• There's this guy who flirted with me, I was literally minding my own business, my life and he suddey just popped out and started talking to me, I don't really have a friend who like anime so as fellow otaku I started talking to him, there were times when he flirts, ask to court and ask me out but I never said yes, weve been talking for years, sometime he go mia but I didn't mind as that's how some friendships are plus he shows up everytime he has time so it's okay, and then one time he ask me to go to the cinema I didn't say yes but I was kinda thinking of going with him for once (btw I have never meet him before, we just talked through chat) then suddenly I found a dm from a girl I dont know with a words that so degrading calling me names, turn out she was this guys girlfriend I was terrified and scared it was my first time receiving that kind of message so I just decided to delete my account and blocked them then years passed the girl showed up and commented on one of my post and like blaming me... Am I at fault here? Am I the one wrong? But I didn't know he has girlfriend

  • Absolutely not, and honestly if his girlfriend could read the messages she should have been able to see that it was all him. You've done nothing wrong wrong and are the victim of a cheat and a liar; I'm sorry you've been through this and hope the girlfriend sees sense soon.

  • This post is deleted!