I wrote you letters; Even this wont reach you, at least the world will know my point of view.

  • We were friends,
    former classmates,
    an acquaintance,
    once in a while, strangers;
    It is the line we always have.

    We were so far away from each other,
    we never get to a planned meet-up,
    we just suddenly encountered and linked
    by fate or coincidentally,
    no words, just gazes;
    It is the distance we always share.

    We rarely met
    on an occasion,
    sometimes just in a mutual friends' celebration,
    sometimes at the sidewalk,
    got played by the clouds under the rain;
    The moments we unexpectedly encounter.

    A past,
    a memory,
    a beat, could be,
    and that's all that.
    No more than that.
    No story,
    no poem,
    no haiku,
    not a paragraph,
    not even a sentence,
    a cursory

    Subtitle: To whom it may remember

  • Those moments...
    Even if all of these only takes a phrase,
    I think I could rewind it in my mind
    a thousand times.
