lets all convert to hinduism

  • @Lake-Bodom Portable document format?

  • Banned

    @Ash33 I got a Quran verse for you..

    "Whoever kills an innocent person it is as if he has killed whole humanity" Quran 5:32

    'If people make mistakes blame them, not their religion.'

  • @George_Floyd
    Ok I didn't agree with it. U might didn't read my comment well. N now I'll not comment on this topic


    @XR7_ Soo, does that mean that to the quran, whoever doesn't believe in the quran is not considered innocent?

  • @Eucalyptus can i convert to be Eucalism? :smirk:

    All hail



  • @Eucalyptus so Eucalism already rejected me?


    @A20 Yupp

  • @Eucalyptus said in lets all convert to hinduism:

    Just that, let's all convert! GO

    How wonderful innit??

  • @Eucalyptus nerd :sunglasses:

  • @Eucalyptus

    Hinduism is better than other religions because

    1. Indians get a lot of holidays due to the festivals celebrated by the Hindus in comparison with both religions. But then every religionist and atheists (Hindus or non-Hindus) who live in India, get the same holidays. If Hinduism did not exist, they won’t be given those holidays. I do not think it is a pro for a foreigner though.

    2. There is never been a forceful conversion of anyone to Hinduism.

    Hinduism is indeed no better than other religions because -

    1. The absence of doctrine in Hinduism- Unlike other religions, you can worship or not any deity or god/goddess. Some worship Durga while some would worship Ganesh. Some other worship Shiva and so on. This does not make Hindus united like other religionists.

    2. Caste-system in Hinduism- Today’s caste-system has its roots in the Vedas. They mention only 4 varnas named- Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra. Untouchables and tribal people were not kept in these 4 categories of Varnas. All these 4 varnas were originated from Brahma via his different-different organs. Shudras (native Indians) were said to be slaves or dasa because they lost to Aryas (the ones who invaded earlier India).

    (ii) During the later vedic period, Brahmins and Kshatriyas had privileges in rituals. The Vaishyas were called oppressed at will and shudras as beaten at will. Shudras were supposed to be gifted along with the land as main gift. Indeed, all four varnas were categorized according to their Karmas till this period

    (iii) During 500-200 BCE, Brahaman and Viashya varnas became rank/ jati now. The higher the occupation, the higher the rank they belonged to. And now four varnas were classified according to their maternity.

    (iv0 During 320-650 CE, Mahabharta 12.181 mentions varnas according to their colors where Brahmans was white, Kshatriyas was red, Vaishyas was yellow and Shudras was black. The teacher named Dronacharya resisted to teach archery to a guy named Eklavya because he was untouchable, yet Dronacharya’s name is said with respect today.

    There are indeed many or even all upper caste Hindus who don’t like to drink the water or eat the food touched by an untouchable or lower caste person today. They don't like to dilute or pollute their blood by marrying the person of other castes (this includes foreigners too who belong to any race black, brown or white).

    1. The beliefs of Vedic religion, Upnishadas, Manu-smriti and Geeta are indeed funny themselves-
      The Rig-veda came from fire, Yajur-veda from Air, Sama-veda from Sun. (shlokas 22-23, ch.1 manusmriti). I never seen a book coming from a non-living thing.

    People did yagyas (and do it today too) for rain and worshipped the Indra, worhsipped the sun for light and for air to the Varun. They had 33 gods as mentioned in the Vedas. In earlier Yoga school which preceded these Vedas, had just 1 personal God. The Vedas precedes the Puranas. The puranas had 100 Gods. Nice multiplier there !

    Hinduism/sanatan dharma asserts that each mahayuga is made by the 4 yugas and when one mahayuga completes, another mahayuga starts. Therefore, this universe is infinite which is absurd because we don't know whether the universe is finite or infinite or multiverse. We have some hypothesis only.

    1. Hinduism is not so peaceful either- from partition of India to today, Hindus have killed so many Muslims which include destruction of Babri Mosque, 1992 and Godhra-train incident etc. During Gadhimai festival, they killed 15,00,000 animals within 6 years (2009-2014). Shakti temples in Orissa, West Bengal, Tripura and Assam still practice animal sacrifice- goats, male buffaloes, chickens, pigeons. In these four states and in Navratra they also sacrifice buffalo for Durga. In Karnataka, Andhra pradesh, Tamilnadu hindus sacrifice them to local dieties. They offer cocks to theyyam Gods in Kerela. They sacrifice them to Kuldevi in Rajasthan and female deities in Maharashtra. Male goats are sacrificed to Samleshwari goddess in Orissa. Bali Jatra is an annual festival in which they sacrifice them too. However, they don’t kill cows. In fact, cows may have 8 kinds of parasites too- 1. Liver flukes, 2. SGI, 3. Strongyles, 4. Lice, 5. Flies, 6. Scabies, 7. Ticks, 8. Paramaphistone. It does not make any sense to worship cows but not pigs, buffaloes, horses, camels and goats. Nor does it make any sense to kill other animals and leave cows behind.

    Hindu Gods are not so non-violent either. Rama himself killed 14,000 asuras ( asuras mean those who do not do their duty or who do work against the religion). Arjuna and Krishna burnt whole Khandava forest. They killed million innocent animals and civilians. Krishna cleverly tried to defend himself where he said the God of fire wanted to burn it for satisfying his hunger. But he did so due to his own enemity. Doing Ashwamedha Yagya was a prime duty of every king prescribed in the vedas. In this yagya a chosen horse is sacrificed after freeing him as a challenge. Rama did the same yagya. Almost every king had done it till 1100.

    1. Buddha denied Brhaman-atman concept and the authority of the Vedas yet he is said to be the form of God Vishnu. He even preached people to not worship yet Hindus initialized to worship him to make Buddhism less important. His earlier school was actually heterodox.

    2. Krishna was the jealous God like Allah and Yahweh-

    Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by Illusion and who partake of the atheistic nature of Demons do not surrender on to Me (Bhagvad Gita, 7.15)

    Those who are thus bewildered are attracted by demonic and atheistic views. In that deluded condition, their hopes for liberation, their fruitive activities, and their culture of knowledge are all defeated. (Bhagvad geeta 9.12)

    1. Hindu Gods are not so good character-wise- Krishna was polygamist who had 16,108 wives. He was certainly a pedophile because he had 8 yo Rukmini as his wife. Also, Krishna loved to steal butter in his childhood, He was the one who loved to see naked females when they bathed together in river. Even though, he stole their clothes to get the chance to stare them.

    8.The Vedas are themselves contradictory and have no author at all- There is no encyclopedia so sure about the author of the Vedas, yet 99%+ Hindus accept their authority and consider them so sacred.

    Example of a contradiction-

    The universe had an initial source- Hirangharbya. This egg existed before the creation. (Rigveda 10.121)

    Darkness there was at first, by darkness hidden;
    Without distinctive marks, this all was water;
    That which, becoming, by the void was covered;
    That One by force of heat came into being;
    Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it?
    Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
    Gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
    Who then knows whence it has arisen?
    Whether God's will created it, or whether He was mute;
    Perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not;
    Only He who is its overseer in highest heaven knows,
    Only He knows, or perhaps He does not know. (Rig veda, Nasdiya Sukta,10.129)

    This universe was arisen from Purusha. It has already existed and ever will be. (Rig veda, Purusha Sukta 10.90)

    I hope I have described prominent pros and cons.
    Edit- I amended some errands

  • @Zack-Williamson wow! I thought the caste system was abolished already.

  • @Zack-Williamson

    There is no doctrine in Hinduism- Unlike other religions, you can worship or not any deity or god/goddess. Some worship Durga while some would worship Ganesh. Some other worship Shiva and so on. This does not make Hindus united like other religionists.

    I don't see how that's a con.. Freedom of religion within religion..

    I see only pro's, but that's because I'm just too lazy to read all the cons :sweat_smile:

    Jk jk, you put so much effort in that! Researching it all, it's sad to hear that seemingly in all religion (and non religion) there's people who think they're better than everyone else :/ And people will always find reasons for hatred and justify their murderous behaviour :(

    Let's choose to just be good people, worship whatever the hell we want and let others worship whatever the hell they want and let's not think we're above other people because of our monetary status, religion, sexual orientation, family etc..

  • @XR7_

    Guess Quran forgot to add the verse on exploding out in the open.

  • @Eucalyptus This is the verse In english " whoever slays a person, unless it is for a murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he slew all humans; and whoever saves a life, it would be as though he saved the lives of all " humans". As you can see the word "person" , "Life", Are in general terms including even the atheists , agnostic , , whatever . So you are an Innocent If you don't start a war or encourage people to spread what corrupt the society or cause harm to people .

  • @Its-the-Sleepy Just to educate you lol It is not allowed for a muslim to kill himself even at war , btw the word Explode, explosion , Is not mentioned In any verse , but only in one and came as a metaphore to creating the rivers in heaven ... , unless you try to rewrite the quraan.

  • @Ash33 You won't offend any muslim Ash bcz what you mentioned Is not anywhere in the quraan , the people who believe converting others to islam is enough to go to heaven are wrong , and the people who believe forcing someone (Out of War) to Islam or death will make Allah happy are Idiots and know nothing abt the religion they are In .

  • @Eucalyptus TBH you sometimes do that but without murdering , you have hate , grudges , fantacism , nationalism , 😂 the only thing u are missing is a gun lol

  • This post is deleted!

    @The-Mods Who says I do it without murdering? :thinking_face: