• Hey guys. I like making videos. If I thought about my own business, it would be a video blog on YouTube. This is a popular platform; many guys started there with small channels and have grown to the media level. I was recently told that it is not expensive to buy subscribers Get More Info. This will not be superfluous, since there are a lot of channels, and it is difficult to break into the top.

  • @Lazz I admire your clever title.

  • @NewtTrouble Finally! Glad someone got the joke :tada:

  • @Sanxia Those actually exist! You could check them out and take notes on how they conduct their business. It could give you some great ideas I'm sure. I mean... if you haven't already of course.

  • I thought of several in my time, but the last one I thought about was a wrestling school and meal prep kitchen combo.

    I used to train in the indie pro-wrestling scene and it was an interesting experience. I would like to alter the idea and make it into an actual school.

    Teach the basic moves, safety, terminology, character building, fitness, diet, how to actually impress a promoter, how not to be a dick/rat.

    And on the side do meal prepping to help the students, but also help the determined body builder with their needs, because let's face it... meal prepping is a pain in the ass. And if you can take one less duty off your already hectic schedule, why the hell not have someone calculate your dietary needs and conveniently prep it out for you?

  • Dropshipping or affiliate marketing

  • @Lazz lol, punny one Lazz!

  • @GreyWind :grin:

  • No question exist with out a reason behind it,
    So you want to open a business or you want to tie up with fellow for a business or interested in sleeping partner, or want to be a sleeping partner ?
    Ot just for fun ?
    Anyway all people need fun and entertainment and poor rich bad ugly, disabled, psychopath, trends transgender,male female non binary sex ,adult, married family lovers kids teens and I have a plan all these categories of happy being can be targeted at once in my design which is unique and new..
    I am interested in what is it you reasons to ask this query ?

  • @Mani12 most definitely monkey business

  • @Scottish
    good for you