Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @oasis good to hear that you've been getting better but you have to understand that going on a walk, watching a movie, exercising... won't always cure depression like you said. Depression is caused by a hormonal imbalance in the brain and it comes in various degrees(major depression, functional depression, dysthymia, post partum depression, seasonal affective disorder, clinical depressing...), exercise might help with some forms of depression but not all of them. The most important thing for a truly depressed person to get better is to seek a professional

  • its good to feel sad you let it out but not forever theres a thought of sadness and being lonely its okay if your ever being sad just let it out its not ok to have it keeping on and on at that point its hard im not trying to be edgy or i cant really help much but if u need some help i got u proxi#2493

  • @joeyy i couldn't agree more

  • @rex said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    What do you think what could help us people to regain hope or not give up in the first place? Personally I'd say the type of people those are sympathetic and never talk around your back and got a lot of patience. I do not mean the professional people who do this for a living.

    This world is screwed up in almost every way, but the first step is realizing the problems(The Awakening = massive realization). Ascension and developed consciousness is highly on the rise. This gives me hope because once enough people are awake, as in awake to all the problems, the solutions will be pretty obvious compared to now and people will soon see clear again. The state of this world is a tragedy when you are awakened to all the problems and realities of earth, but 10-15 years ago, people were really blind to this kind of thing compared to now. People will only catch on to what is really happening as time goes on it will all become clearer to most people. The great awakening is finally here.....

  • @seropnio @Rex also, Depression and anxiety is on the rise. Almost everyone i know is suffering from these problems and it seems to be because of how intense everything seems to be right now almost like strong pressure everywhere, and we are all feeling this pressure. You're absolutely right, "we all need help". Just hang in there because I believe there is a light at the end of the tunnel because everyone is finally getting to see the deception that has been screwing all of us over.....Stay Strong

  • Look I too suffer from depression, and some days are harder than most but I decided to stop taking my meds because I didn't like becoming a zombie, devoid of all emotions. To share: I attempted suicide 7 times and on the 7th attempt I felt like a complete failure like I couldn't even get that right when I woke up in hospital. My best friend visited me and said "Not even god wants you" which at first made me more upset and depressed. But while laying in that bed struggling to sleep those word stuck in my head and I made a conscious decision that there was a plan for my life (I didn't believe in god, i didn't know if it was true but chose to believe in this plan) but I chosen to see this through and embrace the highs and lows. Right now as I share this I'm going through a low. But I will share and hope it will help someone find themselves.

  • I guess anti-social state of mind is one of the reasons of popularity of Internet. Depression, stress, chronic fatigue and anxiety are 21st century plague.. USA and other "first world" countries are leaders in consuming of anti-depressans, I was surprised to find out the ammount of money people spend at Canadian Pharmacy Online and local drugstores. Everybody wants to buy a better life.

  • @TheStrangest i need help

  • In such situation you have to help yourself no one will going to look after you
