• @Gennyyy Hmm

  • peom are cute so is genny $_$

  • @Gennyyy I love you to sexy 😍💞

  • @Max256 there not my poems 😂

  • @Gennyyy You said that before.😇

  • @Max256 I'm confused 🤔

  • @Gennyyy why?

  • @Max256 Ferret
    Forget it 🤡

  • @Gennyyy 😂😂😂😂🤣

  • @Gennyyy
    The day I just got to know
    Sun shines, clouds move, moon glow,
    I just wanted to stare
    I wish you were there
    I wish you were there...

    The place that once belonged to me
    That place now has nothing to see,
    Still I want to know it's where
    I wish you were there
    I wish you were there....

    The feeling wasn't deep inside
    That feeling just wanted to hide,
    I just let that feeling tear
    I wish you were there
    I wish you were there....

    The game I know was hard to play
    That game just left me nothing to say,
    Don't know who was the other player
    I wish you were there
    I wish you were there....

    The moment you were just gone
    That moment I felt so alone,
    You didn't see my eyes were flare
    I wish you were there
    I wish you were there....

  • @Mickeyyyyy

    Nobody knows it's empty,
    The smile that I wear.
    The real one is left behind in the past
    Because I left you there...

    Nobody knows I am crying.
    They won't even see my tears.
    When they think I am laughing,
    I wish you were here...

    Nobody knows it's painful.
    They think that I am strong. (There wrong)
    They say it won't kill me, (it's killing me)
    But I wonder if they are wrong...

    Nobody knows I miss you.
    They think I am all set free,
    But I feel like I am bound with chains,
    Trapped in the mystery...

    Nobody knows I need you.
    They think I can do it on my own,
    But they don't know I am crying
    When I am all alone...

  • @Gennyyy you just completed my poetry 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.. amazing

  • @Gennyyy I don't know how to be cheerful
    I don't know how to feel the pain
    I don't know what a spring looks like
    I don't know how to feel the rain...

    I don't know how to break a heart
    I don't know how to play this game
    I don't know my part in your heart
    I don't know where to write my name...

    I don't know what I think about me
    I don't know what I think about you
    I don't know what to think more about
    I don't know I'm fake or true....

    I don't know how to make it right
    I don't know how to get back time
    I don't know what took me so far
    I don't know why I wrote this rhyme.....

    I don't know what I did was right
    I don't know what I did was wrong
    I don't know what my future holds
    I don't know why this life seems long.....

    I don't know why the sun is bright
    I don't know why the stars, they shine
    I don't know why I lose or lost
    I don't know why it's only mine......

    I don't know what to do this time
    I don't know how or what or why
    I don't know how to answer these
    I don't know really who am I....

    I don't know where to reveal my self
    I don't know where to move and hide
    I don't know which way I should go
    I don't know i should take which side.....

    I don't know what to call myself
    I don't know why I'm still alive
    I just know I'll do my best
    There are a lot of things to strive......

  • @Mickeyyyyy oh yes I have 😽
    Saying you loved me, with that look in your eye.
    I wish I could say it was a cold-hearted lie.
    I know that you love me, I know that you care,
    But the rage inside you slowly flared.
    I admit I've made mistakes, overstepping the boundaries,
    Which made me look fake.
    I always said I would never do the things I did,
    And I know that's why it's so hard for you to forgive.
    So many times we've said that we'd try,
    Just to turn around and make each other cry.
    Remember how it was when we first started out?
    We fell so hard, maybe fell in love too soon.
    At one point you'd notice ONLY me in the room.
    We both did things we can't undo;
    Now it seems our relationship is headed for doom,
    And not that long ago, I was EVERYTHING to you.
    Now you're looking for other things to "do."
    I admit my mistakes, but can you admit yours?
    I have paid for what I have done, as you've paid for yours.
    So why is it like this? Why can't we even talk?
    You call me names and act like you don't care,
    All a while, our love for each other is still there.
    I never meant to hurt you or cause you any pain,
    I know neither of us want to go through this same old stuff again.
    I owe you so much, and I have so much to prove to you,
    But you continue to do things you wouldn't want me to do.
    We always have these tears to cry,
    And are left with all these wondering questions of why?
    Why can't we get past the past? You think I expect too much too fast,
    But don't you want to become whole at last?
    Why won't you at least try to believe me, instead of pushing me further away?
    I have these emotions, I wish you could see,
    Sometimes I get really upset, 'cause I feel you don't understand me
    Will you ever love me like you USED to? Show me the love that I ONCE knew?
    The love that we both grew,
    When will you see? I'm starting to feel like I hardly know you anymore?
    When can we go back to how it was before?
    Will we still hurt if we heal? Or by that time, will we still feel?
    My dream of US does not look like it's coming true.
    All I feel is sad and blue,
    And I know you're looking for other things to "do."
    You're sick of me and want something new.

  • @Gennyyy it took me 5 minutes to read this 😂😂😂lmmmao
    But seriously amazing work who ever written this

  • @Gennyyy I sit on my bed every night.
    I look for a star to wish on, but not one is in sight.
    So I try to sleep, but all I see is you.
    I think to myself, is she feeling this too?
    You've hurt me so many times, but I can't be mad.
    Instead, I sit around crying and being sad,
    But before I go to sleep every night, I always smile
    Because even though we didn't last long, it was worth the while.
    You may not feel this feeling between us two,
    But in the end you won't find anyone who loves you as much as I do.
    I'll admit, I don't understand.
    I put my trust in you and all you want is to be my friend?
    I ask myself why.
    Did you have to keep me hanging on so long and then say goodbye?
    I wish you would've told me from the start.
    Because of you, now all I have left are the memories and a broken heart.

  • @Mickeyyyyy nice bushy beard 😂
    Pain, pain go away!
    Please do not come back another day.
    Tears falling down my face.
    Oh, how I wish for his warm embrace.
    Wonder if he cares about me.
    Wonder if this is supposed to be.
    How can he stand there and break my heart?
    How did we allow us to grow so far apart?
    My dreams of us being happy is not going to come true.
    All I am feeling is down and blue.
    Pain, pain go away.
    Bring me back to another day
    where he loved me and
    we thought we were meant to be.
    I will not stop loving you; that much is true,
    but I will be stronger in time
    and not feel so blue.
    You will always be in my heart,
    even when we are apart.
    One day I will have that warm embrace,
    and tears will stop flowing down my face.
    Pain, pain go away.
    Leave me alone and do not stay.