• @rendezvous Abortion is a human issue. It is a human baby. Two humans made the human baby.
    Religion teaches a perspective of life and each religion has their own answer. Some extreme and some soft.
    The only punishment of a one night stand is the risk of conceiving. Every product out there that helps prevent pregnancy has a warning label that states it is not 100% effective. Also, there is also a chance a woman could conceive after being raped. Rape is a horrible crime. There aren't enough bad things to say about rape. But the fetus had nothing to do with the mother being raped, so some argue "why punish the baby?"
    If the baby is a risk to the mother's life, of course it is the mother's choice to live and have the baby aborted. What most pro-life activists protest against are abortions that don't threaten the mother's life. The extreme protesters don't want abortions, period. Those people are crazy.

  • @ice-king

    I agree.
