Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • I think that there are @ssholes in this world and that they are not secluded to any specific religion or race I think that if you focus on one specific group there will always be the rotten apples that ruin things for others and if you choose to judge an entire group of people by those rotten ones then you will never see any good in the world just rotten stinking apples

  • Well @muslim that's a serious question you asked in a not soo "good place" ...

    But I think I am the right person to answer this question . (why you ask - because 7 of my friends belongs to islam religion and two of them died when i was just 9 years old because of riots.. )

    If you want to know what happend keep on reading..

    (When i was 7-9 years old) -
    So when i was little my father who was in army used to take me and my brother to his best friend's house ( I don't remeber uncle's name but we used to call him mohmmad uncle) . the thing is mohmmad uncle was single that is his wife died even before i was born and he raised his only son by himself and since mohmmad uncle loved his wife so much he didn't even thought of remarrying .
    Now on such a day it was holiday i remember correctly .. me and my big bro we were playing in mohmmad uncle garden and a car stopped by house it was a goverment officer car and a officer came out and rush to my father and mohmmad uncle and so in curiosty i followed him too and then the officer said something to my dad and uncle (in very low voice) and after a few seconds mohmmad uncle fall to the ground and it was like for me ... time stopped for a second and i didn't know what happend .. My big brother rushed and my dad picked up uncle and the officer called ambulance and turned out it was a heart attack.. And mohmmad uncle died .. i didn't know much what exactly happend but later as i grow up my dad told me what happend on that day when mohmmad uncle died or rather he told me how he actually he died ... What i think that it was not a heart attack it was murder so what happend is ..( it was my birthday we had a big party and then my dad asked me what i want to become in future so i told him that i want to join indian army and protect my people and my country) ... When my dad hear that he was shocked or frozed for a moment it's like he was seeing some incident from his past and when he came to sense he take me to roof and told me the story about watan mohmmad the son of mohmmad uncle and he told me how watan exactly died and you know what i literally cried that day super hard ... So what happend exactly .....
    Story of watan an indian muslim army men
    Watan mohmmand was son of mohmmand uncle and he joined indian army ... First thing is this the word "watan" is an indian name which means or signifies "nation" so that name has a irony in itself... Now back to main part watan joined indian army and he was transferred to jammu & kashmir border and on such a day after several weeks of joinning on a day he saved around 50 life by rescuing the villagers in that area from being attacked by terrorists....

    but the unfortunate thing is on his way back to home i.e fron jammu & kashmir border to his home that is in jammu he was kidnapped and was killed by terrorist and the condition in which his body was found is bad ( the condition was soo bad .. My father told me that he was about to vomit even though being an army man ... Watan fingers was cutted down and his eyes were taken out and much more that you probably don't wanna imagine ..) and as his father(mohmmad uncle) was told that his son died his father died of heart attack... The bad part is when watan was on his way back home he was not wearing any uniform so there is no way anyone could knew he was a army man and also the people who killed him was of his own religion that is watan belongs to islam and the prople who killed him also belongs to islam ....

    Where watan signifies love for his nation and his peoples aka PEACE and those who killed him signifies evil ....

    And also

    There is a father who belongs to islam and who loved his wife soo much that he did not even thought about remarrying even in being in his 30's and raised his son with a proud name of watan and raised him to be a army officer..
    An islamic father who's best friend was indian and they both were true friends ,
    And a young man Watan mohmmad who saved almost 50 peoples from being attacked and died for his nation India being a Proud indian muslim ...........

    And there are people of islam who killed him

    So if you read the whole part i just want to say religion doesn't matter what matter is upbringing

    Thats all folks

    Corrupt man

  • @corrupt-man I agree, religion doesn't matter and that's why we don't need it. On average religion only causes bad things

  • Islam means peace and it spread peace to all its people, so It will be awkward and bad to say that it leads towards terrorism

  • @alwaysstranger Well thats true don't know about the ant thing but yes we believe in the big bang we don't believe in evolution Islam says homosexuality is unnatural so that what we believe and our religion says and we are free to believe whatever we want so well if you don't like it it's your problem you should rather do something productive as in spreading awareness against STDs,cancer etc rather than trying to misinterpret Muslims as Terrorists

  • @shaddy i never said that all muslims are terrorists since I'm an ex-muslim and since my parents are muslim. But I'm sure that I'm not crazy for not wanting muslims to AGREE with verses in the quran that say homosexuals should be killed like @Muslim. And by the way science is true if you believe in it or not. homosexuality is natural and evolution are 2 things proven by science so if you don't believe that's the case then that doesn't make you right. And you're a Fucking idiot so please NEVER respond to me again, i think i already made this clear in the last conversation we had

  • @alwaysstranger If science would have proven it that it would have been a law and if you are such a Philosopher than do reads darwins letter to his friend about the missing chain in the evolutionary chain and also according to my religion it's unnatural and well there is no clear scientific evidence of it being natural at all and well I am a free man on a free social platform and I shall reply to whatever I want because I won't let you misinterpret Islam

  • @shaddy dude. There are so many things wrong with your comment but i won't respond because i made it clear 2 times that i want nothing to do with you because when i talk to you i feel bad because i feel like I'm debating a mentally challenged person.

  • @muslim yes it is and I can gives you the proves . Am Ex Muslim and I have enough knowledge about it. Islam is a source of hatred who is not Muslim he is enemy and you have the right to take his money and everything that belong to him . Simply because he is "kafir" I been raised as Muslim . But am happy because I left it . This is only my point of view as person who experience it . Thanks and excuse my English

  • @solmon-rehmes HIGH FIVE. I'm also an ex-muslim now athiest

  • @alwaysstranger you need a rest

  • @notyourbusiness i know. These uneducated and illiterate muslims are driving me crazy

  • i don't think that cause im muslim

  • @alwaysstranger nah you're just simply lost and confused hence the need to rest

  • @notyourbusiness I'm not confused or lost about anything, I'm just tired of repeating the same points atleast 6 times so i won't reply to things which i already explained hundreds of times because that makes me TIRED and that's why i will stop and take a rest until I'm in the mood of copy pasting some of my previous comments over and over again, so yeah i need a rest but what do you think I'm tired and confused about, the answer is that I'm not confuse or lost about anything and if you try to tell me that I'm confused about religion or my mind is lost or whatever bullshit you want to say you would be starting another debate WHICH I ALREADY FUCKING HAD 3 TIMES ON THIS POST so if you say anything like that expect that i will not make an exception and copy-paste my previous comments for you because you're a special snowflake. So don't respond to this comment because I'll probably ignore you and if you don't understand how much i have repeatedly myself then you might want to take in consideration that this topic has been posted about 2 months ago and i was debating from the moment it was uploaded along with other posts which are similar like "loopholes in religion" ( ) & "Hitler Killed 6 million jews... bla bla bla". ( )

  • @notyourbusiness FUCK IT. Here's an example for you of how i just repeat the same conversations:

    For example for @shaddy said that evolution isn't true and that being gay is unnatural and here is

    1. Me explaining to a dumbass called @Ilija-Gromovnik [I'm calling him a dumbass because i have attacked his views multiple times (like on homosexuality being unnatural or the illuminati being real and things like that) and every time we reach a point in the debate where i clearly defeat everypoint he has made/can make/wants to make he just stops responding and leaves without telling me uf i changed his opinion, if he wants time to think about what i said but usually he never responds after i win a debate] how being gay is natural:

    1. Here is me talking to @Sheapard explaining to him how evolution is true but sadly he just doesn't understand:

    P.S. @shaddy if you respond or talk to me about anything when it comes to religion or science I'm not responding since you're a lost cause so it's better for you not respond to me because I'll just ignore you

  • No religion is right or wrong..follow whatever you want..spread love.

    30000 left homeless..:'(:'(:'(

    There are helpline number in the description.. please share it and ask your friends to share it as might help someone.
    Thank you.

  • @bucket "no religion is right or wrong" dude wtf, all religions contradict each other

  • No, I have a friend who practices the religion of Islam. From what she told me, it sounds like terrorism is against their religion in MANY ways.
