Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • @alwaysstranger big bang and evolution are nothing but a holy crap for weak faith people . who has nothing to do with the truth .and stoping fking telling me u are ana arab . i dont give a damn . islam is not about ur faking race its for all humans not olny ur dmub ass bor . and im am done of your shity talk all the time keep taging me in no matter what . i didnt give up on my topic . u didnt convice me . and u still didnt prove anything ... i can say 90% of people here said No ... the last 10% ..5% of em dont know shit . and the other 5 didnt prove anything . and to be honest ... u didnt change a thing here ... i asked for an opinion not ur fking life as an ex muslim . no boddy cares . come the fuk on man be real .... i have enough evidance to break ur ass up . its simply that u chose not to belive cuz itstoo hard for u.

  • how come people in 2017 still beilve that islam is a religion of terrorist . did anyone of you visited a muslim country . did they blow you ? i mean wtf guysits 2017 ... dont copy what the media says to ur small mind and put it here to proove noting but shit . be real .do you really think 9/11 benladen's deed . come on ... didnt jorje bucsh said he killed benladen . then obam killed him again ... i mean like what the hell people .are there more stupid people in the world . the goal from this topic is to change for the best .not to mke it worst .what about the american muslims . the uk muslims people from all over the world are they all terrorist or just the arabs . come on be smart

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @alwaysstranger big bang and evolution are nothing but a holy crap for weak faith people . who has nothing to do with the truth .and stoping fking telling me u are ana arab.

    Cool. So 1st you don't believe in science. @noone , @Sir-Devil and @Lucifer look at this idiot

    2nd I'm Palestinian

    i dont give a damn . islam is not about ur faking race its for all humans not olny ur dmub ass bor . and im am done of your shity talk all the time keep taging me in no matter what . i didnt give up on my topic . u didnt convice me .

    You don't believe in science nor logic. I never had any hope of charging your mind on anything

    and u still didnt prove anything ... i can say 90% of people here said No ... the last 10% ..5% of em dont know shit . and the other 5 didnt prove anything . and to be honest ... u didnt change a thing here ... i asked for an opinion not ur fking life as an ex muslim . no boddy cares . come the fuk on man be real .... i have enough evidance to break ur ass up . its simply that u chose not to belive cuz itstoo hard for u.

    1st you don't decide who proved what.

    2nd i don't expect someone who does believe in science to know what evidence is

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    how come people in 2017 still beilve that islam is a religion of terrorist .


    Oh i don't know. Maybe it is because of the existence of something called jihad or maybe because even though not all Muslims are Terrorists, 99.9% of terrorists are muslim

    did anyone of you visited a muslim country .

    Excuse me. I'm a Palestinian who was born in syria

    did they blow you ?

    No Muslims have blown me but depending on the individual, I'd be open to the suggestion

    i mean wtf guysits 2017 ... dont copy what the media says to ur small mind and put it here to proove noting but shit .

    I don't watch tv. Infact, in my option, the first step to free thought is to stop watching tv

    be real .do you really think 9/11 benladen's deed .


    come on ... didnt jorje bucsh said he killed benladen . then obam killed him again ... i mean like what the hell people .are there more stupid people in the world .


    the goal from this topic is to change for the best .not to mke it worst .what about the american muslims . the uk muslims people from all over the world are they all terrorist or just the arabs . come on be smart

    No they are not Terrorists. But a lot of them said that they'd prefer to be under shariah law than democracy. And do i really have to explain why that's horrible? Shariah law punishes homosexuality, atheism, apostacy... by death and it is super anti-woman

  • @alwaysstranger you are nothing but an arabic jew . fk off .. sience is what i do u stupid shit . ive finished my education this year . hell bell hhhhhhh

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @alwaysstranger you are nothing but an arabic jew . fk off .. sience is what i do u stupid shit . ive finished my education this year . hell bell hhhhhhh

    1st jeudism is a religion which involves the belief in god, i do not believe that a god exits therefore I'm not a jew

    2nd no you didn't finish your education, no man finishes their education whilst not believing in scientific studies like biology and astrophysics so you slept through your education.

    Hell, you can't even spell 'science', you said 'sience'

  • @alwaysstranger yeah maybe my english is my 3rd language so its bad how about franch u sick fk ... can u spel a word ? fk off bro are too fking stupid to understand that god exist ...hh " SCIENCE" you say ? hhhhh fk off

  • @muslim said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @alwaysstranger yeah maybe my english is my 3rd language so its bad how about franch u sick fk ... can u spel a word ?

    Oui en fait, je parle 4 langues couramment et en franƧais on l'Ʃpelle 'science' comme en anglais.

    fk off bro are too fking stupid to understand that god exist ...hh " SCIENCE" you say ? hhhhh fk off

    The guy who doesn't believe in science is calling me stupid whilst using bad English, should i feel bad, or should i feel bad for you?

  • @muslim They are same as me except with different principles and stuffs.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @muslim Islam isn't a religion.

  • All the Muslims arguing these idiots just leave ! They are born idiots came from their momā€™s arsehole.!

  • @alwaysstranger said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:


    for you my religion is for you your religion, so do not be racist, damn

  • if you can see around can find and you can understand that ISLAM is a religion without any terrorism...and also ISLAM and Muslims are a society or the nation that fight with terrorism.if you can see , in the Middle East we have a fight from terrorism and muslims that if the muslims dont stop terrorism,one hundred percent we dont have any security in the world.

  • @aditya_priatama said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @alwaysstranger said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:


    for you my religion is for you your religion, so do not be racist, damn

    I'm an ex-muslim. Islam is not a race. You can stop being muslim but you can't stop being black

  • @alwaysstranger there is no point for stop being Muslim Islam and Muslims is the only best religion in the entire universe.... I can prove it to you

  • @girlnextdoor said in Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?:

    @alwaysstranger there is no point for stop being Muslim Islam and Muslims is the only best religion in the entire universe.... I can prove it to you

    By killing me? Fuck no. Fuck no. In shariah the punishment for non-belief is death. In all muslim countries i would be killed dor actually thinking freely. Islam is the worst religion. Anyways. I away from this site so don't say anything to me

  • @alwaysstranger u need to grow up

  • Yes. The problem with Islam is it's foundation. It is the mostly it's founder and it's book. The book does not give a clear indication on what humans and and their destiny are. Promising 72 virgins for suicide bombers is stupid and uncivilized.

    The most important thing is the the world is doing the right thing. Islam is a book that promotes wrong in the guise of right.

  • Nope. No religion supports terrorism in a pure state. Every religion in the pure state supports peace. It is people that manipulate the religion according to their convenience and beliefs.