Should I get a knife and kill myself already?

  • @kyra-white got to go

  • @thestrangest ok, bye.

  • @blooddrunk Fuck you hey siri blood

  • @iinutellaii ha

  • @blooddrunk Blood would you rather talk or juggle

  • @iinutellaii Eat

  • @blooddrunk bless you

  • I want to tell all the people here who are calling her Coward and all those derogatory terms,
    Me, @TheStrangest or @Willoww NEVER EVEN ONCE have supported the girl's suicidal thoughts.
    And instead of fucking calling her "Coward" and shit, just remember: Suicidal people are much much braver than the entire human population. Even in the worst situations, we get up, we rise above all the hatred we have for ourselves. Yes, we do it with the support with of our family, friends, therapists, and psychologists but it takes our fragile will power to come back and decide that we want to live on. We are so "weird" that you can call us out with the world's ugliest curses, we would just laugh it off and go away but the self-hatred can make us contemplate suicide. This self hatred is usually because of mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, Bipolar Disorder and so on. If someone's struggle or pain disturbs you and you can't help them, step away and KEEP QUIET. Don't go on fuelling the pain that has brought them to such consequences.
    Killing oneself is WRONG. But calling them out for that is WORSE. Suicidal people need emotional support They need help to see the good side of the life. They need people to make them realise that there is life beyond all that they are going through. They need someone to sort out their problems.
    If you don't know how to help, it's okay. Just keep distance and don't say anything at all. Check out the internet to see how you can help them, if you really feel like helping them. I'm asking out because we perceive things differently. A suicidal person might take your words(you assumed that would help) rather very differently. Like @sup that day told me, he was calling her Coward so that it hits her and she becomes strong. Well for that, it might work for you @sup but for suicidal people, it doesn't.
    JUST HELP HER and if You can't, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

  • @girlwhois16 Welcome to the internet, a place where people don't take you seriously, and you shouldn't, too.

  • @blooddrunk Well, a lot of people look up to Internet for finding support because they can't get it in real life. So, I just want to help and protect them.

  • @girlwhois16 That's a good thing you're doing and I encourage such, but you have to have in mind there are trolls, scammers, people that don't care, people that want to upset everybody, and your effort toward preventing it is in vain.
    Good luck anyways if you proceed with trying to stop such.

  • @blooddrunk I know about those kind of people, for sure
    . Thanks for your support, too.
    Well, at least till the time I don't know if they are trolls, I think I'd like to help.

