• @Matt_Aranha Shady, truly shady. You must have met a scam artist of the highest order. It could have also been a mentally ill person pranking you for their own sick pleasure.

    The wisest course of action would be not to pursue any more interactions with this "person", or else you might place your personal information in danger.

  • @Matt_Aranha said in New, odd, scam? I'd love some insight...:

    @kh1123 said in New, odd, scam? I'd love some insight...:

    @mikeJB Sounds like a very intelligent and fun bot. Would this be like Cherry 2000 or Her variety?

    Ooooh tell me more? I've been very entertained by the idea that this could be a sophisticated bot, but I'm not familiar with Cherry 2000/Her.

    Certainly the technology for this sort of AI must exist; it seems to me to be quite wasteful to fritter it in this manner.

    Nope, bots are not that far yet. if somebody as critically minded as you felt you were talking to a real person, than you were talking to a real person.

    It might either be legit interest, combined with a personality that just is quite a bit too engaged and hopeful (people like that definitely exist, and they tend to lose interest after a while, you know borderline?), or

    there are lots of women in eastern europe/asia, who actually hope to marry a western man, maybe even without any ill intent... And that is something that happened often even before the internet. I'd put my bets on this last option.

    I wish you the best :heart:

  • @Silhouette Alas I have never been wise in such matters, even when my eyes are wide open my curiosity and inquisitive nature are too strong... what can I say, I get a thrill from danger πŸ˜‚

    I completely agree with you though and would be saying the same thing to anybody else.

  • @Matt_Aranha it's always easier to give advice than take it Matt, I'm the same myself. Incidentally do you know the song all i wanted was danger by the milk? It's quality, the whole album is, kind of funky modern urban soul from south east England. Album is called tales from the Thames delta, one of those you play without skipping a track. I've a feeling you may dig it

  • @pe7erpark3r said in New, odd, scam? I'd love some insight...:

    It might either be legit interest, combined with a personality that just is quite a bit too engaged and hopeful (people like that definitely exist, and they tend to lose interest after a while, you know borderline?), or

    there are lots of women in eastern europe/asia, who actually hope to marry a western man, maybe even without any ill intent... And that is something that happened often even before the internet. I'd put my bets on this last option.

    I wish you the best :heart:

    They do indeed exist I agree (the former), I have known a few in real life. I've considered the second option too. I've seen more than enough to satisfy me that this is no bot, so in the absence of any scam the only options left appear to be somebody bored/pranking (but who has the effort to converse for so long for the sake of a prank?) or the things you mention.

    Thanks for the support, whatever the case πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

  • @Scottish Oh I hear you bro... I'm awful for giving people advice which they find useful and valuable yet I am too stubborn to take myself πŸ˜‚

    Sweet thanks for that, I don't know it but once I get back from the school run in the morning and have settled back in at home I'll check it out and let you know what I think πŸ‘

  • @Matt_Aranha do so, I'd love to know what you think. Nobody seems to know this band which is a shame. And i know you have eclectic tastes in music as do i

  • Simple steps to a scam, what gets me is the amount of time and effort these ppl spend in getting your money  
    They ask you for money.
    The profile you and tell you everything you want to hear.
    They will find out what you are looking for in a relationship and create events that will play on your emotions to get you to send money.
    They groom you for as long as it takes (days, months, years) to get your money by being attentive, lavishing you with attention and compliments, and tell you that they love you. Usually, they profess their love early in the relationship.
    They are always available because it is usually a group of individuals that are sending you messages, working off a script.
    The images of your "loved one" will be stolen from the internet.
    Your "loved one" will always have an excuse for why they can't meet you.
    They will always find a reason for you to send them more money.

  • @Ladydoall30 nice one ladydoall! How are you anyway luv, you've been quiet on here lately. Just busy dancing? Xx

  • @Scottish holidays, busy, restarting up classes, some shows, shoveling snow ..lol

  • @Ladydoall30 lucky you, J, sounds idyllic. I'm stuck on the island ,ferries cancelled due to 70mph winďs. There's much worse places to be trapped, can't really grumble. xx

  • @Matt_Aranha

    This was a wonderful morning read hahaha. I've heard somewhere that the best time of the year to find love is the 1st 2 sundays of January. The 1st one already passed so she might be investing for the 2nd one 😏

    Jokes aside, if it's harmful keep digging deep life cant suck all the time! 😊

  • So the latest... I'm starting to give serious consideration to the theory put forward by @pe7erpark3r that this is indeed a husband-hunter (possibly so she can stay in the country post-Brexit?) and the fact that I have played along seeing how far she'd go (to try and call her bluff/catch her out) assuming it was a scammer has given me cause to go "oh fuck" a bit πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ

    (Allegedly) she lives in London, was quite open about being unemployed currently, and lives with her parents. The being 35 living with parents is a really nice touch if this is not authentic; it lends a lot of credibility to the idea that she moved here with family looking to settle and might not be too fussy who with.

    She's asked if she can come stay visit me soon, asked if it could be for a full week. Obviously I'm not going to give a stranger my address (I'm not THAT daft), I am playing along saying that we could probably sort something out at the end of the month. I've floated a couple of dates and am now waiting to be asked for travel money in scam style (which I would also obviously never provide).

    We're also supposedly having our first live video chat tonight, previously not possible as I've had my son since Friday. That will be VERY interesting.

    Last year I was seriously considering writing a book or blog on some of the wide spectrum of (authentic and otherwise) online experiences I've had, from a sociological point-of-view. I'm thinking about it again now... this could prove a jolly interesting chapter πŸ€”

  • @Matt_Aranha the plot thickens Matt! I'm nearly as keen as you to see how this pans out

  • @Scottish said in New, odd, scam? I'd love some insight...:

    @Matt_Aranha the plot thickens Matt! I'm nearly as keen as you to see how this pans out

    You might be keener, I'm not sure I want to find out! πŸ˜‚

  • @Matt_Aranha haha well at best she is genuine πŸ€” and at worst you see her coming with neon lights and klaxons 😁

  • @Scottish said in New, odd, scam? I'd love some insight...:

    @Matt_Aranha Incidentally do you know the song all i wanted was danger by the milk? It's quality, the whole album is, kind of funky modern urban soul from south east England. Album is called tales from the Thames delta, one of those you play without skipping a track. I've a feeling you may dig it

    Decent stuff... I kept finding myself curious to hear what the next track would sound like as each current one was playing. I think my stepdad will like it. I'm definitely going to give it another go. Cheers!