What would you do if you won 1 million dollars?

  • @Janet A mask to wear to the oversized check ceremony because my otherwise my bitch ass is gonna be robbed and kidnapped everyday till the next decade

    Next I’m gonna invest it and turn that million into 500,000.

    And I would spend that 500k on meth lab equipment and ingrediants, thats called passive income baby :sunglasses:

    But for realises ... Setting aside money for a dream ring for a dream girl :) . A wedding. A honeymoon. And last but not least, my folks. My parents. My grandparents. Hopefully there is room in the budget for a house after that but if not so be it.

    I'll keep grinding....so long as all my people know I value everything they've done to make me who I am today.

    I can tell them I love them and care for them all I want. But the harsh reality is, when you give up your resources for someone else's benefit, that shows true character/care. That is what they did for me.

    Words mean a lot when you got nothing. But best believe if you have some to give, and you keep it all to yourself, you ain't doing it right.

    Especially if those people were a key role in raising you to be who you are today.

    Money may not be everything. But it is a lot. It shows selflessness when you're willing to repay your debts/simply be charitable. :smile:

  • Tbh idk i have to make this coeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemment long too so uh eeee

  • I will give u an amazing gift jante. LMAO

  • @KaViNdU said in What would you do if you won 1 million dollars?:

    I will give u an amazing gift jante. LMAO

    thats so nice!
