Do you think ISLAM is a religion of terrorism ?

  • No.We have a world with many religions . Talk to Good people and see the better side . The dark part is in every one of us . Religions try to bring out the good. But some have interpreted it wrong.

  • @Muslim no not really. I find it evil.

  • @amethyst1324 thanx for your opinion^^

  • @davidwil sure , the what can you say ab9ut what's happening in Jerusalem , Iraq , ... What about the massacre in newziland.. or the Hiroshima Ana nakazaking bomming that took 300.000 life in 1 min ... Bro go read history

  • @Muslim nah . You tell me what does is say sir ... Or what did you understand, and how deep Arabic you understand. Stop being a media dumb .

  • You are sham in Arabs mate . Go ask an Iman to explain that Condition to you

  • @Luv2Lik Uhm ... May I suggest that you check your data base first ? Also go search in book not on the internet ... Thanx anyway

  • @mika that's kinda cool ... So what can you say about the newziland massacre in the masjid ... Oh are we the bad guy who did it ... I wanna see your face now

  • I think Islam is a choice first. A personal choice. I am allowed, due to my nation's laws, to ask (not tell, THERE is a difference ) you about your thought and choices. But, I am not allowed to judge you on your thoughts/ beliefs as you are not allowed in return.

    I think @muslim has the right to ask. I also believe other people's right to debate here. But I also try Very hard to follow "talk to stranger's " rules of Be Nice.

  • I think that before Muhammad, and the changing the name of God to varient Allah (which means shoemaker BTW) that these people truly did follow the same God as the Israelite's, and the old testament. The Quran calls upon it's followers to persecute Christians, and the like, and Allah is said to have 99 names, and that he never had a son. There are many things about the Quran that condone the ways of the old testament, and disregard Jesus stating he was nothing more than a great prophet, but honestly Jesus himself said only God is good why do we call him good? I have nothing against the Muslim people, and share a lot of similar principals such as discretion regarding the flesh, but not just women, the men ought to cover themselves in humility as well. To be honest I suspect Allah to be the destroyer, or the enemy of God himself, as one time when I was at odds ends with my dad, and my own sins, and life I went to sleep on top of a mountain even without shoes, and as I laid writhing in the cold, and swarming legions in spiritual realms striving to keep me from receiving the holy spirit I remember bits and pieces of Michael the arch angel coming against Allah. What this tells me is that if Michael is contesting against this Allah then he is not a good guy. Beware

  • Allah tries to possess me constantly. He is violent, and perverted. The true God would not offer a man virgins to commit suicide. I have felt the oppression of such. The lack of sex provoking self loathing, and suicidal temptations. Allah is a clever trickster. I recommend Jesus for he is the only way any of us can find the path to the true God of Israel (who is the 1 true God) and receive the Holy Spirit. We cannot overcome the flesh by our own merits, and many people today have no intention to overcome the flesh for the love of God

  • @VeryGay I appreciate your copy/past searshy friend ... Yes that's a vers .. but do you know the story behind it ?.... ( Oh btw our holy book was never there in one piece ... Each vers for a reason and an event ) make a nother search bro ^^

  • @Sabo-go-thud dude I like what you said ... All I'm trying to do is to make to see if the Muslim community is really hated for what's happening there ... Also feel free to explain your self ... I already have respect for your words

  • Islam isn't a religion of war, I personally believe it's just being twisted in order to rally up people so that they can feel like they're fighting for something that they believe in, but hey Christianity has undergone the same thing. Religions almost always end up leading to some form of theocratic rule which leads to power hungry people perverting said religion for their own personal gain.

  • why do you people hate Islam i a Muslim but i don't hate any region there might be some terrorist but judging because of 1 or 2 person is unfair please don't hate us i love all religion

  • I do think Islam is a religion of peace, tranquility and intelligence because of two reasons 1 how it goes hand in hand with science and 2) 113/114 chapters in the Holy Quran starts with β€œΨ¨Ψ³Ω… Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ Ψ§Ω„Ψ±Ψ­Ω…Ω† Ψ§Ω„Ψ±Ψ­Ω…Ω†" meaning β€œIn the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most merciful” so I don’t think a religion that promotes mercy is a religion of violence. Of course like any other religion there are verses that talk about violence. Statistically speaking, the verses of violence in Christianity is more than the ones in the Quran and people don’t talk about that.
    Excuse my grammar English is my 3rd language.

  • Even if people have different views as humans we should not talk down to people and especially religions. We all have freedom of religion and we should be able to practice that. Islam is a religion of peace. No, not all Muslims are perfect. No, not all people are perfect. Grouping people together is not the way to go. That is what society does to us they want us to argue and fight. Grouping certain Muslims who use the Quran as a reason to do bad is not okay and this is not all Muslims. Its literally like people saying all Black people are in gangs and cause trouble which is not true. We cannot throw everyone into one category that's doesn't make someones point valid.

  • Even if people have different views as humans we should not talk down to people and especially religions. We all have freedom of religion and we should be able to practice that. Islam is a religion of peace. No, not all Muslims are perfect. No, not all people are perfect. Grouping people together is not the way to go. That is what society does to us they want us to argue and fight. Grouping certain Muslims who use the Quran as a reason to do bad is not okay and this is not all Muslims. Its literally like people saying all Black people are in gangs and cause trouble which is not true. We cannot throw everyone into one category that's doesn't make someones point valid.

  • yes g fuck off cunt

  • You got that wrong. Women are far superior to men. They can get a degree, hold down a job whilst bringing up children
    Give birth and go straight back to work and they live longer than men. Women can multi-task. Men cant