• @cynthia-jo I’ve been depressed for a while now... like two years

  • @ragnar everything you said is almost exactly what I’m going through but I’m also going through a little more

  • @naveen067
    nice quote for the positive go-getter type of person,
    but for the depressed person it probably just invokes anger and bitterness .....
    I feel for anyone and everyone trapped in the grip of depression and anxiety
    because I spent my first 16 yrs of life being hated and beaten and insulted
    and being prevented from developing ..... Depression is really anger which is not activated.
    take a bath towel and twist it from furthest corner to opposite corner, then when it is done, fold it in half, and beat the living daylights out of your bed until you are exhausted - its wonderful therapy and a release.
    Something unusual that was amazing for me was EFT, Emotional Freedom Therapy. Check out online Gary Craig. Its free, you dont need to pay anyone, and for me, it was liberating.
    Also Breath Work, or ReBirthing, can be amazing, allows lots of anger and misunderstanding to surface - its not cheap, and you do need a guide, but it can be incredibe.
    Also St. John's Wort is darn good at lifting depression. For it to be effective you need to take 3 x 300mg capsules a day for 21 days, and then have a 7 day break. Ignore the nonsense online about 300mg a day will change ya life ... it wont. You do need to take it as Ive said, including the 7 day break.
    Hugs to everyone.

  • Gamers

    I really don't know why you continue living

  • @lovemyapples why you still alive? because you still breathing

  • @naveen067
    Great Quote .... but,
    someone who cant sail won't have a clue what you are talking about ..... adjust your sails incorrectly and you'll be heading for a capsize

  • So that you can die one day?

  • You just need to find something worth living for.

  • a lot of depressions comes from simply NOT knowing how to live "successfully". WE are constantly compared by people to the lives of other people and we can't be "other people". In time we do it to ourselves too. We miss out discovering what we can do, and fixate on what we cannot do. I remember going to ballroom dancing lessons with my ex-wife and having her sighing and moaning about how hopeless I was at it, then we divorced, and I met another lady. This lady knew how to follow her male dancing partner and we made a great team. When one of us made a mistake we laughed and carried on. We enjoyed our dancing. My ex-wife couldnt enjoy her dancing because she was a bully, she had no idea how to follow her dancing partner, she constantly pulled him off balance so he didnt show her up, and she kept him controlled with her sighing and moaning. Families do this to us too. They frequently compare us to other family members having expectations of us and for us which are illogical. Let people go. Be there to support them in which ever direction they have leanings towards.

    The biggest controller in my life has been guilt. Guilt ladled on to me in layers by the people who raised me. Guilt for not being like other people. Guilt for being different. ( that was a big one, dished out like a sacks of wet sand stacked on my shoulders - and then laughed at for failing in my attempts to carry it all and failing to succeed in the manner that they recognised as success). Idiots.

    Rejection came next. Phew, thats a heavy one for a child to work thru. A social worker described me as an "alien child" because I was the child who no one wanted, the child who was different, the child who spent lots of time on its own so it would not have to suffer the insults, the humiliation, the being laughed at, and the huge sense of not belonging anywhere. Those disgusting people knew no different, they were trained by their parents to behave like that, with a mantra that said what happens indoors stays indoors - that way, of course, they cant be corrected and proved to be wrong in their behavour.

    I still repeat what I say about depression is unexpressed anger. And much of that anger is being angry at not being allowed to express ourselves without condemnation or criticsm. Learning assertiveness is tough, but most people can be taught. Sometimes we can redress the balance of power with words, words that can cut someone down so they instantly learn a new respect for us, and this too we can learn.

    And there is much truth in that saying, if at first you dont succeed, try, try, try, again,
    Frequently, its anothejr person, or persons, who need to change.

  • If you feel like talking send me a message, not sure if theres much i can do but i can talk :)

  • You are too much of a pussy to do it i guess?

  • Whoa, really depressing. Anyways, you're here for a purpose and you breathe to commit to its fulfillment.

  • This post is deleted!

  • God wills it, you stay alive for witnessing how Earth is a cruel hunk of rock in this Universe