• @ScruffyMutt those mega churches are horrible don't blame God for these hypocrites!

  • @steelfirehawk said in What God deserves!:

    @ScruffyMutt well if you really had so much faith in those things being so possible then why do they not happen from the fruit of your hopes??? I'm quite sure there is some kind of resentment, and fury standing in the way. How can we question God when he bares the entire universe upon his back, and all of its pain? Have you ever felt God's anguish? IF you did can you make logical choices while in said anguish?? If you say yes you are a liar, and I hope you will never know God's true pain, nor face his responsibilities. God bless

    You're saying god has limits. I guess that is the opposite of "All Powerful God"

  • @steelfirehawk said in What God deserves!:

    @ScruffyMutt those mega churches are horrible don't blame God for these hypocrites!

    If God doesn't want them then let Him do something about it.

  • @ScruffyMutt not limits just wisdom. He knows he is the best in every way. Could you imagine being the most romantic, and heavy soul in the universe? When we curse him, or reject him, or rebuke him after all he is truly capable of its not very encouraging. I advise just regard him like a husband or a father, and the Holy spirit will comfort you if your affection is true to him, and in turn you won't want to stop glorifying him lol 4 real

  • just depending on how he blesses you try to be sacred. I got too loose lipped a few times and backfired

  • the enemy is very real, and when we let the enemy win he gets jealous. Trust his wisdom, and have faith

  • @ScruffyMutt You pays yr £ and you takes yr chances. If you stood up and started speaking your mind at a mega-church (are you sure this isn't something from Judge Dredd?), you'd get removed by some security burlies who were just doing their job. If you stood up and started speaking your mind at a Dawkin's gig, you'd get pounced on by a hundred lazy, passive-aggressive students. All about the company you keep.

  • @Indrid-Cold the first Marder faced his end in a similar fashion. Testifying to a so called church that banned together to stone him, but he met his end with his face becoming like that of an Angel

  • @steelfirehawk said in What God deserves!:

    @ScruffyMutt not limits just wisdom. He knows he is the best in every way.

    Wow. He sounds so arrogant.

    @steelfirehawk said in What God deserves!:

    Could you imagine being the most romantic, and heavy soul in the universe? When we curse him, or reject him, or rebuke him after all he is truly capable of its not very encouraging. I advise just regard him like a husband or a father, and the Holy spirit will comfort you if your affection is true to him, and in turn you won't want to stop glorifying him lol 4 real

    Hell no. After all the people he allowed to die from ISIS? After all the people he killed with hurricanes Katrina and Maria? After he sent Moses to Egypt knowing he was going to murder the first borns himself anyway? We all know how God would treat those that love him: just look at what he did to Job.

    Good thing he doesn't exist or we'd all be screwed.

  • @steelfirehawk said in What God deserves!:

    He knows he is the best in every way.

    Ego much? 😂😂 Do you even realise how much your arguments are backing up the negative portrayals of God in the Bible?

    And respectfully (you are aware of what respect is I'm sure, even if you do not display it), do you have any other tunes in your collection or can we expect this record to play ad infinitum?

  • @Matt_Aranha Actually I was watching a disney move hercules lol tbh, and I felt guilty for entertaining the idol, but as I watched I recalled how deeply the songs used to touch me, and I was imagining what if a human started singing to Jesus, or God like in a Disney movie, and left everything behind to forge a bond with him like a fairy tale instead of looking for a prince or a princess. I never meant to be selfish or negligent in any way. I'm not normal thats for sure, but don't mind when not everyone likes me or agrees with my way of thinkng. It's really easy to shake the dust and move on when you truly don't agree so I tend to lean on the side of wondering if you don't care then why ya here? If it's to solely debate no thanks pal

  • @steelfirehawk said in What God deserves!:

    @Matt_Aranha It's really easy to shake the dust and move on when you truly don't agree so I tend to lean on the side of wondering if you don't care then why ya here? If it's to solely debate no thanks pal

    No, I don't like debate of that sort either so I'm glad we're on the same page there. I would much rather we all get along amicably and peacefully.

    Two reasons why I'm here/commented. When people unjustly or incorrectly portray anybody in a bad light, that doesn't sit right with me. It doesn't matter who that person or entity is (regardless of what I think of or even whether I believe in them), if they're being wronged there is an obligation to speak up, particularly where they aren't around to defend themselves. People not speaking up is why we now have Nazis walking the streets and in power again.

    The second reason is a genuine enquiry. I haven't been here all that long but if you filter through the chaff, spam and trolls there is a core group of really good people here. As a still relative outsider it is difficult to watch somebody stride in and throw heavy judgemental preachy posts around so much. Everybody needs to vent and share sometimes, I get that. Most people do it once in a while though, amidst a range of other more productive posts. I'm trying to say, constructively, that day in day out you might not currently be having a positive effect on the community, and that is a shame because I don't believe you're doing it on purpose. I'm curious to know what else you have to offer.

  • @Matt_Aranha hahaha ty homie! Keep an eye on me for sure, but don't expect me to be typical lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you want it any other way? I'm easy for real, but also sometime just a little honest about myself so much people sometimes are like wtf??? This is just me though friends 4 real. I'm sorry when I am weird in my way of thinking, but also it would be a bad thing to pretend to be someone I am not to make everyone happy. As for Jesus vs Allah or something lmao sure I'd stand alone in that challenge. I need like a serious place for it to happen though and as we know satan is a coward so he'd rather stifle a challenge of say an idol that never knew life, and the real living God who I BODLY SAY chose Israel, and Jesus was concieved by the Holy spirit of a virgin woman. I doubt not. I merely bear the pain of a stubborn world that prefers concequence.

  • @steelfirehawk No such thing man, lol