Change something about you or make someone think differently about something.

  • No, I don't expect you to be scared. I'm stating cause and causality with how you continuing to 'hug' me and offering what ever exotic cocktail concoction will lead you to have the same resulting causality as your friend here. Someone like you should understand that in my experience. I also tend not to make empty threats, they aren't to my taste.

  • I would get a life.
    ..And shredded abs, that'd be nice.

  • @ice-king I don't see good. Or happy. I try my absolute best to put this in other people, making people happy is what I live for. You don't have to be the one to tell me that I can't do it. My girlfriend committed suicide last month. No, I'm not just making this up to make you feel bad. She was the love of my life and she couldn't be happy, not with me. Sorry for trying

  • Gamers

    @willoww do you really have a fedora :O

  • @jynextremist i got every hat in existence lol

  • I say my condolences to you out of respect but not of caring. I do admire your way of thinking and wish you the best of luck in the off beat path you have ahead but not everyone can it will care. I respect you but now I must continue to put you back in a coma for my continuity sake. *finds nearest object to bash J's skull in.

  • Gamers

    @willoww clap

  • @ice-king what are you doing here man? You're saying your problems but you don't want anyone to have to deal with them. If you were talking to someone who cared I'd be hurt, but instead I'm just disgusted at your off beat sense of humor

  • I did not view my first statement as me stating my problems, it was me stating justification. At what point in that was it saying I was asking for help? Also humor is subjective so I could give a toss on your opinion on that. I say sorry for you misunderstanding what my previous stamens had meant of which caused this downwards I had not intended to fuel.

  • @ice-king there is no audience that would enjoy the "joke" that you were making earlier. I'm done talking to you man. If I were you, I'd stop trying to make people feel miserable