• also bruh fr i'm not talking about native americans, they royally got fucked over, i mean hispanics and muslims

  • @Sans-Undertale so because the whites were once slaves then that was an excuse to enslaved africans? in today’s society white people hold so much power and privilege. they don’t have to live everyday our their lives in fear because they might be killed by white supremacists. a black person can make ONE TINY wrong move while being pulled and be shot to death. they doesn’t even have to be a wrong move and they still be killed. they can be completely taking the orders and still be killed! you don’t have to live your life in fear just because of your skin color. that is racism. whites oppress us just because of our skin color and being ourselves. who oppresses the white people since they so called can experience racism? riddle me that.

  • @Sans-Undertale in today’s society muslim and hispanics are treated like shit by whites too.

  • holy shit man, no enslaving whites isn't an excuse to enslave blacks, but are you really gonna generalize a whole race cause their ancestors did retarded shit

  • smh dude everyone that still believes whites as a race hate everyone is actually stupid, this isn't the 50s, that shit isn't normal anymore, i'm saying whites are the victims now cause when you see one, you'll go "i'm not listening to them they're racist probably" without a second glance

  • @Sans-Undertale YOURE SO FUCKING STUPIDDDDD. if blacks were treated right then would we be going through what we’re going through right now? no. blacks have NEVER been treated with respect in america. open your eyes you blind ass bitch.

  • I've been passed over for employment, denied service at restaurants, followed by Police, called a n****er bitch because I wouldn't put out, and suddenly had my reservation at an Airbnb revoked once that person figured out I was just half black... so tell me again that systemic racism doesn't exist.

  • i thought you were joking but wow, look man, i don't know your iq but it must be low if you don't realize that destroying random fucking buildings and ruining the lives of bystanders and attacking entire police forces just because of something one cop did was wrong

  • @baldshinobi definitely not all cops are bastards. Its like saying all men are cheaters. Dumb logic.

  • no one is actually protesting, it's just an excuse to fucking burn buildings, which is happening right now, you want respect, stop fucking rioting then

  • The rioting lasted all but about 5 minutes, sack up Karen.

  • @Bobbi-Will-Burn BETTER TELL EMMMM 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @Sans-Undertale something one cop did? MANY COPS DO THIS MANYYYY. do you even know why police in america were even invented? to oppress black people. of course you didn’t know that because you’re ignorant.

  • do you know why cops were invented in america
    to oppress blacks
    Wow let me guess you look up to George Soros? If you hate America so much then fuck off you anarchist. As I said, you won't get respect for demolishing buildings asshole. Please actually read my comments before sperging into a rage. Look up my facts yourself and tell me how wrong I am by saying "muh non-credible source".

  • clearly you're the ignorant one considering how many bluepills you've taken, accept reality, it's harsh but it's absolute, take the redpill

  • @Sans-Undertale If you care more about a couple of buildings than the fabric of a community's existence, then you're morally bankrupt and don't really have much else meaningful to add to any conversation in this regard.

  • bitch fr, other people have lives too y'know, it doesn't fucking revolve around you, other people are getting caught in the crossfire cause "COPS ARE RACIST", this shit won't stop the deaths, it'll bring more in, the military is coming and if this shit doesn't stop more people will die

  • @Sans-Undertale At least the military promotes on merit rather than nepotism - I trust the military 100x over the Police - the Military have nothing to gain by hurting anyone unjustly.

  • @Vlad20 cops decide to work for a system that was built to oppress black people. these “good cops” stand in the back and blend in. i don’t see them standing up for what’s right. they’ll take that wack ass kneel and go right back to shoot rubber bullets at protest at PEACEFUL protests.

  • @Bobbi-Will-Burn fuck the military too. they have took SO MANY innocent lives.