• @meyouandsomemore Universe is there, when you are alive, else nothing is there. Yeah you're right. Suicide causes impact. Impact is that u drag your loved ones into the hole that u dug. Yeah maybe people will pity for u 2 -3 days then they'll forget about you. I don't think recognition is worth the priceless life that we get. Get recognition by people saying that "no matter what happened he/she didn't give up." No matter how bad the situation gets, as long as we are alive what's there to lose. Everyone should hold on to the priceless lives they've got. Peace.

  • Yes because you got people in worse conditions living through life with a smile on their faces. People who commit suicide are punks. I can't comprehend why a person would kill themself. It just confused me

  • @Abby-83 i always feel selfish honestly for even wanting to kms

  • hello,no i consider that they suffer a lot before taking that terrible choice,they are suffering psychological pain

  • @Calisthenics hello,what you think is true but i think they are having a terrible psichological pain,that they do not realiza what are they doing and what will happen after that,all that pain ,do not let them think in a reasonable way

  • @Willow At my country peopels doing it with regret it ...and nobody really cares
    surely it's sad but i don't think it's cowardly

  • No. I don't believe a suicidal person generally is a "coward". They a broken individual in need of healing. There are a variety of circumstances which lead even the strongest men to suicide. One needs to look no further than military veterans who suffer from PTSD.