• I like pets, and I'm always trying to show them kindness. But when nature is concerned, I'm more the cycle of life kinda guy if you get what I mean. But I had to think of a very dear friend of mine, and she really really loves animals, and so for her sake I just couldn't leave this little guy hangin.


    I was on my way to mass, and saw him on the sidewalk, trying to get up into the air. I don't know what's wrong with him and today is sunday too, so I can't bring him to the vet either.

    And now I've got one problem: how do I take care of him (or her or Apache Helicopter for that matter)? What do birds eat? I literally have no idea about 'em...

    I'm glad he didn't make a mess in my car, so that's at least a good start of our relationship :joy:. And when I tried to get him out, he even tried to hide from my grip, which means he still cares, so that's a good sign...

  • @petrapark3r , ahhhhh, google your local bird or wild animal sanctuary

  • Dunno. Worms? But I notice the Disney bowl -- the hedgehog that comes in my garden also drinks out of a Disney bowl, and he's going from strength to strength: I think wild animals respond to Disney on a kinda totemic level.

  • @petrapark3r
    ugh it reminds me that I found a bird too. I took his/her pic. that bird was too young to fly, don't which species. local species I guess. that was I'm in hurry to attend my grandfather's birthday and wedding anniversary and retirement party. yeah three in one party πŸ˜‚. so I didn't brought that bird to home plus my parents don't allow me to hate another pet and I don't have cage or space to keep it. but I called one of my friends who has lots of bird n I thought he has a spare cage too but despites all of that he denied me n I have to leave it there. I brought bouquet with me n on way back to home. n them after an half hour when I went to party I saw is he still there but not. no one was there. idk what happen to him. every time I pass by that way I always think that I should bring him with me n take care until he will able to fly. and after thinking that that was my responsibility which turns into my fault. I always look at that place where I leave him. never found his corpse maybe he went somewhere or maybe became preynof an orange cat who is live there. but I always think of his good. that time I was think too much like how I took care of him and what I feed him and is he really survive if I took him with me. but after 2-3 days when I think about it I found so many ideas of caring him but idk what happen with him now. btw before I leave him I took him pic n posted on Instagram. usually I post pic on there which pics has memories good or bad or just wonderful views clicked on regular day. here's the pic

    n I mentioned that I have one pet already which is tortoise. n today I free him to a lake nearby. never thought I'll leave him but I did in fact I'm writing this long replay after leaving him n came in home. when I leave him at lake he was looking at the water he never saw that much water for sure. n I never knew he is good swimmer. I mean ikr that these creatures r born swimmer but never thought he can swim in that deep lake too. anyway that lake has lots of tortoise I saw that place before I bring him there. n he went to in deep but came back n watching me n my brother I thought if I raise hand towards him he will come back but he was looking so happy with that place but still watching me n my brother while swimming. like he is Thanking me for taking care of him coz when I bought him, he was so tiny only one rupee coin n now big as my palm. he sure grew big in past four years. n I bet if I feed him his can food he will grew bigger then he is now. anyway when he was looking at us I took a pic of him.

    that time I never thought that I upload it somewhere but this topic gave me chance. n I never upload it on insta or somewhere else just here. hope he will be happy with other tortoise n find a good partner even tho I have doubt that there is any female tortoise. I guess he will try fuck a rock or another tortoise . hmm its so gay.. anyway don't wanna think more about it. n here look at how happy he is . its like he knew that he was watching me last time so he took a good look at me n when garden keeper said ok its enough now n we went one step back he gose in deep again never turned his back n I was looking how he was going deep .

  • @petrapark3r we had this wild bird that we found injured on our backyard a few years ago and as much as I remember we used to feed it grains until it had recovered, though I recommend feeding worms too since apparently birds love em..

  • @its-my-birthday said in So I just saved a bird, maybe...:

    ugh it reminds me that I found a bird too. I took his/her pic. that bird was too young to fly, don't which species.

    Aww, that's so cute. I worry about him though. Let's hope for the best :heart_eyes:

  • @Anastasia-Smith said in So I just saved a bird, maybe...:

    @petrapark3r we had this wild bird we found injured on our backyard a few years ago and as much as I remember we used to feed it grains until it had recovered, though I recommend feeding worms too since apparently birds love em..

    Alright, got grains. Got no worms :joy: Let's hope it likes em. Now it seems to be sleeping :sleepy:

  • @nightshifter said in So I just saved a bird, maybe...:

    @petrapark3r , ahhhhh, google your local bird or wild animal sanctuary

    I'll look tomorrow...

  • @petrapark3r
    yeah.. hope for best πŸ˜‡

  • @petrapark3r Good job man! I love animals too. Just make sure you leave "it" in a safe place. Because injured birds are as good as dead. Thanks for being so kind!

    Hey I think thats a turtle but I could be wrong. Good job dude! Let us all be better humans!

  • @Sup I donno but rn when ever I saw his tub I rethink those lost moments of him how he came back n watching me n then went deep in lake n I smile then πŸ˜„

  • @Sup said in So I just saved a bird, maybe...:

    @petrapark3r Good job man! I love animals too. Just make sure you leave "it" in a safe place. Because injured birds are as good as dead. Thanks for being so kind!

    Hey I think thats a turtle but I could be wrong. Good job dude! Let us all be better humans!

    Yeah, it's in the basement rn, tweeting happily (or unhappily idk). I'll see what I can do for the poor thing tomorrow...

  • Today I went to the vet, and now I know a bit more. The bird is a young blackbird, and it has a broken leg. Prolly fell out of its nest. The vet, a nice japanese woman, made a leg brace:


    And she told me I should bring it to the Naturschutz-Bund. So I braught it to this nice lady who runs the local Naturschutz-Bund branch. She has a whole cage full of young or hurt birds who cannot fly. And she feeds them with a little injection jab one by one every hour :open_mouth:. I had no idea taking care of birds was this much of an occupation. Thankfully there are people like that who devote their free time like this to the poor little creatures :cry:. And thanks to her husband who obviously provides the main income for the family. I'm really moved by this...

  • @petrapark3r , yayyy! He’s in good hands now and will survive πŸ’•πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’œβ€οΈ

  • @petrapark3r said in So I just saved a bird, maybe...:

    Today I went to the vet, and now I know a bit more. The bird is a young blackbird, and it has a broken leg. Prolly fell out of its nest. The vet, a nice japanese woman, made a leg brace:


    And she told me I should bring it to the Naturschutz-Bund. So I braught it to this nice lady who runs the local Naturschutz-Bund branch. She has a whole cage full of young or hurt birds who cannot fly. And she feeds them with a little injection jab one by one every hour :open_mouth:. I had no idea taking care of birds was this much of an occupation. Thankfully there are people like that who devote their free time like this to the poor little creatures :cry:. And thanks to her husband who obviously provides the main income for the family. I'm really moved by this...

    That's nice.. :)

    I remember ten light years ago, we used to hunt for spiders and an abandoned bird's nest in the forest.. then we will feed the hungry birdies with banana or papaya. We rescued 3 not-so-feathered-abandoned-birdies and incubate them to fully grow. After a couple of days , their feathers started to cover them until they were able to fly

  • @petrapark3r that's actually quite moving..I wish more ppl like them existed, selflessness is such a valuable virtue! Glad to know that the bird's safe.

  • @petrapark3r Can we eat that bird? Deep fry?

  • @dragonfly33 that turtle looks yummy!

  • @Leoweirdo but u never gonna have it haahaa

  • @dragonfly33 you should cook that turtle. Its a good meat
