What is one of your biggest fears?
Mine is probably losing those who are close to me.
The fear of becoming no one not becoming successful and being a failure in life...
@Uno well you aren't a no one to me man. So don't worry
Lol y'all are gonna hate me after these memes
https://images.app.goo.gl/qEk9JCWtmXpxDmWj8 -
- confusion intensifies *
@Uno lol uno lmao
Lmao i think i broke uno
@Vanie My biggest fear is getting beaten up or intensely humiliated or berated in public in front of everyone.
Lol more bad memes
https://images.app.goo.gl/6SEbDM8W2JhqVnYz7 -
@Rajeev2021 that is definitely a valid fear.
Error 503 " Brain " is unavailable
@Uno dude i never had one of them things
@Vanie I'm a nerd I know all of the error codes
@Uno lol. But whats it like to have a brain?
Error 418 " I'm a teapot "
@Uno lmfao
Check it out it's a real code
@Uno lol nah im trusting you though