• @wildwallflower

    Longest I stayed awake was probably during Highschool/College when I had to deliver papers/work, I remember I woke up at 7am a day, stayed up all night and went to bed at like 18 the next day as I passed out when I got home from school.

    I never sleep for too long, even when i'm dead tired, no idea why, but the longest I slept for was like 9h/10h or so.

  • I've gone for 28-29 hours without sleeping.. and maximum I have slept for 12 hours maybe...

  • And not only one time many times I have gone for 24+ hours without sleep...... cozz fizzed sleep routiness.. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

  • @barton said in What is the longest you've gone without sleeping and what's the longest time you've slept?:

    @wildwallflower the longest i stayed awake was about 21~ 22 hours (i guess) as part of my shiv ratri vrata... i wanted to do 25 but couldnt help fall asleep as i was dead tired after making 108 runs around the temple offering that three faced leaves... the longest sleep was recently.. went to bed at 9 and woke up for lunch next day at 1.. lol

    Vrat n all! Wow u still do that? πŸ˜…

  • @ansi said in What is the longest you've gone without sleeping and what's the longest time you've slept?:

    I've gone for 28-29 hours without sleeping.. and maximum I have slept for 12 hours maybe...

    And not only one time many times I have gone for 24+ hours without sleep...... cozz fizzed sleep routiness.. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

    Damnn duudee u gotta do something abt it, it's not healthy

  • @7up said in What is the longest you've gone without sleeping and what's the longest time you've slept?:

    I’ve stayed up till like 7:30 am (on a school night) and I’ve slept for like 16 hours before I guess

    First of all

    7up????????? Whaaaa

    where's jalebi? 😭

    U slept at 7am what time had u woken up?

  • @wildwallflower haha.. that was an one off.. i just tried it as an experiment...plus lot of girls take shiv ratri vrata ;) ... but i never thought it was this painful.. respect to the women who do that on a regular basis... however i still take pradosha vrata twice a month mainly because of the attached 12 hour fasting window... plus i belive god has a plan for us all... so there is no point in offering special poojas for the sake of achieving anything special...

  • @wildwallflower Yeah lol all say that πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I'm trying now.

    I've a cute πŸ˜πŸ˜„ nutritionist who helps me to sleep on time. πŸ™‚

  • @wildwallflower


    I woke up at like 7:50 or some shiz, yeah that day went pretty bad..

  • @mr-h said in What is the longest you've gone without sleeping and what's the longest time you've slept?:


    Longest I stayed awake was probably during Highschool/College when I had to deliver papers/work, I remember I woke up at 7am a day, stayed up all night and went to bed at like 18 the next day as I passed out when I got home from school.

    I never sleep for too long, even when i'm dead tired, no idea why, but the longest I slept for was like 9h/10h or so.

    7am to 6 pm next day?????

    Fuckin 35 hrs!!!

    took me some time to calculate
    Were u trying to kill urself? O.O

  • @wildwallflower oh i read that as 6 am. there was a time i used to take sleeping pills the first day i used it i didnt really feel any sleep and slept at 3 am as usual..the next day i woke up at 12 and i saw a few broken things at home and a sad mom (dad went to work). inasked what happened she said around 4 am i woke them both up and said i cant sleep and walked inside home here and there yelling and breaking things and then take a shower and then fall asleep... and the thing is i cant remember any of that! the next day me and dad visited the doctor and he said if we dont get enough rest after taking pills things can go wrong!!!

  • @wildwallflower

    Well I had to stay up all night to finish a work I had to deliver the next day and on the day I had to deliver the said paper I had an exam so couldn't get home earlier :joy: So yeah, fml :joy:

  • Banned

    @wildwallflower I think the longest is 2 days without sleep when I was doing "stuff" for my job and the longest Ive ever slept was probably 13ish hours

  • @sofa_king_cody is that "stuff" classified officer? ;)

  • @ansi said in What is the longest you've gone without sleeping and what's the longest time you've slept?:

    @wildwallflower Yeah lol all say that πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I'm trying now.

    I've a cute πŸ˜πŸ˜„ nutritionist who helps me to sleep on time. πŸ™‚

    Cute nutritionist! 😏 alright

  • @sofa_king_cody said in What is the longest you've gone without sleeping and what's the longest time you've slept?:

    @wildwallflower I think the longest is 2 days without sleep when I was doing "stuff" for my job and the longest Ive ever slept was probably 13ish hours

    Aan-haan! Roger that!

    I can only imagine how u manage to do that!! Baravo! πŸ˜…

  • Music Lovers

    β€œWhen you have insomnia, you're never really asleep, and you're never really awake. With insomnia, nothing's real. Everything is far away. Everything is a copy of a copy of a copy." - Fight Club

    This is 100 % accurate.

    Gonna weigh in here because its quite relevant to me. So instead of my raised eyebrows to those if its by choice Ill tell you more then ive told my own mother. Approaching 30 myself and some insight for anyone it applies to.

    Some people dont like sleeping, Some people choose, Some people are afraid to believe it or not and the list goes on as long as the gene pool does. Longest ive been up and its trending for a month maybe two now after i do sleep is nearing 4 days. When I sleep its like a catch up of 18 hours straight. Its cause is lightly put as stress and its not getting better lately. Day 5 I hear is not far from a silent hill movie.

    Hallucinations will surface nearing 2 1/2 days - 3 1/2 and they are not something id call enjoyable, Little things like seeing a black (could be cat) run across in the corner of your eye. Vibrations looking at the monitor Either of those arent so bad. Hearing footsteps inside my apartment, Seeing an arm go to grab my shoulder in said apartment. Those are troubling to me. On top of that, day two fellas? Long term exposure at this period can instigate organ failure, Personality developments and lots of other 'great' chapters that never would of been there otherwise. Rem sleep is a crucial part to the soul and when you dont remember the last time you slept you lose a part of yourself also. Id love to sleep - But Id love to find a place to sort the shit ive seen others do to each other first. 'loved' ones that have done similar stuff to me. All of this paragraph could be classified as inhumane actions and the repercussions of it. Everyone loses when this happens.

    Treat your strangers like you would treat your family and treat your family like you treat yourself but let few in close enough to know who you are 100 %. Too often we go about our business not realizing in the slightest what our business does to others environments. Its why Im here, Its why I make music. Because words fail me every day in comparison. Its why Id give my time to listen to another and Its why I wont stop either - Especially when i should.

    My glass will remain half full. So there I smile in spite of it all. Treat your body well. Surround your mind and presence with good people, they are always few and far between but worth the search and wait! Sleep isnt for the weak, its for the darwinism in all of us. For some, the process itself is a great challenge.

    There, All done.
    awkward pause
    sooo.. How about that legalized out of stock weed in canada?? XD


  • @wildwallflower lpngest I have been up is around 31 hrs or something ( this one is the one with no sleeping break)
    And if I include a minute sleeping break
    Of like 30-45 mins, then, it would be around 2-3 days lol.
    Well, medicine keeps you awake for so long, it sucks really lol.
    And the longest I have slept would be around 12-13 hrs, I guess.

  • @wildwallflower :thinking_face: For me, in the past I have been known to push almost 40 hrs (would a been around 38 - 40 with no stimuli) ...
    While doing stuff I have been to between 50 & 55 hrs .... but I get the right arse with anyone :O
    I do know peeps that while enjoying particular past time pleasures that have been up for weeks at a time.
    But to be fair, I don't think that stimulated lack of sleep should be counted lol.

    As for the other thing .... oh my, would be fab to sleep more than 6 hours even if I have been up for a marathon time-frame hahahah

    red eye

  • @wildwallflower I have a very unstable time for sleeping, used to have this bodyclock and broken time of sleep each day.. can't remember how long ive stayed awake or sleep but for sure Im good for 3-4hours sleep each day with 15minutes nap if applicable..
