@Amora38 not the one you looking for but up for chat if you like
I'm an idiot...
So yall know I recently exposed @d4ddy for being the nasty twisted creep he is. Well, I also made the assumption he was @spaceboy. I was very wrong, and that assumption caused much trouble. I feel really bad for this, and I just want everyone to know I take full accountability and blame for any issues that came from that. Spaceboy is actually a really nice guy, he's nothing like that disgraceful pedophile. I feel very ashamed and disappointed in myself. I don't expect anyone to forgive me, and I completely understand if you hate me for this. I just wanted set matters straight, and I hope the damage I caused isn't irreversible.
@Xavier Congratulations! Took you long enough to realize that.
D4ddy is just D4ddy
Now that's what I call a real apology, admitting your fault and accepting responsibility. Always humble:)What's done is done, don't worry about it, as long as you guys made up, it shall be a nice reminder of your friendship.
one of your indian friends was gonna supposedly post ALL my personal info. someone messaged that to me so i unblocked him and waited and waited. i have seen NOTHING. should i even be surprised
lololololololol u threw a bag of 4 puppies in a river lolololol rekt B) B-) B-)
@Xavier it requires a courage and you have that. There are impurities in every human being, it's our wisdom how we come out breaking all those walls of impurities.
@Xavier assuming is good and you will get lot of insight but you no need to make your assumption to open with your sourroinding and appose your assumption yeah now you learnt it not to do it , it's good you no need to regret , that makes you drag you down.. which you are now in regret Consciousness..
if you were a puppy, i'd throw you into a river 😎😎😎<3 -
@Bill-Dhivid looks like a nuke going off
@mikeJB oh white boy have a shit hole mouth !! I🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I shall not waste my time , I told you I hang you up side down for yourself and make you to spit up on your face in my words, all my non sense was pretty much seriuos for you to blocked me and unblocked me too.. funny white boy !! scream and shout like a little drunk hulk..
U can use this type of cheap trick to get inside a little teenage girl panties .. -
@knownsense still babbling? so post my info already. waited all damn day. you need a fuckign techie to help you? cant do this shit yourself? and you need mods too? i thought you were elite? i thought you were a fuckign katana sword? my bank account?????? LOL. you are a damn 17 yt old keybaord warrior on your moms laptop who, if i saw in person, i would break you in half. i wont block you. hell, you are too damn funny!
@mikeJB why can't you post all this where you posted my non sense in your blog 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, still angry cow 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mikeJB and as far as having my damn IP??????? ill GIVE YOU the damn thing and ill even teach you and your techie friend how to use nmap!
@knownsense just as i thought. no info just A WHOLE LOT OF TALK AND HOT AIR. waste o fkn time. come at me when you really wanna play
@mikeJB here. this is my nmap cmd line >
nmap -n -T3 -ttl 64 -d2 -Pn -disable-arp-ping -max-retries 1 -F -sU 2> nul | findstr /v "update technique global Completed inappropriate ultrascan Ultrascan tryno DROPPED ARP npcap probes ratelimit category submit runlevel Initiating Loaded lua wpcap.dll closed Fetchfile [1 port] PORTS Scanned cap Bogus doAnyOutstandingRetransmits processData no-response npf engine"
@mikeJB now your are hanging upside down for yourself in bazaar and I will make you to pay for a gay rapist to Fuc k your own ass .. you code mode is working
@mikeJB yes i know. you have no clue what any of that is. goodbye already. go kill yourself with that sharp sword
At least your being honest but honestly d4ddy doesn't care if anyone says sorry to him trust me I've tried
@mikeJB why are you serious ?with whom for what ?? I told you about my tongue and your are proving my NON-SENSE as your fact now wonderful 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 i told you only with my words I make you hang upside down and make you to pay for a gay guy to fuck you so it's working 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I can't stop laughing white boy so image conscious to get teenage girl here !!