Rise of automation and Universal Basic Income: let's talk.

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  • @Div Div it scares the living shit out of me, it's been a frequent topic of conversation for mefor 25 years. Always begins like this- "does nobody watch sci fi?" Fucking hell, bladerunner, terminator, even fucking wall-e, the warnings are there for us yet we as a society (admittedly driven by profit making entities but also in our western societal love of "convenience" are rushing blindly to embrace our doom. FACT. it just seems so glaringly obvious to me. As a school boy my friend amd and i would wonder if things would go star trek, blade runner or terminator. Definitely not the first one as it turns out, more a horrible mix of the second two. I'm sure you already have, but if you haven't then check out Stephen hawking on these subjects, that guy knew which way the wind was blowing

  • @Div Div, I'm not sure there's anything we can do. It's already among us, automated checkouts in stores, driver-less trucks (for fucks sake, nobody thought the consequences of that one through!!! Watch the carnage ensue, all terrorists need to do now is be good at hacking computers, and apart from that just glitches) i think we're fucked, it's just how many generations have we got before the tipping point, we're in a handcart to automatonic hell, just a personal opinion but one I'm convinced of. The idealism of it in the 50s and 60s was naive. The reality is humanity is gonna be sidelined and overwhelmed by A.I. ,sure as night follows ฤay. Give A.I. too much control (and we've already started) and it's gonna decide it's logic is better than our chaos and what are we gonna do to stop it? Isaac Asimov had it right in his book I,Robot, i see things going that way. Probably in a very short time as well, it was what? 60 years between the wright brothers first flight and being on the moon, now we want to hand over the control to A.I.?! We're fucked dude

  • @Scottish said in Rise of automation and Universal Basic Income: let's talk.:

    @Div Div, I'm not sure there's anything we can do. It's already among us, automated checkouts in stores, driver-less trucks (for fucks sake, nobody thought the consequences of that one through!!! Watch the carnage ensue, all terrorists need to do now is be good at hacking computers, and apart from that just glitches) i think we're fucked, it's just how many generations have we got before the tipping point, we're in a handcart to automatonic hell, just a personal opinion but one I'm convinced of. The idealism of it in the 50s and 60s was naive. The reality is humanity is gonna be sidelined and overwhelmed by A.I. ,sure as night follows ฤay. Give A.I. too much control (and we've already started) and it's gonna decide it's logic is better than our chaos and what are we gonna do to stop it? Isaac Asimov had it right in his book I,Robot, i see things going that way. Probably in a very short time as well, it was what? 60 years between the wright brothers first flight and being on the moon, now we want to hand over the control to A.I.?! We're fucked dude

    Disagreed with most.

    Because AI is not what you think it is, nor will it be in the near future. AI is stupid, really stupid. And yet really smart at the stupid things it does.

    Let me explain how modern AI works in the medical field. You take a huge AI with lots of computing power and data storage. You shove in millions of medical cases and outcomes. Then you give it a scan of a person. It will give you all the possible diagnoses for that person's problems ranked with probability. It will be better than any doctor at this.

    And here is what modern AI is not: Making any real decisions. It only computes from input to output, as do all computer programs since 1940. AI will not do anything, it will not even leave it's field of operation. It cannot think. Period.

    But about the other part, the change of society part, I do agree with you. It looks bleak. It doesn't look bleak because of the AI itself. It looks bleak because of the power AI gives to those who know how to use it. Those pulling the strings. For they will use AI to decide wether you should get the medicine or not. They'll just use the AI to compute how they โ€“ as the owner of the insurance company โ€“ have to spend the least money on you. They then are the only ones with enough money/power to pay for the medication that the AI would not give them. They are the big winners...

    You need to understand that the big money wants universal basic income. It wants 99% of the population to have just enough money to feed the engine by buying stuff. And they, the 1% of the 1%, all the money flows to them. Today in germany 25% of the population have just enough. 25%. In germany. It was once less than 10%. This is how globalism works. It takes money from everybody and gives it to a few, for it is a completely unregulated market.

    You know what the western system is? It is not capitalism. It is actually democracy. Which means a state that pushes back and sets boundaries so that a market does not become unfair, or keeps progress from happening. But democracy is being bought, because people want to buy stuff. People become more and more materialistic, and they are bought: they want the newest smartphone, even if others are being exploited for it...

    So far this thing has been eradicating the people at the bottom, but that ofc is not productive, since it endangers the whole system (revolts may come). So one must make sure, if one wants to belong to the 1% of the 1%, that the people at the bottom, will not be eradicated, just kept at the minimum. And of course, that the people at the bottom are not too many (ergo birth control).

  • @pe7erpark3r hello

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  • my only comment, prob doesnt matter. i DESPISE consumerism and capitalism. consumerism is the biggest pyramid scheme ever conceived. why? because we ALL have to contribute to it or else everythign crashes! want proof? look at fucking Wall St and the FED. 2 of the most corrupt entities known to man. notice a company that is massive (and we have far too many of those) , the minute they are feeling pain and are about to go under, they get rescued. they get propped up, just like this POS false economy. no company of this fucking planet should be able to own half the fucking world and yet we have a few. does anyone see anything wrong with that? GREED will be our demise and i welcome it. we have fed it for so fucking long and its appetite is insatiable and it always wants more. but this concept of consumerism. where i have to buy your crap in your storein order to keep your workers paid and your CEO paid and able to get more yachts and then they keep the warehouse workers paid. and the minute i get me and enough people together to stop buying IT ALL FALLS! there are a problem with that! remember a time when you had people who MADE and FIXED things? those people have been ran out of business. mainly by big corps and even the govnt. they want you , no, they FORCE YOU, to buy cheap chinese crap that IS DESIGNED TO BREAK ON PURPOSE! they also make it so you cant fix it on your own. all by design to make you play the game. and i am not eve sure how this can be fixed. capitalism DEPENDS on us fueling this stupid system. that is why i live thrify and simple. Karl Marx once said the less you have, the better (in certain terms) why do we all need so much fucking stuff??????? small home 4 tv's? one family but 10 bathrooms?? capitalism is fucking OBSCENE! it is a slap in the face to anything moral whatsoever. anyway i could rant this for hours, but im not. none of you care about this kinda shit. you have your head up your ass looking to grab the latest fashion, the next new phone, and what new game is coming out. sheeple and slaves and you dont even see it. the greatest weapon you have against your enemy is knowing how he thinks. good day. go back to looking for more horny 14 yr olds now

  • @Mike-JB To you with all the annoying stuff, stop it please

  • @Javi-Gonzalez truth hurts?
    ignore me bitch

  • @D1Vine idiot outside intel inside ! Tech -no-logic no one know deep understanding of Technology but it works that all most of being know.. no one know how? why ?and easy to imprint fear negativity to control by manipulation and lies with agenda we are digital now because of corona without tech gadgets I can have food delivery, it's being nesassity now..Technology makes human depend on virtual reality, and AI there won't be touch sensation with raw human skin to skins, sex is far Al slowly will flourish, will be silicone bases hitech Elecrtonic pulses which make us feel real by artificially engineered chip and materials, .. dumb dummber total mess .. we wil be having psyborg and programmed babies genetically modified.. I am not sure