Is it disrespectful to like other girls sexy/halfnaked photos on instagram when in a relationship?

  • @Cierra-Warnock yo ... what the fuck....

  • Hey lighten up on yourself. Has he brainwashed you into thinking this is YOUR issue and therfore needs to be resolved by you GETTING OVER YOURSELF? Sounds a little like that to me. But that's bullshit, you have every right to find it unacceptable. Demonstrably by people's comments on here it clearly is unacceptable to most people, it's not you being needy or smothering. So it boils down to this, there are 3 possible outcomes. 1. He changes his behaviour, happy days. 2. The status quo is maintained which means you will continue to (quite fucking rightly) feel hurt and upset. 3. You accept that he is unwilling to modify his actions so you call things off and get on with your life. That will also hurt and upset you but you can begin to heal and take heart from taking back control of your situation and future. You will also be in a position to go ahead when someone shows up who wants to treat you with respect

  • @Scottish no honestly i've just struggled with some toxic relationships before so my mindset is completely jumbled. I always feel as if things are my fault, not going into it but i have a bunch of other issues that are all thrown into this that make it worse.

    I semi addressed the insecurity issue and he sent me a message back explaining his feelings for me and trying to reassure me. I've written a long message about the instagram thing, the disrespectfulness and other things. Will send it in the morning now because he's gone to sleep and i'll have a bit of a clearer head by then.

    I really do just struggle with relationships, not even just romantically because of mental health, trust issues etc. So honestly hearing all of your opinions and kind guiding words has helped so so much

  • Remember what i said, just add me if you wanna talk in private

  • It is. What do you think, are you dumb really?
    Why are you watching half naked pics int he first place. Just ask your girl or bf to send you some he/she may even I agree for a full naked one 😏

  • You should advise him on what it's doing to you and what it means to you. If you truly need him to stop, he should know that he truly needs to do do as well. If he's mature enough to respectyour rules and boundaries, as I'm sure you do his, he should go along and do that. If not, tell him you'll break up with him and its that serious

  • For me, if I am your girlfriend I would get jealous of course. Because I might think that I am not enough for you that’s why you keep on liking and searching for other girls’ pics. You know us, we are always overthinking.

  • No i dont think so as long as you treat your other well.

  • @Evil_Dead said in Is it disrespectful to like other girls sexy/halfnaked photos on instagram when in a relationship?:

    People are complicated. Watching Porn or staring at pictures isn't the same thing as going out and fucking those people... biologically speaking our prime directive is to reproduce - so finding outlets to relieve that biological urge without physically doing anything to break the trust in that relationship can be healthy, as long as you're somewhat open about it. You'll find many, many people throughout the course of your life that you may be sexually attracted to that is someone other than your partner... and what is the point in denying a fact? But, in the end we don't usually end up staying faithful and true with the people we love purely out of physical attraction, they usually tend to have qualities about them that transcend our baser instincts.

    ⬆︎⬆︎ Evil_Dead just took 3-5 chapters of a Psychology textbook and condensed it down to one paragraph. Thats what im talking about!

  • Nope. Liking in instagram should not hurt a bee. But if you know the person, and you are committed, how could you. Haha

  • @Scottish Best answer ever. I also have problems with my husband and this inspired me

  • @Equinox I love this answer. Inspired me to Really stand up for my feelings too

  • Thanks, and np!

  • All strength to you! You can't control his behaviour but you can be in command of how much of it you accept. Remember you are a valid human being and not here to be someone else's dustbin/ emotional football/punchbag/victim or whatever the individual circumstances may be. We only get trrated as badly as we allow ourselves to be treated. We often forget that we are in charge of that, sometimes we have to give ourselves a wee pinch so we remember

  • @Scottish I agree with this one, definitely the right answer.

  • @Equinox thanks man! There is nothing else is there? Just that truth, im gonna add you, you seem like an interesting and sound guy

  • @Scottish yeah, that about sums it up. Thanks!

  • @Equinox wise words equinox, that's the reality i see in my world anyway...

  • Its disrespectful anything that would hurt your relationship if she finds out may be disrespectful but still sometimes being jealous can get out of hand so you're playing with fire right there

  • @Matt14m I honestly hate that you imply that not wanting her boyfriend to look at other girls means jealousy. That's pretty messed up. She just wants some respect and it's up to her in her relationship to ask for it, for she's entitled to that. Doesn't give anyone the smallest right to call it jealousy whatsoever.