I have a confusion can I discuss?
failed suicide #1
Today i had to die that's what i wanted but i didn't have the balls to drive the blade deep enough so currently I've just dirty cuts....
So, as the Human is a devil and I know you are all bitches on this site you are going to bet on how long it will take to kill myself and we see if you win or not :)
If I don't connect anymore for more than three days it's because I'm dead.
Now let's go roll the bets !
I'm sorry Phae..
If you need someone to talk to I'm here. -
@xEchosVoice Lmao I was pretty sure someone will try to help me and plays the nice person even if we don't know each other !
But I haven't asked for help , I run a game ! So play or be quiet please
@xEchosVoice it was a way of speaking in fact i would very much appreciate your playing my game :grimacing_face:
@Phaéris Why would I play a game like this?
@xEchosVoice why not ?
@Phaéris I'll pass sweetheart.
@xEchosVoice oh you're so useless...
@Phaéris Always have been. Have a nice day.
Why I have -4 ?!
you're all worse than useless in this website it is not a joke -
@Phaéris Why do you think you might have -4?
I mean, surely if you are right and everybody here is the insensitive and uncaring useless bitch you claim, the idea of turning suicide into a game with no TWs wouldn't look like a selfish attention-seeking dick move at all would it? We would all just laugh and want to play along, right? 🤔
@Phaéris FUCKING STOP! Don't do it, bastard!
I'll take a bet if you take a bet on mine, that's how games work.
@Mr-Sushi okai I agree
Ok then, I bet that tomorrow you will think of different ideas that don't seem as scary then cutting your wrist and the day after tomorrow you'll be gone exactly on the 2nd day. Now you make my bet, I have 4 days, in one of those days I'll probably be dead or alive who really knows. Hint: I still haven't a place to do it yet. If I'm not active and you choose correctly you win the bet and if you loose then? idk lol
@Mr-Sushi Okay I bet you will not die even the 4th day
passed because If you haven't a place for kill yourself it will takes some times for found it I know that because I had the same problem before -
We'll see
@Phaéris Posting on a site like this about suicide is not smart, you need professional help. People say as they please behind a screen and no hate but posting about something so dark no one really likes seeing or reding it. It's viewed as desperate and looking for attention, if you are really mentally ill you need to speak to a professional. Life is hard man but you got to do something productive for yourself and set goals so you can feel accomplished finishing one at a time, and you'll have meaning to life and purpose as you begin to understand yourself more. Also, you got downvotes because how you are speaking to your audiance, you are making death a game and blaming us when we don't know you and you are speaken down on us.
This post is deleted! -
@Phaéris there?