Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @jimmy1708 said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @thestrangest u r not a ex-muslim

    Suck a dick, i don't have to convince you of anything

    u r a lier

    Suck a dick

    u r anti-islam


    and pretending that u r ex-muslim

    Not true

    no one wants to hear ur lies and shits

    Good because i don't lie or audibly shit

    and if someone would truly follows quraan

    Which i used to do. By the way "quran" has 1 'a'

    then he will not kill even an ant....

    Bullshit. He would kill a lot more than an ant, homosexuals and adulterers are just examples. Read my last post

    so dont talk about something u dont know dummy...

    Suck a dick. I know this much better than you


  • @thestrangest Ok, you mis-understand EVERYTHING basically, you just have been informed with human invention false information, i will try to correct some..
    First: about the world being created in 6 days

    i believe in science and religion, Allah created us to learn and benefit ourselves and nature, the 6 days thing according to Allah = Billions of years in our calculation, the reason why it's only 6 days is wise thing from Allah he wants the human nature to know that everything in this life comes by time and passion. and if allah wanted, he would create this whole universe in one second. i don't say that sience is wrong about it, but i am pretty sure that we have limit and we can only know what god have made visible and clear to us to know and learn (And We have made the night and day two signs, and We erased the sign of the night and made the sign of the day visible that you may seek bounty from your Lord and may know the number of years and the account [of time]. And everything We have set out in detail.(al isra 17) here's another proof at the day difference theory from el quran: A supplicant asked for a punishment bound to happen(1)To the disbelievers; of it there is no preventer.(2)[It is] from Allah, owner of the ways of ascent.(3)The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years.(4)So be patient with gracious patience.(5)Indeed, they see it [as] distant,(6)But We see it [as] near.(7)On the Day the sky will be like murky oil,(8)And the mountains will be like wool,(9)And no friend will ask [anything of] a friend,(10) (Al-Ma'arij from 1 -10 verses)

    Second: about the violent thing
    you mis-understood all the verses of the quran, allah ordered our teacher Muhammed (Peace and pray be upon him) to fight elmushrkeen because in islamic history that you seem to know nothing about it elmushrkeen who will start (foray) or (war) against the muslims and islam and always wanted to kill our teacher Muhammed, that's why Allah ordered elmuslmeen to fight and allowed violent to defend not to attack and destroy like a lot of people believe, and when Elmuslmeen would invade countries to share the islam if the country they would invade surrendered and didn't fight, elmuslmeen don't fight but if they attack them, they defend themselves that's the only case of violent islam has allowed. and there's also war laws that you MUST NOT EVER break in islam and if you searched for it you will find it's all with peace not against it. like : 1-Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors. (el bakara: 190 verse)
    2-And if you punish [an enemy, O believers], punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed. But if you are patient - it is better for those who are patient.(completely against violent verse) (An-Nahl verse:126)

    Third: about islam doesn't have equality between man and woman
    it never was against the equality, Allah has gave each sex his rights equally if men are above woman by one degree it's wise thing from Allah, and the human can never know everything, and the thing about( men can have sex with them whenever they want) allah only allowed it in case of marriage and right slaves and prohibited zinah, and as science discovered that catching STD happens from this Case it's clear to see why Zinah is prohibited

    Fourth: about the gay and lesbian thing
    when allah Created our teacher Adam and His wife Hawah, they were the first humans ever created and they were created with the normal human nature that god created that man and woman should mate to get kids, Islam Prohibited anything against the normal human nature including gay sex and lesbian sex bec it's against the normal human nature god created

    I studied islamic history since i was a kid and the main thing that makes me believe in it is that THERE IS NO IN THIS WHOLE WORLD a GREAT book like Holy quran, and if you find any similar book like it i will say that islam is crap and i won't believe in it. i have a lot more evidence to tell you that islam is the right religion but you just won't care at all, you disbelived in WHY you are mainly created, WE and El-Jinn were both created to obey Allah, follow his orders and stay away from his prohibtions, Islam wants people to have better life in this world and in the afterlife, we weren't created just by accident,IF you had studied EL quran and history well YOU will know that in quran it's believed that islam well rule the world twice and Sons of israel will rule it twice and that's what's happening and what Will Happen, Israel ruled the world first then islam ruled and now it's ISRAEL and USA controlling everything, and 2nd rule of islam is going to come when a person of the same name of our Teacher Muhammed ibn abd allah will come and lead all the muslmeen from all over the world and the majority will be from europe and Christ Issa will come down and fight with elmuslmeen and christians will disblieve in him AND FIGHT HIM. fight the true christ that they believe in....

    I am not just predicting all these are facts that are happening and IS GOING TO happen and you are going to see.....(if you have life to live these events)

  • @ahmed-a-hussein I am sorry.
    Because he is going to write a way bigger response.
    Best of luck mate!

  • @lucifer_ oh yes i definitely am, i have not read what he has written yet, I'm just 90% sure it is full of grammatical errors and that it might be incomprehensible. it is about to be 1 am here in France and i have to go to sleep. please leave me a notification by responding to this comment, upvoting it or whatever so i do not forget. I'll respond when i have the time

  • @ahmed-a-hussein tell'em man ^^

  • Music Lovers

    I think Islam is a very peaceful religion. I know this because I have many Muslim friends. Islam is only presented as a religion of terrorism on the media because some Muslims decided to make bad choices, going against what the religion stands for. Not all Muslims are that way.

  • i don't think so, if you review history many religion have a period of "terrorism", Catholicism it's not the exception the holy war, the holy inquisition, murders, the only difference is that before it was not called terrorism. the problem I think is the misinterpretation that they give to their own book

  • @layla thx ikr u r right :) of course

  • Banned

    No religion actually teaches us to hurt someone. The religion is spoiled by its contractor so called maulana, priest , etc. Religion is a lifestyle of living. Any bigotry of any type is harmful. In Islam due to huge population and more religious bigotry some people misleads people in wrong direction. Islamic people are generally are less educated as compare to other religion because of their population. Due to which they are easy to mislead. This is my point of view and I am Hindu.

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  • @alise4444 hey follow me

  • No..No religion teach us to hate ..if religion does that then better to change that religion...

  • @kalebwalker shut up motherfucker

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  • @Muslim
    Tuhawid ul mujahiddin
    Al quaeda and many other terrorist groups can attack at anyone at any time. We are living like a scared rat in this world. All these groups are made of mostly muslims. They have tremendously affected several countries like- Pakistan, India, US, Russia etc.

  • @sushant-singh yeah once again muslims are the bad guys yeah yeah oky thanx

  • @muslim actual islam is peacful the branch hurting people are called shi-ites my sheikh dosent consider them muslim becasue they dont even believe in muhummad "SAW" and get angry when u mention him, but islam has never been the head of major genocides it has just been demonized for a couple of radical groups i mean you got genghis khan,hitler,Mao Ze Dong and Augusto Pinochet

    were any of them musliim?......FUCK NO now go re-think you lives dumb niggas.

    {random nigga no one cars abou} but muslims are terrorists they insite fear.

    {ME} nigga no we dont, take ure dumb ass to ure local mosque and ask about islam they will tell you the word salam its self means peace,oh yea but check this the greates terror organization was christian remember the I.R.A??? now go read dumb niggas.

  • i aint saying muslims dont do bad things,some of us do horrible things but the reason its potrayed badly is because of the christian influence over the world its set to demonize islam, back in the good ol days muslims was just chillin in the desert gettin fuckin turnt wit camels and shit, but the pope wasnt having it they hated us, we were to cool we eliminated rascism freed slaves, and you could have more than one wife, it was fuckin chill , so the pope tryed to get rid of us woops the crusades and they got theyre ass wopped and millions converted that bitterness still continous to today

  • @muslim No

  • Banned

    @sushant-singh but bro they are some misleaded person. They doesn't so their whole community. The problem of their community is religious bigotry . APJ Abdul Kalam, Maulana Azad, Malala Yousafzai are some great examples.
