Am watching #Global Day Of Prayer... Follow it online. Accept JESUS into your life and be saved, JESUS loves You... Jesus is coming soon! For support follow Pastor Chris Oyakhilome online, harness your energy for eternity

  • Am watching #Global Day Of Prayer... Follow it online. Accept JESUS into your life and be saved, JESUS loves You... Jesus is coming soon! For support follow Pastor Chris Oyakhilome online, harness your energy for eternity

  • @Valerie why jesus ?? What about rest of other fellow like ,Moses Krishna, Allah, guru Nanak .. many more anyway .. so these folks do not consider they are son of God .. well I thank dog !! Man what a pethatic god would be , to have a sex not bieng aware for marry blood virgin !! Or rape a human a virgin created son ha ha .. so funny innit??' to claim jesus a son of, or a fellow born for god's d**k..
    So why and what peace it would be ??

  • I'm pretty sure he's not. Anyways I don't want to live a century let alone eternity...

  • I am sorry to speak up my thoughts .. so forgive me religion is good and not for me , I no need god to hold on or to blame for my good and bad deeds ..I can forgive myself let go and move on .. if you follow as jesus mentioned in old testimonials..
