• @Greymatter I started avoiding him. I never understood that the person whom I regarded as my best friend and, perhaps, my brother as well, perceives me differently. I knew I cannot accept him like that. I knew he wasn't bad but was just like that. I knew no one would care for me more than he does. But I left him. I'm not a gay; I can't even be. Then I fell in love with a very sweet woman whom I admired a lot in my school days. She spoke very less and was shy. She used to be around me because we were classmates. But we never talked with each other in those days. Now that I was a grown up, I gathered enough courage to propose her. She said nothing but kept in regular touch for the next three years. She became my world. I saw how I became a poet and, later, a published poet from an ordinary guy. When I couldn't anymore imagine my life, my thoughts without her and made a marriage proposal, I was told that her family and community won't be able to accept me because my religion was different from her faith. I knew that God was one but I had to accept that love wasn't God — Human beings define how God should behave! I didn't know until then that life was so strange. I cried every day for about a month. I couldn't write poetries for her anymore. My words strangulated within my heart. I broke completely. I couldn't take this anymore. I hate this stuff now. I hate being so dependent on someone in life. I still do not know why I lose the person I love. What made me cry more was that she finally admitted after 3 years that she too loves me deeply and doesn't want to lose me but cannot hurt her parents by marrying me. I too accepted this situation because I too cannot hurt my parents and, if I really love her, I cannot hurt her parents too. That day, early this year, I cried and cried and kept crying all alone. I got tired and wanted to sleep. The next day I realized I lost someone significant from my life. I don't want to depend on anyone anymore. I joined a school as a teacher, now. I hope these children won't make me cry someday. They are like flowers. I wish they make me smile always, throughout my life....

  • @F13lookingforM13 May God bless you with a wonderful life ahead. May your traumas subside gradually.

  • Group of 3 best friends(one girl). I fell in love with that girl and told the other guy about it. Then he proposed to her and now they r dating.. they invite me like before but everytime i see them making out it fucking hurts.. i dont know what to do. Help.
    I feel heartbroken, depressed, lonely, backstabbed, and suicidal.
    Please help.

  • I found out there wasn’t any breadsticks in my house

  • @Greymatter When I found out I didn't have a dad and when I got bullied in school and was told to cut myself,so that was what triggered me cutting

  • hi i am 13 too looking for f13 and here you are follow me to chat

  • I believe it was while having an anxiety attack while remembering about and ex best friend. I thought we were flash and blood, but then he made the shittiest move I've ever seen and I couldn't then and still can't forgive him.

  • Hay it's me kevin31? Remember me today we talk ?

  • @f34-ind hay it's me kevin31 ? Remember me we talk today ( i tell you for remember me ) ?

  • @f34-ind we are disconnected ? Follow me for talk ? I m 31 year men i tell you ? You remember or not ??

  • when i cannot explain how i feel becoz there's no one to talk to.

  • I was just a kid, and saw my newborn cousin lying dying from cancer. It still hurts to this day and it affects me whenever I myself go in for checkups, I worry that every issue with my body is cancer.

  • @Greymatter Haha mine was chopping onions yeah it was stinging my eyes and i cried 😂😂😂

  • I was in love with a toxic man. He broke my heart repeatedly while taking advantage of my emotions. I finally cut it off but out of everything he did, what I did hurt me the most.