@Cool-Grapes I am getting curious about your dreams 🙃
Are you sleepyy?! How do you fall asleep?!
What are ways for you to fall asleep? :zzz: :sleeping:
I always drink a cup of tea before bed, preferably with valerian root.. It calms me.
And if I cannot fall asleep, I like to watch ocean documentaries with like, a low pitched male voice.. It's soothing and I'll be sleeping like a baby within like, 15 to 30 minutes (I envy the people who just lay down and are gone, off to dreamland choo choooo :locomotive: :rainbow: :butterfly:)I'm curious to what helps you fall asleep!! :fire: :fire: ;)
Honestly I don't have trouble falling asleep. It takes me 15-20 mins mostly but when I do have trouble sleeping (which is quite rare) I just close my eyes and lay on my bed reviewing stuff and analyzing things until I retire to the dreamland.
@Eucalyptus hm valerian root good choice but what do u do to neutralize its odor? Or do u just drink it as it is
I love sleep so I don’t really have any trouble falling asleep but if it’s like one of those days when I just can’t, I’ll turn on my fan cause the noise makes me sleepy.
@Eucalyptus Depends on how much sleep I got the previous night tbh. If my sleep cycle is fine then I don't really have trouble falling asleep, so it's gucci gucci.
@Eucalyptus i dont sleep.........
@simron-persaud same 😔
@Selenaa I love sleep as well, but I don't always fall asleep right away... :see_no_evil: The fan, never heard that one! Noice!
@Eucalyptus lmao i sleep for like 12+ hours usually every day
@Cybernatic I actually classically conditioned myself with the smell... If I smell it now it is kinda soothing... Before I had the tea I took valerian root pills to help me sleep and because they worked so well in calming me down, I started to love the smell, somehow......
@Selenaa Whoa, okay, I don't sleep thát much :see_no_evil: :zzz:
Oh yessss, i drink a cup of Rooibos tea☺☺☺, i cant just fall asleep lmaoo, thats impossible
i will sleep when it's time to sleep and i can fall asleep pretty easy.
@Rumplestiltskinn hie
Me reading this while trying to sleep👁👄👁
@ryantheGuy Hahaha, did it help?! :joy: :sleeping:
@Eucalyptus yeah sure
if ur sleepy then fall asleep
When I can't sleep I use a Navy method that's quite effective.
Lay on your back and look left, then center, then right. Try to remember what you can see as you're looking, then close your eyes and look in those directions again while visualising in your head what you saw. This should work pretty quickly, the point of it is to reinforce that nothing in your environment has changed and your brain will slip into shutting down for the night.
also, I don't like to sleep but i like to be in bed