• @thestrangest here i lost a few brain cells reading just one sentence of this:

    Shrek was hanging out in hiz swamp when dankey came over too sea how he waz doin "Waz Up Shrok, How are u doing. How much has yor dikk grown from the swamp jeuce"? shrock said, "its grown about 2 inches, so now i can try to mind control and rap-e the prinssess". Then, right after dankey wint into the house, Lord shartfuad came around. He waz very suspiccius of shrock because the gingerbread man said he heard skreams commin from shrocks swamp. Shartquad beleevd the gingerbread man even thouht the gingerbread man was part nigger. Lord shartquad then sant his men and sex people to grow and get shrock out of his swap so he chhold get mor sex people and get his dikk bigger from the swamp juuce .The general then told shrock that there where sum hot girlz outside that wanted to sukk shrocks 10 ench dick, even thouht nobody wanted to do that with shrock bekause shrock iz a nigger. But Shrok wasnt fallin for it even thouht he waz a stupid nigger. He wanted lord shartquad's men and kichin/sex slaves out of his swamp so he could jerk off and fuck his sex slaves, so he got some 2555555 layer onions out of his dump and swalod them down without chewing them lik e a nigger swalowing KFC .


  • @willow Lololol ....this is Epic !!! :joy: :joy:

    I want to know the mindset of the author while he wrote this .... methinks Acid trip or LSD was involved in the manufacturing of this Quality content.

    Seriosuly tho... as someone who has some experience in the field , I can tell you
    ..it's far more difficult to write in such tangent & alice in wonderland esque manner than people will give the piece credit for ...

  • @stranger_danger i was thinking maybe some hallucinogens as well

    Seriously tho, this is a spelling and grammar NIGHTMARE

  • @willow :relaxed: ..& funny AF because of it.

    It' so very interesting thinking & trying to analyze the mindset of the author ... Eccentric Genius !!

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest man pls smile----im really physicist---u can ignore that----i belive my god is the best--you have also ur beliefs--i do respect for other people's beliefs---just this---if i said something that made u sad pls excuse me---

    Look the only reason i don't believe you is that the majority of physicists are atheist in all domains of physics but there are a couple other reasons too. What domain of physics are you in? Because if you're either a quantum or astro physicist then you have no place asking some of the questions you've asked

  • @vahid-0 There is no God, its all bullshit,

    1. The bible was written by a pagan on his death bed
    2. There is no hell or heaven is just a fairy tale when we die thats it its all over
    3. Nothing in religion can be proven to be real

  • @princessjodi hey shall we chat?

  • @thestrangest my bosom friend,,my field is Atomic and molecular physics and want to continue it in particle physics---i am just curious about other beliefs in god...
    Asking is half of knowledge.

  • @sexy8 I would love to

  • @princessjodi can you follow me then?

  • @princessjodi but who has sent all prophets-

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @thestrangest my bosom friend,,my field is Atomic and molecular physics and want to continue it in particle physics---i am just curious about other beliefs in god...
    Asking is half of knowledge.

    For somebody who studies physics you suck immeasurably at metaphysics, you ask extremely ignorant metaphysical questions for a physicist, you need to watch that, and yes "understanding is half the solution"

  • @vahid-0 we are but our own gods...

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @princessjodi but who has sent all prophets-

    No one, there's no such thing as a literal prophet unless god is proven to exist, saying that god exists because of prophets and prophets because of god is circular logic (a fallacy).

  • True u gotta watch that. Lol. Ur colleagues will blame a variance in the background microwave radiation on ya? But yeah 13.5 billion years to the wall. Looks at ceiling n says โ€œ nice wallโ€

  • @tilly1234 ,,,,?

  • @vahid-0

    God is merciful but give us the hardest way in life.
    God is good and kind to help us but he also enjoys our sadnees and loneliness.
    God is listening and granting our prays in unexpected ways, events moreover unpleasant things.
    God is something bringing you up when you re down, make you a human when you re despicable, give you a wonderful and joyful life while you re vulnerable.
    God is cruel but in the same time he is an angel.

  • @g-a im not completely agree with you----god is always kind not cruel---we r bad and cruel-

  • @vahid-0 said in What is your imagination about god?:

    @g-a im not completely agree with you----god is always kind not cruel---we r bad and cruel-

    It depends on your perspective dude. If you ever had a bad experience, you will definetely understand what i mean with "God is Cruel but in the same time HE IS AN ANGEL".
    Have you ever been fired because of something that you did not know the reason? I was in that time, like i completely disagree i got fired since i know i did not do any mistakes in my jobs. It was unfortunate things, i was blaming him all the time because he was so cruel. I almost got my permanent job and he took it away from me. Then, suddenly i figured out, he saved me from dangerous things, because if i were in my permanent job, i would not exist here and text this.

  • @g-a life is tough,,it doesn't have any relation to god,,we should solve our problems--
