• @layla i guess i do... do u ?

  • @ash_uchiha No, no offense to your beliefs, but I don't understand how the soul of one person can rebirth as another human or even an animal.

  • @layla i don't know i neber asked anyone about it and I'm not interested in asking it either.
    Who cares. ....

  • @ash_uchiha Okay! I respect your beliefs.

  • Well.. its hard to say. but once i was reading really good stuff about this and it blew my mind away. so if i can find it i would like you to read it

  • the same thing that you did before you were born

  • @alex-boldis Interesting. Thank you for sharing your opinion! :)

  • I already answered this 7 months ago from my previous account, i still stand behind what i said

    @ said in Is There Life After Death?:

    @sarah i don't believe there is anything after you're dead. I believe it feels just like you felt before you were born

    @ said in Is There Life After Death?:

    @emily said in Is There Life After Death?:

    @alwaysstranger LOL do you know how did it feel before you were born ?

    Yeah NOTHING.

    Lol you have no idea what is gonna happen after you are dead.

    You too. But i believe there's nothing because according to scientific knowledge my consciousness is just a collection of neurons which'll stop working when I'm dead

    ++therefore rendering my consciousness non existent meaning i will no longer exist

    Read Quran or Bible! They all tell the same thing about this topic.

    I'm an ex-muslim. So i have nothing new to read. I think I'll prefer science over religion and logic over faith anyday but you choose whatever you want

  • @thestrangest That's what I believe too. Thank you for sharing your opinion!

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @layla good to know, I'd like to add a couple great quotes about this topic, last one is not as relevant though



    I made dis one (just put the quote over a painting of the philosopher who said it, on the day that he died but that's not when he said this):


    Seneca was a tutor to the emperor Nero and if you know much about history you know how evil Nero was. Nero, just because he felt like it, asked Seneca to commit suicide in front of his own family, so as he was being dragged into a toilet where he was meant to take a sharp blade and kill himself, his kids and wife panicking and crying, he turned to them, pulled a weary smile and simply said "What need is there to weep over parts of life? the whole of it calls for tears"

  • @layla Not religious or anything. I believe we reincarnate in another dimension or universe or whatever there exist.

  • @blooddrunk you're a troll but I'm going to tale you seriously for a sec incase you're serious. How did you come to the conclusion that after you die you come back to life in a different form?

  • @thestrangest That's not a conclusion; I just like to think that we start a new "game" when we finish current one. Or we don't finish it. Hahah

  • @blooddrunk said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    @thestrangest That's not a conclusion; I just like to think that we start a new "game" when we finish current one. Or we don't finish it. Hahah


  • @layla well religion is difficult because a lot of them promise a reward for practicing it but in 1901 a doctor named Duncan MacDougall weighed 6 human bodies before death on their deathbed at the moment of death. Each of them experienced weightloss with an average of 21 grams... So... I mean there probably is something but what the point in not believing

  • @layla I agree...There is nothing after death...
    But I support the Concept of Hell and Heaven....as it remindes us to do right things in our life (Heaven). . .And dn't stand for wrong(hell)
    It's all about KarmašŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ
    Hindu religion say that clearlyšŸ™šŸ™

  • @agentk said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    @layla well religion is difficult because a lot of them promise a reward for practicing it but in 1901 a doctor named Duncan MacDougall weighed 6 human bodies before death on their deathbed at the moment of death. Each of them experienced weightloss with an average of 21 grams... So... I mean there probably is something but what the point in not believing

    "MacDougall's experiment has been the subject of considerable skepticism, and he has been accused of both flawed methods and outright fraud in obtaining his results.Noting that only one of the six patients measured supported the hypothesis,Ā Karl KruszelnickiĀ has stated the experiment is a case ofĀ selective reporting, as MacDougall ignored the majority of the results. Kruszelnicki also criticized the smallĀ sample size, and questioned how MacDougall was able to determine the exact moment when a person had died considering the technology available in 1907.Ā In 2008 physicistĀ Robert L. ParkĀ wrote that MacDougall's experiments "are not regarded today as having any scientific merit",Ā and psychologistĀ Bruce HoodĀ wrote that "because the weight loss was not reliable or replicable, his findings were unscientific".Ā ProfessorĀ Richard WisemanĀ said that within the scientific community, the experiment is confined to a "large pile of scientific curiosities labelled 'almost certainly not true'"."


    There is no scientific merit to the experiment, there is no proof that souls exist, "how am i supposed to show a soul love if you can't tell me where it is or what it does", there is no proof behind any of this and the answer to the question "why not believe?" Is that 1st that questions presupposes that the default position is to believe which is just retarded, the default position is to not believe until there is proof otherwise everyone should believe in leprechauns and unicorns

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @abstrunk said in What do you think will happen after we die?:

    @layla I agree...There is nothing after death...
    But I support the Concept of Hell and Heaven....as it remindes us to do right things in our life (Heaven). . .And dn't stand for wrong(hell)
    It's all about KarmašŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ
    Hindu religion say that clearlyšŸ™šŸ™

    Ohhh, you think the belief in heaven and hell makes people do good?

    "There are about 9 million children under 5 that die every year. Picture an asian tsunami of the sort we saw in 2004 killing a quarter of a million every 10 days, all of them under 5. About 24 thousand children a day, about a thousand an hour and 17 or so a minute and that means that before you can get to the end of this comment a which will take about 2 min 34 children would have died in horrible terror and agony. These children were generally only born to suffer and die since they hadn't had much time as conscious beings before they suffered horrible deaths and died. Picture the parents of these children which most likely believe in god and are praying this second for their children to be saved, their prayers will not be answered. Any god who would allow children by the millions to die and suffer this way, for their parents to grieve this way either can do nothing to help them or doesn't care to, he is therefore either impotent or malevolent, even worse than that most of these parents, many of these parents will be going to hell because they're praying to the wrong god. Just think about that. Through no fault of their own they were born in the wrong culture, where they got the wrong theology and they missed the revelation.ok there are 1.2 billion people in india at this moment, most of them are hindus, most of them therefore polytheists. No matter how good these people are, they are doomed. If you were praying to the monkey god hanoman you are doomed. You'll be tortured in hell for eternity. Now is there the slightest evidence for this? NO, it just says so in Mark 9, Matthew 13 and revelation 14. Perhaps you'll remember from the lord of the rings it says that when the elves die they go to valanore so that they can be reborn in middle earth, i say that as a point of comparison. So god created the world knowing everything, he created the cultural isolation of the hindus, he engineered the circumstances of their deaths in ignorance of revelation and then he created the penalty for this ignorance which is an eternity of conscious torment in fire. On the other hand your run if the mill serial killer in America who spent his life raping and torturing children need only come to jesus on death row and after a final meal of fried chicken he's going to spend an eternity in heaven."

    How does this belief system encourage doing "good"?, how is it moral? It doesn't. Much over there are many sexist, homophobic, violent and slavery supporting verses in the Bible

  • @abstrunk stay woke m8

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    So were my counter arguments so good that no-one wanted to add any new arguments saying there's an afterlife or that is pro-religion? Cool