Get paid, get laid, gatorade

Yer average socially awkward, angsty teen.
I would write more, but I wasted all my effort in writing these two sentences, hopefully I will be bothered to come back and make a proper bio.
Best posts made by PPPOOPOO
RE: What's the most important thing in life ?
RE: True love or all the wealth in the world?
I like to think that if i had all the wealth in the world, I'd first give a lot of it to help people, and then travel around the world, meet new folk, and maybe, eventually, I'll be able to find the perfect one.
But then again, if i had true love, I would work extra hard to have enough money to support us for a lifetime so then I don't really need all the wealth in he world.
Right now I don't care enough to find the one I love, so I would pick all the wealth in the world, but if i was older, hopefully wiser, and probably in need of love, then I would straight away pick true love.
RE: Ask me anything like really ANYTHING
Boko no pico.
Great anime, fit for all the family, you agree? -
RE: What three words best describe you?
CatsWait am i playing the game right
RE: What's the worst stereotype about your nation?
@ayesha203 don’t forget that you can become anything, as long as it’s doctor or engineeer
I’m Indian, and I can confirm I smell like spices and chicken curry. The secret is to bathe in it every day
Second time making an account because, due to my forgetful nature, I seem to have forgotten my first account from a year ago heh.
I go on and off this site on the anonymous chat to see if the people on it have changed. Apart from not being able use "hotel" as a username as its supposedly a "Bad/Adult" word (oki doki then), the same horny people are there. Shame.
Well, starting off my first post with a question. Now, what is your most favourite thing in the whole world? Mine's cats ( > dogs), chicken curry, and classical/artcore (if anyone listens to this I actually love you. Just kidding. Maybe) music.
The above text was written all in the title because silly little me didn't see the compose bit until the very last second. Honestly, how could someone wearing glasses be so blind haha. Oh well.
RE: aye how are poeple lifes right now?
@vishkun Sugoy desu ne!
brb gonna commit die now -
RE: suggest me a good bio
"My name is suigetsu,
I know ninjitsu
Actually I don't
But I really would like to"Best bio uwu/uwu
Latest posts made by PPPOOPOO
If you had to change an ending to something eg, end of a movie or novel, what would you change it to?
I would change the ending of the Sarah Jane Smith adventures I watched as a kid so it would continue making more seasons. Can’t get enough of that show
RE: What's the worst stereotype about your nation?
@ayesha203 don’t forget that you can become anything, as long as it’s doctor or engineeer
RE: Which one? Black/Dark Or white/light?
Is there a multi color option? I pick that
RE: just wanna have a conversation c:
@Matt_Aranha must be a fake God then, there’s no others possible reason
RE: Hello, I'm new here.
Hi new here, I’m a mistake!
Okay that is my cue to leave woo-
RE: just wanna have a conversation c:
@Matt_Aranha clearly, you are mistaken. It is a fact that raspberry jam is the jam of the gods
RE: just wanna have a conversation c:
@sarah_the_magpie I pinky swears, it’s tastier than it sounds
RE: what's your favorite anime or movie?
@Sushi16 Watch some arakawa under the bridge, that is quite a lot of mainstream anime in my eyes lol
RE: just wanna have a conversation c:
@Scottish nononono raspberry jam is the way to go. Mixed fruit jam is a close second :D