@Merlin-James Theres a new Docuseries on Netflix called the History of Swear words. First episode is Fuck. Science shows you are smarter and stronger when using the word in an "appropriate" way. Funny show ... good watch.
I have a better one.. what if you woke up one day with power like Superman.. (and no kriptonite bs) i would destroy all guns and bombs will throw to the sun.. and make 1 country out of all.
@pe7erpark3r Maybe because money is now an ethos, represented by wealthy people who act against the rest of society’s interests. The power is when money is enough to builds strength, and its organization of profiting contributes to that power. Money creates political power even for politicians who do it because it creates wealth.
It makes me think about how great communist in confiscating properties of rich in the past
I wouldnt choose any person cause Im me and its an insult for myself to be someone else but Im close to pick Jebran-khalil-Jebran the Lebanese philo-author cause I see his way and vision is similar or close to my way.