• @Black-biler Russia has a long past of meddling in the affairs of other countries. It doesn't matter if it is controlled by a czar, a general secretary or a president: it is a question of mentality. Your leaders see themselves as the "saviours of Europe", which has led to countless acts of unwarranted destruction.

    Out of all the European countries, the largest imperialist forces have been France, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom. All of these countries have learned their lesson and have stopped pushing around their neighbors, with the glaring exception of Russia. Ukraine and Georgia have fallen victim to its naked aggression already, and it is only a matter of time until a new target is chosen for destruction.

    Now let me be clear: I don't hate Russians and it would be my earnest wish to see Russia become a force for global goodwill. But as it is right now, Russia is a dangerous country to the Western civilization. The West is rotting in its amorality as it is, we don't need another factor of destabilisation to contribute to it.

  • oji td wazv09

  • jhu 78 kj./,

  • @Your-dad said in A glimpse into an ancient religion almost forgotten.:

    @pe7erpark3r What are da proofs that UN is trying to replace European population? Will it happen the same way Native Americans and Native Australians were replaced by colonizers? Why will UN do so?

    What are the bad things that can happen bcz of this?

    Why not use robots and AI to do work instead of taking immigrantz?

    It's not exactly replacing or destroying of the original population. It's more of a refill. The original european population is dying out...

  • @Black-biler yeah dude, so, there is this whole thing going on about social media and confirmed russian "bots" and "agents" helping further divide our already messed up populace. Facebook and twitter had some MAJOR problems with some recent findings of thousands of "bot", or scripted accounts that would post, like and retweet and share stuff on both sides of the political arguments going on since before 2016 american ellection, and in brazil there were some cases of Russian "agents" buying ad space on facebook and target-sharing some pretty radicalizing ads and posts around the time we had our election. That's what I meant by russian bots and increasing the gap in between opposing ideologies. They would target users that showed some interest in some sort of ideology with posts and tweets and shit that showed the other side as "the total evil", and vice-versa.

    when I said "our society", I was talking about western society, democratic tradition, christian background, mostly europe, the americas and them aussies and kiwis.

    I never meant to say "russians" were somehow connected to that, I'm mostly saying "Russia", as a superpower and political influencer, and maybe not even putin himself (although, due to his background as a KGB agent makes it very likely he is in on it or ever the one masterminding this whole operation) is actively trying to undermine Western political and social integrity. and they are succeding. which is remarkable but also sad.

    you are most welcomed around here, and if you ever come to brazil, give me a holler and I will personally pay for a shitty offbrand vodka and have a good time with you, I have absolutely nothing against your people Biler. I actually thing you guys are fucking amazing.

    PS: I'm sure you are not a russian bot and that you are not in any way involved in this.

  • @Silhouette
    "a question of mentality" I was always surprised what's the point in the meddling in the affairs of other countries, when you have got a lot of problems in your own.
    So I dont think that I have mentality you are talking about.
    Because when I have some problems I concern only about them. And the last thing I want at that moment is to interfer with other people's businesses.
    Moreover, if I find that my presence or actions are unwelcome in the society I just leave and isolate myself more. That seems rational for me.
    And our government... What can I say... I hate them... Because of their actions millions of people from different countries hate me only for the place where I was born, the language I am speaking and DNA I posses.
    But I am just a weak man who scarcely can change anything, I m afraid.

    And thanks for giving me an answer, I suppose that the person who was adressed my question doesnt find it necessary to answer it.

  • @Thales_BG Is there any media in any country that does not depend on the government and provides people of that country totally objective information? Of course, when the ideologies of two contries are opposite but spheres of influence are met each other, these two countries starts to represent each other as worse as they could in front of the other countries in order to gain their support.

    I do not support actions of my government. And I isolated myself as much as I could from the political news. I just can't endure all that stuff full of bitterness and desperation any longer. Maybe that's not how brave man should act, but I am not brave at all, and I ve got a lot of other problems in my life most of which are connected with communication and fear of it.

    I read some of your posts and I was terrified how poor education system in Russia is. Even worse than I could assume. I draduated from college where I spent 6 years of my life after 10 years of school. And you're a bus ticket revisor with high school education saying all this very complicated stuff in such a good English. What I am saying is just a baby talk comparing to your deductions. I feel ashamed. I assume that you could have gotten PhD in political science or in history.

    Since you are much more competent in political questions, all of your words might be true. But, on the other hand, you may exaggerate some things, because nobody can have 100 percent trustful source of information these days.

    Anyway, I know you are an honest man. And I respect your opinion.

    And you're Daniela's friend after all. :) I doubt that her friend could be some jerk.

    About that vodka... I prefer tequila, actually...

  • Banned

    @Black-biler hello Black biler, care to join the Seekers group? To share your thoughts on political systems and beliefs?

  • @Black-biler
    i don't think that you have to defend yourself like this. this is so unfair. you're not your government, you're a human being and your nationality shouldn't define you as a person. none of this is your fault.

    seriously, don't listen to people like @Silhouette. don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of who you are

  • @Tag666
    No, I don't. Politics and, especially, religion, are of little interest to me. The less interest for me can be found only in conspiracy theories and spiritual practices.
    But thanks for the offer anyway.

  • @Thales_BG Bro just accept realities of applied science laws. You'll be damned πŸ˜‰ happy I promise.

  • @Thales_BG Bro just accept realities of applied science laws. You'll be damned πŸ˜‰ happy I promise.