• @James-C-137 um hi?

  • @itzaddisonrose sorry u jus seem pre chill i read ur bio u seem cool

  • @James-C-137 well thanks i guess. 🎭

  • @Kshitij755 I mean no!

  • @Lockdown nice to know !!

  • Banned

    @Starr03 hey am waiting will you please follow me for conversation

  • @Rissa_TheBest said in Do you believe in "God"?:

    I do believe in god but I know im going to hell anyway so

    We all deserve hell. And believing that God exists is useless, because faith is not believing that something exists. Faith is trust. We all are going to hell, and there is, for none of us – no matter how much good we do – a way around that, except one. The one you'll learn to trust, if you follow Him. You don't need to do anything, or be anything. Trusting is enough.

    But don't listen to me, I'm just voiceing an opinion, you'll have to figure it out for yourself. Reading made me figure it out. (TLIG)

  • @Kshitij755 said in Do you believe in "God"?:

    @Futushimo Well for me believing in god doesn't mean worshiping a statue,visiting temples etc.. that most of the people do .. for me god is a power and someone whom we can talk virtually and someone who know us more well than we do... someone to whom there is no need to lie.. I do show belief in god but through my heart not through visiting temples or burning candles.. It's my belief .. it must vary person to person.. IS there anyone else who has same thought as mine.?

    I do share your view of God. And I also visit Him in his temples. However I also know that getting to know Him is a way, and we are all still far from realizing Who He is.

  • @Futushimo said in Do you believe in "God"?:


    yap you did :joy:

  • @Futushimo said in Do you believe in "God"?:

    Maybe now, you can all see, that WE SHOULD NOT TALK ABOUT RELIGION OR BELIEFS. Every person, every nation, every culture has something else to say. There are over 4000 diffirent religions, and every religion thinks - "mine is the best, so fu*k your religion".

    If you're questioning yourself now, if I believe in "some god" - I personally don't believe in god. I believe in something, what can be proven, touched, seen or feel.

    And neither of us all here, should say to somebody else - "you must believe in god (this, or another, or some other stuff)" Every person is different, every person has different aspects of life, faith, etc.

    If you tell me, I must believe in god, and if I don't believe - I die? I will go to hell? Demons will get me? Or other stuff?

    No. It's just the matter of personal matter

    The whole point of science is to mouth thousands of opinions, and then experiment and discuss to figure out the right ones and get rid of the wrong ones.

    The whole point of a functioning democracy is freedom of speech which means that every opinion should be voiced, so that we see all that's wrong with the current state of affairs, and a way forward. Again by discussing and figuring out what makes the most sense and what's wrong.

    And indeed every human experience should be pronounced so we can figure out who we really are. And religious experience is just simply fact.

    And in the same spirit of what I just said I agree with you, that none of us should say to others that they must believe this or that. None of us should think that they have the full truth, because none of us do, that's exactly why we need freedom of speech.

    So, I'll give you a clear no, to "WE SHOULD NOT TALK ABOUT X", no matter what your reason is. And no, religion is not of personal matter. That is only your opinion. Who are you to tell me, that only what can be proven, touched, seen or felt should be talked about? Who are you to tell me what I should think and say? Nope sir, I'm certainly going to voice my opinion about the world, and I think we all should. I applaud you for voiceing yours, but suppressing any speech is evil. Period.

  • I think God like good and evil are an artificial constructs. The ego is driven to find something to cling on to. Sacrifice your ego let go of everything and just be,so hard right cause letting go of what is not you means having no excuse. Or saftey net cause we all will die someday. So I ask before you exzisted where you dead. Where were you before you where created.So why fear what you already are. You came from nothing but apart of everything in this living being called the universe. We are so great and we all are apart of it. We are as we always have been. Drop the chains of your ego and reach mountains stars planets. By just being.

  • @Futushimo yes I do believe in God .the Alpha and the Omega his the creator of heaven and the earth.. His the beginning and the end

  • @Tim-Hamrick love it! 🀞
