Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.

  • @thestrangest I knew what I was saying in the beginning. I didn't needed to reaseach about the suicidal rates nor the condition of mars.

  • @sir-devil the but was unnecessary

  • @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest I knew what I was saying in the beginning. I didn't needed to reaseach about the suicidal rates nor the condition of mars.

    What. "I didn't needed"?

  • @thestrangest on construction

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest I knew what I was saying in the beginning. I didn't needed to reaseach about the suicidal rates nor the condition of mars.

    I meant a debate on stem cell research

  • @thestrangest and did you knew about the article or the doctors who opposed it.

  • @sir-devil of course not. I read that after you told me

  • @thestrangest and if you didn't knew about it completely, why bring that up?
    You were the one to bring that topic up. I didn't know much about it. What? Should I have accepted what you said, instead of doing my research to find if you are wrong? Are you suggesting that?

  • @sir-devil So, you can do such things but I can't???
    NIce, very nice.

  • @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest and if you didn't knew about it completely, why bring that up?

    Because i know that stem cell research was hugely held back by religion as i read that in books previous to this debate but didn't know the details of the whole story

    You were the one to bring that topic up. I didn't know much about it. What? Should I have accepted what you said

    I thought that everyone knew about it. It is a very well known thing from what i remember. I still think it is a very known topic atleast in the US. I forgot where you're from

    instead of doing my research to find if you are wrong? Are you suggesting that?

    You should have done research without asking me to explain stuff to you. The videos were plenty for you to start. I seriously thought you were pretending not to know about stem cell research being held back by religion

  • @thestrangest Are we going back to the same thing again?
    I have already argued against that using the article for that time period.
    Why are you repeating yourself?

  • @thestrangest That thing was finished a long ago. I showed that although Religion actively opposed the research, they were not responsible for that ban, which was the prime example you cited.

  • @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest That thing was finished a long ago. I showed that although Religion actively opposed the research, they were not responsible for that ban, which was the prime example you cited.

    THEY WERE. That's what I'm still saying

  • @thestrangest and I asked you to show a evidence proving that instead of some video about a scientist explaining the ideology behind the religious people involved in the ban and not explain why religion was the primary reason behind the ban.
    You made the statement and you have the burden of proof.

  • @sir-devil I am going to say this one more time. DO you have any proper evidence against my argument or something of significance to add to this argument?

  • Watch Anime Eyes

    @sir-devil said in Depression and anti-social issues. We all need help.:

    @thestrangest and I asked you to show a evidence proving that instead of some video about a scientist explaining the ideology behind the religious people involved in the ban and not explain why religion was the primary reason behind the ban.

    George Bush was religious. The only/most used arguments against the research are religious. G. Bush took the side of the religious people on the 2 questions he wanted to answer to make the ban which is that embryos are human life whilst atheists and scientists even back then said that they were not. Do I have to continue or recite the info I already gave about this

    You made the statement and you have the burden of proof.

    I already provided proof

  • @sir-devil this is boring man

  • @sir-devil sorry I didn't write that correctly. I just edited it

  • @thestrangest Ah... again are we. First I asked a proper evidence. Like something that has some credibility like an article or something not some speculations from your side. I presented one that in his speech he just included religion as one of the reason and for the reminder he said things that were in the favor of "Ethicist" who are not the same as religious people. Although the statements of "Ethicist" were similar to religious people, they are not one and the same. I need you to provide something that can explicitly prove this wrong, can you?

  • @thestrangest FINALLY.
