I don't think there isn't a meaning of life, and I don't mean that in a nihilistic sense. Everyone has their own thing. You do what makes sense to you, think what makes sense to you, believe what makes sense to you. Life is whatever you make it.

Posts made by Merlin James
RE: What is actually the meaning of life?
What makes bad words bad?
Words, man. Words. What gives them power? DO THEY HAVE POWER AT ALL? What do you think?
RE: Help me..... From this hell.....can't suicide
Probably consult a doctor. Preferably a therapist. Get whatever help you can. You could also exercise (if you aren't already), change your diet, sleep less.. or more. Talk to people. I know these are probably generic responses, but they might help if you give them a shot.
RE: What is beauty?
I do think it really is whatever you decide it is. Anything can be beautiful if you pay attention to it or choose to see it as such or are conditioned to view it that way.
What do you think about thinking?
What do you think about thinking? Is it stressful? Is it necessary? Does it make us needlessly depressed? Should we allow things to think for us? Have we already allowed things to think for us?
What do you think? -
RE: What makes a person beautiful?
I don't think there really is anything that can make a person beautiful or not beautiful. Cliche as it sounds, it really is in the eyes of the beholder. That's what I think at least.
RE: What do you think about feelings?
@Kyle-Norwood just talking in general. Nothing specific
What do you think about feelings?
Do we need them? Do they hold us back? Do they make us do stupid things? Are they the only thing that keeps us going as a society? What do you think?
RE: What is your comfort show?
Curb Your Enthusiasm. I like being reminded how dumb we all are.
RE: Horror movie suggestions,can someone suggest a good horror movie any language will do if it has eng sub & is available to watch [ my tolerance to horror is high 😅]
Or something like Nosferatu, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Is there place for gentlemen anymore?
I was raised my whole life to be a gentleman. You know, respect women, open the door, be polite, all that jazz. But recently I've been attacked for doing just that. These acts are now seen as disrespectful, as I understand. It's just such a strange thing to me and I'd like to hear what people think.
RE: I just finished Twin Peaks: The Return
@DEEPANJALI-ARORA easier said than done:eyes:
I just finished Twin Peaks: The Return
I just finished Twin Peaks.. I have no idea what to do with myself... I feel so empty..
Is social media bad for art?
Obviously, social media is good for exposure and that kind of thing, but I can't shake the feeling that the whole 'like' system can be harmful to people's artistic growth. Equating the quality of a work of art with that kind of thing is very, very.. troubling to me for several reasons. What do you think?