• Hi again.
    It has been literally forever since I last logged on, especially because my IP had been banned for a while for unknown reasons. But today I decided to attempt logging on and then I thought you guys deserve an update.

    My first post on here was a call for help. I was in desperate need of a form of encouragement after a messy breakup. Later there have been extra details emerging about that previous relationship that I once left out. One being a week after the first breakup where my ex at the time convinced my parents to come home with me, and at night he would then force himself upon me, and how he would "give my current boyfriend permission to have me".

    But all of that is years ago now. And for reasons related to that, but also unrelated, I am now regularly attending therapy.

    I am soon graduating from the gymnasium that I attend, and I hope to take a bachelor and perhaps a masters in animation or concept art or simular. If everything goes well, I will be moving to the States to study and move in with my boyfriend, with whom I will have 2 years anniversary next week! Yay!
    Our relationship has been tough of course, but with little resistance from my parents, which goes radically against my original expectations. Given how much my mum has worked against my prior relationships. In fact after the first time he visited in summer of last year, they have been incredibly supportive and loving of him! They have taken us places, cooked all kinds of traditional danish food he has never tasted, and suggested places for us to go and see. Heck, Christmas last year my boyfriend arranged with my mum to travel here for a surprise visit during the entire holiday! And even with covid restrictions, we still managed to have a lot of fun while he got a taste of our traditions here at home.

    Most things have brightened up since my last couple of posts. I am still struggling with things. I have quite a substacial amount of symptoms for mental stuff... Whether it be depression or ADHD or anxiety.. They're all there, making things harder. But I hope that I will recieve tools to work with this, once my therapy sessions are over, despite there probably not being an actual diagnosis.

    Thank you for reading, and sorry for the rant! :)

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  • I'm sorry to hear what you went through. No girl should ever have to go through that. I hope you feel better soon. It sounds like you have an amazing boyfriend. Make sure to cherish him. I hope you both grow old together. ❤️ Maybe you should speak to people who went through the same trauma as you. I'm sure they will be able to help you. If you ever need to talk, don't forget that you have amazing parents and boyfriend. You don't have to keep it all inside and I hope you have shoulders to cry on if you would ever need it.