Tired of people's BS TWS phonies Hyde is a liar

  • Uh none of this is proof of anything,definitely not enough to make a topic trying to humiliate Someone.
    You're wrong for this

  • Yooo what's going on here? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Guys let's take it easy and allow the dude be whoever he wants to be. He's probs fake, but this is the Internet and there are supposed to be no rules here ๐Ÿ˜

  • @NathanOnFire I can tell you, he isn't. But whatever you choose to believe, totally up to you, lol

  • Wow this is a shitstorm in the making


    Wow. I donโ€™t know what to say. I love Hyde. He is a super cool guy and I enjoy talking to him. I choose to always believe who people say they are unless they show me otherwise but it doesnโ€™t rly matter all that much to me if I enjoy them as a person.

  • ooooooo this is fun :))

  • @Littlelion12 Hmm... this is highly interesting. A very interesting topic indeed. I have never come across anything quite like this before.

    You sound very confident that you're correct. It appears as if you have done your research. That's good, especially because you've made a stunningly public accusation of fakery which HAS to be backed up with evidence.

    Now, I personally despise fakery, I very much do. With that said, I would withhold any further witch-hunting unless it is proven that @Hyde is doing this in order to advance a malicious agenda or has ulterior motives. To me, this person appears harmless. Friendly, even.

    If it remains so and he uses this site and the persona of Hyde to merely engage in civil discussions, then that's that. End of story and a public apology from you to him.

    If, however, it happens that your thesis is correct and hard evidence of fakery appears, then I would expect swift actions from the moderation team. Identify theft IS a crime and should not go unpunished.

    In any case, I shall be keeping an eye on how this develops.

  • see how quickly people turn on you in this place? maybe we should all leave :)

  • Live Chat Regulars SEEKERS ABOOBS Banned

    This is really funny...why do you care if he is real or not...he is not harming anyone nor he is ever rude or mean to anybody....he is more than friendly with everyone...and the proofs that you're sharing doesn't make any sense to me....i really feel sorry for you if you call yourself Someone who can catch BS but you're the one bs here as majority can call out your bs and this is how exposing works...if majority can feel your post is bs.....then it is....

  • @Littlelion12 Wow this is too much for me. I hope this is not why you are leaving. Good luck whatever you decide to do. ๐Ÿ˜Š โœŒ๏ธ

  • Very nice post.....
    It took me 8 minutes to read ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  • @Gemini_Beta is she leaving too???

  • Okay I get. The internet is without rules so being fake is totally acceptable because asking one to not be fake would make a rule. It saddens me that being fake in such a forum is an acceptable behavior to most participants. I feel so foolish using my real name for a handle when it was apparently expected of me to fake my identity for some reason.

  • @Don-Rose exactly, and it is also not right to judge someone who wants to cover their identity

  • It's more no right, to me to be yourself and let others take it from there. There are hundreds of Don Roses for me to get lost amongst if I need. I expect honesty when talking to someone and I don't think I get that from fakers.

  • @Littlelion12 It dosen't matter if he is fake or real the main point is he is not spamming or hurting or bothering anyone.Even he is fake why you will bother yourself leaving this site.Please don't leave because you as a user is very good and post nice interesting topics here which i really enjoy replying.