• Music Lovers

    Seeing the site for a long time has made me realise that it is increasingly becoming a site which has desperate people asking for physical favours and nothing else..who else feels like it?
    Like I don't understand that why are so many people getting horny and coming up here for getting sex..is this a brothel or a red light area?
    Why can we talk about sensible things over here?
    Once I heard a guy say something to another one..and he said that..look ..I am horny right now and I am visiting this site for nudes..
    Poor chap doesn't know that he has most possibly fallen into a trap set by bots..
    And if it is really genuine..then i suggest the parties to go outside of this site and talk there..
    Like its really becoming a trash can..
    Like every guy here is "bored" and wants "F" for chatting..
    To those I want to throw as many f words as possible..
    Come on..grow up guys..
    Who else thinks like that?

    I know I will get ridiculed and mocked by many people over here..but i don't care..

    With love and cuddles

  • i think its Backpage.com

  • It’s all about who you’re following and favoriting which topics you want to see. If you just tune your topic recommendations carefully, you can surround yourself with genuine people who post deep conversations