• @losboogie Yes, we pay all respects to the actual girl, but it's not right to use someone else's pics for attention

  • -delete-

  • @losboogie said in I'm Not Going To Hide It:

    hey whether its her or not, she could be really battling cancer.. and she does still need kind words instead of being beaten down

    @LosBoogie I find it interesting that you have changed your profile writing in 1 day after my revelations between yesterday & today yet continue to espouse the same sentiments..

    Yesterday proclaiming love ("Ella Sky 4/7/18 <3"):

    0_1523246815187_2018-04-08 19_36_18-LosBoogie _ Free Chat Rooms Online - StrangerBook - Social Community.png

    & also ,displaying affection ,using language that displays familiarity & intimateness with the poster in real life:

    0_1523246876506_2018-04-09 09_37_34-I'm Not Going To Hide It _ Free Chat Rooms Online - StrangerBook - Social Commun.png

    Today removing that :

    0_1523246715023_2018-04-09 09_33_01-LosBoogie _ Free Chat Rooms Online - StrangerBook - Social Community.png

    I also find it highly ridiculous that you continue to defend someone when definite proof (in 3rd page has been given) of her lying & manipulating has been given..

    ..of her using a real life cancer survior's success story to gain upvotes & sympathy here ...

    ..of her lying to @Zazzles ,using her sympathy to gain her personal information

    of her sheer disrespect for the cancer patients & their families..

    0_1523247041300_2018-04-09 09_40_11-I'm Not Going To Hide It _ Free Chat Rooms Online - StrangerBook - Social Commun.png

    Kindness begets kindness ,truth & sympathy is re-payed by the same
    ...i have seen nothing from her that makes me sympathetic.
    Just an unknown person using fiction to receive sympathy..all the while playing a victim .

  • @Cheesecake.Lesb , @US-poet , @Evan-Elderson please see my post in 3rd page with definite proof of @Ella_Sky stealing the photos & using the story of a true cancer patient

    here's the link ,scroll down & find my post ..all will be clear.

  • @stranger_danger i met her 2 days agotalked to her for 2 nights straightall night, got to know a lot about what i hope might be a real person, made it official and everything..... till i saw ur post... then had my doubts, which explains my profile, now as for @Zazzles i talked to her today actually, confided in her and actually had a genuine talk with her, you can call me what you want but ill tell you like i told everyone else, yes she might have stole pics, BUT my point is what if she actually is fighting something, you never know, life hits you in so many ways, people do silly things for silly reasons. so if you want to try and play PI on the internet, it would be great if you got ur facts straight instead of making assumptions about me lol my DM is open and we couldve talked when you assume you make an ass out of u n m e lol thank you

  • oh and @Zazzles that convo today was out of confidence and i even called you real for listening and stating your opinions, but going and telling someone else what i said in complete confidence to you is pretty fake if you ask me, theyre DMs for a reason, i said all that stuff directly to you not for you to go and talk to everyone else about it

  • @losboogie I dont do assumptions ,i see what has been written & stolen & I extrapolate from it.

    I did get my facts straight ,i got my facts more staight than anyone else here .

    Yours was fishy ,not straight proof ,hence i didnot entirely accuse you ...i just said its fishy .
    My apologies if you have felt slighted.

    I absolutely accused @Ella_Sky .

  • @losboogie sure, she might actually have cancer, but the point of her post here was mainly to show off her pics. If she had shared her whole story and talked about her experience, then that would have been fine, but not in this case where she's trying to get people's sympathy by sharing someone else's face.

  • @losboogie said in I'm Not Going To Hide It:

    oh and @Zazzles that convo today was out of confidence and i even called you real for listening and stating your opinions, but going and telling someone else what i said in complete confidence to you is pretty fake if you ask me, theyre DMs for a reason, i said all that stuff directly to you not for you to go and talk to everyone else about it

    Nope ,i didnt even know about this.

    the messages i talked about that you assumed about was yous ,was in actually @Ella_Sky 's talk with zazzles.
    where zazzles revealed personal information of the people in her real lifethat too were going through cancer & other difficulties.

  • @stranger_danger alright well im making shit clear right here right now, im clearing the fishiness that you ever so needed to air out for some reason. you got here, congrats. now my point is, you caught her, hooray, now lets just dead the situation because she could actually be sick and this is a coping mechanism, or maybe shes battling depression and needs attention, or else she feels suicidal. my whole point in all of this craziness of a fucking post is to just leave it all alone because there might actually might be something wrong i agree with @layla when she replied to my second post

  • well then @Zazzles i apologize for what i said

  • @wtfjudith i agree with you, but like i said, maybe something is going on in her life that she just needs attention, you know?

  • im not dealing with this anymore... its 1:11am over here, im going to sleep... night

  • @wtfjudith Correct ,so what if she doesnt look pretty now ..I certainly am no Mr. World ,nor are other people in our life Miss Universe'es .

    They are just people .

    We are not unreasonable person,we very well know a person going through cancer & chemo is not going to look like the freshest daisy .

    Just tell the truth,i will respect you highly & so will everyone else.We too have been through our own hells.
    There is certainly no end of people with large hearts & open minds here.
    They will all be there for her,yet because she lied,because she manipulated..she lost it all.

    & now no one can trust her ..like the boy that cried wolf.

    @LosBoogie Sorry ,but she lost all my sympatheis & "What if" situation the moment she copied someone else. I can only take as fact what she has written & has copied.

    & you are indeed right ,its time to close this.

    As long as she makes no more extraordinary claims ,I too will not interfere.

    I certainly dont in other cases, i fully realize the need to have fun,to shitpost ,to make such ridiculous tall claims that we can all laugh at & have fun..but this was out of bound.

    Taking some one elses Identity,her picutre ,her sucess story ..the mockery she made of the millions of suffering cancer patients & their families..fooling other people I respect just to have some online cred ...too much !!

  • lol I can't believe I just got accused of being fake. I told you not to make assumptions without any facts, yet you still do so. I would've told you to go fuck yourself but since I saw your apology, which I still can't decide if I accept or not. Be assured though that whatever we talked about still remains between us and let this topic die. This is the shittiest post of all the shitty posts.

  • @zazzles Agreed.This is a shitty situation.
    my apologies if my revelations have caused you pain..I'm sorry

  • I mist a drama

  • @blooddrunk yep ,it was a soap opera alright. :face_with_tears_of_joy: :face_with_tears_of_joy:
    Love,deception,betrayal,misunderstanding,revelations ... mix it all up & you get this.

  • @stranger_danger sir i salute you :thumbs_up:
    alt text

  • @jynextremist
    My pleasure
    It's always good to see you ,Kind sir..
    alt text
