• Banned

    @Jimmy1708 first letter of which word is same in pronunciation as whole word itself?

  • @gybon-blaklok some i can answer, i cant answer the whole....
    Yes i m a gamer, and my favourite is Far cry series, Gta 5, the witcher, assassins creed series,bioshock,etc and some online multiplayer games like online pokemon in server, jailbreak in roblox....
    I m from india, i m white with brown hair and brown eyes and weighs 54kg, my height is 5.7 or 5.8(i m not sure about height)
    My favourite colour is black, yellow red and pink.
    I can read, write and speak english, hindi and urdu, but i can only read arabic(no speak, no write)
    I m 21years old and i m a fresh mechanical engineer and just started my first job 6months ago.
    I dont know about aliens, idk wether they exists or not
    I believe no one is perfect in this world, if u want to love someone then u have to accept him/her with those imperfections and try to find love in him/her even in those imperfections...
    I always try to be perfect, but I believe i cant be(no one can) , if someone wants me then she have to accept me with my those imperfections
    No i m not afraid of dark...
    And i listen love and peace songs often, i dont like rock and laud music
    I dont want to praise my self but i m a very intelligent person, i know all mechanical related physics(i was a 3rd topper in my class tbh)
    i m friendly & unshy person, i can easily talk with anyone face to face and get frank with them in a very little time even with girls, and i easily forgive peoples, and i m white hearted..
    Yes, sound of thunder frighten me sometimes XD 😂😂🤣🤣

  • @im-a-bae said in Bored....Ask me anything!!!:

    @gybon-blaklok damn that's some questions you have here

    Thanks :)

  • @jimmy1708 said in Bored....Ask me anything!!!:

    @gybon-blaklok some i can answer, i cant answer the whole....
    Yes i m a gamer, and my favourite is Far cry series, Gta 5, the witcher, assassins creed series,bioshock,etc and some online multiplayer games like online pokemon in server, jailbreak in roblox....
    I m from india, i m white with brown hair and brown eyes and weighs 54kg, my height is 5.7 or 5.8(i m not sure about height)
    My favourite colour is black, yellow red and pink.
    I can read, write and speak english, hindi and urdu, but i can only read arabic(no speak, no write)
    I m 21years old and i m a fresh mechanical engineer and just started my first job 6months ago.
    I dont know about aliens, idk wether they exists or not
    I believe no one is perfect in this world, if u want to love someone then u have to accept him/her with those imperfections and try to find love in him/her even in those imperfections...
    I always try to be perfect, but I believe i cant be(no one can) , if someone wants me then she have to accept me with my those imperfections
    No i m not afraid of dark...
    And i listen love and peace songs often, i dont like rock and laud music
    I dont want to praise my self but i m a very intelligent person, i know all mechanical related physics(i was a 3rd topper in my class tbh)
    i m friendly & unshy person, i can easily talk with anyone face to face and get frank with them in a very little time even with girls, and i easily forgive peoples, and i m white hearted..
    Yes, sound of thunder frighten me sometimes XD 😂😂🤣🤣

    I was surprised you answered as many as you did :)

  • @jimmy1708 What time is it?

  • @jimmy1708 why do you go to the gym?

    1. for increasing weight
    2. for losing weight
    3. for height increasing
    4. for mass gain
    5. other (if yes, mention it )
  • Gamers

    Are you dumb?

  • @damncuteguy to stay fit...to look good
    Fitness is my hobby
    And i want six packs, i m working for it but i m not getting it why ? :(

  • @damncuteguy but i m not going to gym in these days, i quited it at my sis wedding..
    Now thinking to join again

  • @jimmy1708 said in Bored....Ask me anything!!!:

    And i want six packs, i m working for it but i m not getting it why ? :(
    I don't know why you're not getting it cause i have never joined any gym before

  • @damncuteguy lol ok.. :)
