• @willoww I do not have any religion, do not believe that god exists and think all religion is cancer.

    god is not great, religion poisons everything.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sammy said in What religion are you?:

    Yo my family believes in hinduism.
    But i don't want to belong to any religion.
    I've been always believing in humanity and so i belong to this religion called Humanity.

    NO. That's not belonging to a RELIGION called humanity. That's called not having a religion, being a humanist and belonging to the school of thought called humanism. If you wanna believe something at least know what it's called. There are many people who identify as humanists and knowing the name of what you believe in might help you find some

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    Jainism is significantly more peaceful than Islam which is generally violent. A comparison between the 2 is good evidence that not all religion is the same and that different religions result in different people

    Edit: sorry I corrected the repetition error if any of you read it

  • @thestrangest well arent you just a ray of sunshine. peace

  • @willoww thank you

  • @willoww I do like and respect the hippie mouvement to be honest

  • @willoww I'm Muslim, born and raised. People themselves should be taken on an individual basis regardless of their beliefs , and whether one has a problem with the ideals and beliefs that many religions, Christianity included, practice or follow, that's something that's up to them. People need to mind their own business and stop imposing their ideas, values, morals, and/or beliefs on others tf.

  • @maryjane that applies to everyone

  • @lucifer_ yeah I actually saw that video long back, after my work during midnight and i was so damn sleepy so I don't remember fully!!! But yeah i was right!!!

  • @thestrangest Yea true... But each religion has it's own significance nd I don't think so it's good to compare nd have a debate on it.... The best religion is Humanity so it's best to follow that πŸ‘

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @cool_shobhit Uhhhh. I already said this. I hate religion and believe it to be cancer. I'm a Humanist, Humanism is not a religion.

  • @thestrangest Yea Yea u were right ohk : ))

  • I'm Human, and I believe in spirituality, regardless of what physics can prove.

  • @blooddrunk spirituality is fully scientific. Just simple neurology

  • @willoww. I am a Muslim and what i realized religion is not to strike up war. Its not to discuss how one's religion is good and how ours is good. Its about treating people good. It means nothing to anyone who are you. Your humble and nice behaviour would cost you nothin but it will be an investment you made to conquer their hearts. Above all you have to show how good person you are not how you crazy can you go for religion. You shall not involve this part if your life in the ways you treat people. Respect them that's what all matters not the religion which is already mistook by mostly people

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @zoobie said in What religion are you?:

    @willoww. I am a Muslim and what i realized religion is not to strike up war. Its not to discuss how one's religion is good and how ours is good.

    Though religion is the number 1 reason for wars and the number 1 thing separating people

    Its about treating people good.

    People who aren't religious do the same and might do it better

    It means nothing to anyone who are you.

    I'm potato. Who are you

    Your humble and nice behaviour would cost you nothin but it will be an investment you made to conquer their hearts. Above all you have to show how good person you are not how you crazy can you go for religion.

    Your English is incomprehensible

    You shall not involve this part if your life in the ways you treat people. Respect them that's what all matters not the religion which is already mistook by mostly people

    Your English sucks very much kind Sir

  • @black_beetle litsen

  • Excuse me

  • @willoww damn, look at you all
    Hindus, Islamist and Christians ...

    Did anyone ever explained "what does religion mean ??? To you ???
