What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?

  • That there is a really good chance it's going to be here without us by the time the next century rolls around. It's quite upsetting to think of the children we are creating to suffer.

  • The futility of it all

  • @spacegirl true..

  • @Lurker omg, yeah. That's true.. we complicate simple things and it bring us disappointments.

  • @ScruffyMutt yeah, you can mention all

  • @Indrid-Cold humans are (I couldn't say more)

  • @Matt_Aranha true.. the next generation will suffer.. how worse will it be after century.

  • @Passions oh, yeah.. it's sad to hear that

  • @cjko
    Two words : Fruit abuse :rage:

  • @SnowLime how?

  • @spacegirl said in What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?:

    @DIV I think, that main driving force - is survival instinct :-) Isn't it? Lol.
    Controlled greed and envy.. I can hardly imagine that.
    Of course we can say about the "light envy" and "dark envy".

    Light envy:
    Wow. He/she reached a success. I am so happy for him. I will try to work hard to reach a little part of his/her achievements, at least.

    Dark envy:
    Damn! Everything is being achieved for him/her so easily. Lucky bastard. Plague on him/her!

    Maybe these examples are caricature a bit. But in most times, when we speak about the envy, we are talking about the dark one.

    About greed.
    For example. You can work hard, or take a second job to earn some more money. Then you invest it in something (precious metals, stock, etc). Ten or twenty years passed, and your investments gives you stable income. Not large, but at least you can allow yourself to buy a new phone each two months, or make a good present for your mother, father, sister, child, wife, husband, granny, pet, etc.. Is it a greed? I think no.

    P. S.: Humans are funny creatures. Need to admit that - If I were the head of an oil refining company or the head of large IT-corp, then it is a 90% that this post would contain other thoughts. And that is sad :-( Moreover, this post would never appeared. And this is fact.. Our nature is flexible and weak. And it is not easy to remain yourself. When temptations increase, stakes rise too.
    Hopefully, I am just a little girl that have being losted in space.

    I agree about how you speak about humans. Well, that's what I noticed either. I don't think there is a positive aspect in greediness. May it light or dark, it is still greed. Why can't you just be happy and move on ? Humans greed about almost everything, there should always be balance for everything. Too much or too little is not good. I don't know what I am talking too, correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @spacegirl said in What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?:

    @DIV I think, that main driving force - is survival instinct :-) Isn't it? Lol.
    Controlled greed and envy.. I can hardly imagine that.
    Of course we can say about the "light envy" and "dark envy".

    Just wanted to note that light envy has an actual name and it's a very positive thing. It's called admiration :yum:

  • What bothers me most is that there is a bunch of powerful people in the west – and a lot of not so powerful people who scream very loudly and play right into their hands – who are trying to destroy the freedom and values our ancestors have left us. Of course all disguised as something good: tolerance, equality, fighting hate and so on...

  • @pe7erpark3r haha I see.. Light envy is for that

  • @pe7erpark3r said in What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?:

    What bothers me most is that there is a bunch of powerful people in the west – and a lot of not so powerful people who scream very loudly and play right into their hands – who are trying to destroy the freedom and values our ancestors have left us. Of course all disguised as something good: tolerance, equality, fighting hate and so on...

    Sad to know about this really, you are right. There are still people left unheared and ignored, which freedom curtailed, served with unjust verdicts and etc., Opportunist people abused people's trust til their crashed souls can't shout anymore for their rights. It's unfortunate to see and hear those til this modern era.

  • @spacegirl said in What’s one thing that bothers you most about the world today?:

    @cjko I don't see that greed have any positive sides. Envy could. Only if it will be a motivation to improve yourself, as I describe above.

    Greed - is a destructive thing. Without an ability to share, humans lost themselves.

    And yes balance is important in everything. Without a stretch strings won't play any music, and if the stretch will be too hard, the strings will burst. An ancient parable :-)

    Couldn't agree more. I'd like to know more ancient parable , it's worth to share those :)

  • @cjko short answer: People
    in specific, its everything that makes people people. All the materials we worships and morals that we've determined. What bothers me the most is that I want so badly to change humanity and steer it in a direction that could be beautiful but that is not possible and trying to explain my thoughts or ideas to anyone is pointless and I could go on and on about this topic in hopes that you or anyone who reads this understands me and what it is im trying to say but that will never happen. That causes me frustration and I get frustrated just knowing that im letting something so stupid get to me. Today, that bothers me the most.

  • @OliveOlivia It isn't stupid. It is, contrarily, perhaps the most important thing of all.

    I wonder if you oughtn't try putting your ideas and thoughts out there, seeing who you can connect with. It makes no mathematical sense for you to be alone in thinking the way you do, there must be others who will hear and echo you. I think they might be worth seeking out.

    The smallest spark can start a raging inferno, and a single voice joined lead to a crescendo.