find nobody. "Bark bark look down you hoe". I look down and its @pugopilis Everybody especially dog lovers like Kat and judy hug him.

    Me toooooooo.

    And then my love, @anthonyy enters the party. He brings pizza for us. He wears a tight tshirt that flaunts his hard nipples. @sup says how sexy he looked. Tony joins me and freaks out on seeing judy.

    Why am I gayee throughout the post :(

    We have @Azriel who brings a whole lot of drawings as gifts to a lot of. She brings filipino chocolates for me and then we click pictures. She then tells me how she doesnt know ranz and niana. She then asks me to come to Philippines.

    I whisper in your ear
    @azriel is a he not a she

  • @sup ily

  • @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    @sup ily

    I love this post :joy:

  • @sup me too.
    And in the end we make out and I freak out because you have a vagina

  • @damncuteguy I died

  • @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    @sup me too.
    And in the end we make out and I freak out because you have a vagina

    And you have a dick :joy:
    So we do a quick transplant.

  • @sup DealπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    @nutellabiggoat damn I just realised the whole point of this post was to roast @zoobie and @sup hahahahahah

    my point

  • @NutellaBigGoat meh and @BOOTS22 would be randomly dancingπŸ˜‚

  • @nutellabiggoat Oh hell yeah Abby and I have a great time! We probably gonna be dancing then start kissing and then move into a corner and start making out for awhile.

  • @nutellabiggoat said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    First of all, thankyou @Pugopilis for giving me the idea of a TWS party.
    Here we go,

    Only a bitch could come up with something like this, eh pug ;)

    We'll first invite the tws baby making machine, mr. @ODIN along with his beloved one, @im-a-bae . Children like @sup will be asked to close their eyes lmao because They ll be busy making kids nevermind. @sup enters with his great jawline and he's shirtless because he doesnt like wearing shirts and tshirts. He has great eyes and tells me that i look like a mothafaka.
    Next we'll have our TWS wisest guy, mr @ObviouslyLucifer who'll entertain @sup because sup doesnt know that looci is actually his daddy in disguise. We'll have @Evan-Elderson too. Evan will join me and we'll both do crazy things together bec he my bestie and he's a gemini too so.

    We'll then have @Rendezvous who has the permission to enter the party only if he's pregnant. This is because he produces gummy bears and jelly kids.
    Then we'll have @WtfJudith who'll bring her dog naked and @sup will adore its nudity.

    Can I tell you a secret?

    hes actually always naked 😏

    Me and @WtfJudith will operate rends baby out and eat it. I'll have 60% of the baby and judy will have 40% of it.

    Da fuk is this? 85% to me 20% to you (Judith doing maths everybody)

    Then we'll have the indo guy @G-A who wont leave Judy and her dog.

    I’ll kill him if he touches a hair on Pilou’s head :)

    GA will prove he isnt a gay and @sup will ask ga out. GA kills Judy's dog because he sees judy kissing her dog and he gets jealous.

    That’s it, I’m killing the birch!

    Then comes @Willow . As soon as she enters, everybody runs towards her. I adore her hair colour lmao and then she gibes us a surprise. She takes her purse out and guess who? A reptile slithers out of it. And its @stranger-dangerr (fake account not real).

    Happiest day of my

    As we tell mr snake how much we miss him, @Rendezvous covers his nose and tells us how its smelling like rotten eggs. @ObviouslyLucifer says its hydrogen sulphide (wise ehh). Everybody says how bad its smelling. Then enters, @Zoobie . He says how he's jelly of neymar and how he forgets to do stuffs. @sup pushes him into the washroom and forces him to bathe. (Sups doin this since he's a gay).

    Then we have @Kat_15 who comes in . Kat joins me for a karoke. We sing shawn mendes songs all day. @BOOTS22 and @Abby-22 come in and have a great time too. They join willow for a talk.

    We all then visit the graves of spoofer and layla and express our condolences. @heyitszoey comes in and tells us her secret to 3k points. I feel like i miss somebody very much. So I call @im-bored and ask him to come as soon as possible. Bored comes with his long pretty hair and tiny eyes and its fun! Judy apologies for, he isnt a catfish.

    That’s not how it’s gonna happen tho. He’ll come out and we’ll find out he’s a 4 days old baby :)

    @DamnCuteGuy enters and starts dancing. He shows off his extremely awesome belly dancing skills. Zoobie sings for him but his mouth stinks as fuck.

    Then the doorbell rings. I open the door and then I I find nobody. "Bark bark look down you hoe". I look down and its @pugopilis Everybody especially dog lovers like Kat and judy hug him.

    Where’s his brother tho? :(

    And then my love, @anthonyy enters the party. He brings pizza for us. He wears a tight tshirt that flaunts his hard nipples. @sup says how sexy he looked. Tony joins me and freaks out on seeing judy.

    What a bitch

    I know I've missed a lot of guys. I'll add them when i remember.
    PS: we'll have plormbus, the gay kid who keeps changing his account names. People donot know what to call him so hence they just call him nestle. He smiles a smile which lightens the whole room. He then tells zoobie the toothpaste he uses.
    We have @Azriel who brings a whole lot of drawings as gifts to a lot of. She brings filipino chocolates for me and then we click pictures. She then tells me how she doesnt know ranz and niana. She then asks me to come to Philippines.

    Happy ending, I like it πŸ˜‚

  • Then the doorbell rings. I open the door and then I I find nobody. "Bark bark look down you hoe". I look down and its @pugopilis Everybody especially dog lovers like Kat and judy hug him.

    Where’s his brother tho? :(

    Being a douche😁

  • @sup if you wanna know my secrets gimme 20 chicken nuggets πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Chicken nuggets

  • @heyitszoey said in MY DREAM TWS PARTY:

    @sup if you wanna know my secrets gimme 20 chicken nuggets πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    Chicken nuggets

    You can’t trust her @sup! She’ll take the nuggets and do a run for it!

  • @heyitszoey
    What if I say...i dont need no secrets :smirk:

    Im smart...i never get trapped :sunglasses:

  • @sup aww I wanted chicken nuggets tho