Is it disrespectful to like other girls sexy/halfnaked photos on instagram when in a relationship?

  • People are complicated. Watching Porn or staring at pictures isn't the same thing as going out and fucking those people... biologically speaking our prime directive is to reproduce - so finding outlets to relieve that biological urge without physically doing anything to break the trust in that relationship can be healthy, as long as you're somewhat open about it. You'll find many, many people throughout the course of your life that you may be sexually attracted to that is someone other than your partner... and what is the point in denying a fact? But, in the end we don't usually end up staying faithful and true with the people we love purely out of physical attraction, they usually tend to have qualities about them that transcend our baser instincts.

  • He doesn't see your point because you don't do it. I think he might feel differently if you did. Also he feels no need to change as you tolerate the current situation. You obviously value yourself more than he does which isnt all bad, self worth is very useful to have. I hope it works out for you with him or without him. Keep your chin up and hold onto that self worth

  • This literally happens all the time to me. People are all ways asking me for sex and nudes and all that stuff. I’m only 15! I do feel like it’s VERY DISRESPECTFUL especially if you are already with your own man that you love. It is very disrespectful I agree with you on that one. 😁

  • @Lurker he does make me happy though, and i don't want to throw it all away. This is just a thing that makes me feel insecure and i'm trying to fix it but have no idea how to get through to him

  • @Lurker wise words man

  • @Scottish maybe i should try it, just to try and get him to see my side of things. Honestly my self worth is incredibly low, another reason that this is such a big issue for me but i just know that i deserve better than this. Thank you so much for your advice and kind words

  • I don't wanna be mean but if something makes you unconfortable you should change it, if you can't and still decide to live it you are officially in a toxic relationship... Trust me... been there, done that and would do it again, is it healthy? No! But don't look at what I do look at what I say!

  • I think you'll find that most people (especially men) will sneak a peek if they think they won't get caught. This is an honest conversation better had with your boyfriend than internet randos... but, at least there's an openness about it. If he was trying to deny it, that'd be a lot more concerning in my op.

  • @Cierra-Warnock heloo![alt text](image url)

  • I wouldn't retaliate, i was speaking figuratively, it's best to be the person you are and want to be regardless of what others do. One of my philosophies i try to live by (and it stops me from being an asshole when i feel wronged) is this- it's better putting your energy into making your life better than someone else's worse.You seem a nice person, try to focus on that and value yourself x

  • @Lurker word, brother! I could have said this!

  • @Lurker it just completely blows my mind is all because A. i would never be liking photos like that in the first place, especially if i was in a relationship and B. if my boyfriend even hinted that he felt a bit insecure about it it would break my heart, i'd stop instantly and completely understand where he was coming from. But you can't judge other people on your own standards

  • @Scottish oh no, i didn't mean it like that. i completely agree with what you said, but figuratively explain to him if i was to like all these pictures of hot half naked men how would that make him feel. To be honest i know that he's either going to begin to understand and we'll work through it and he'll stop or nothings going to change and i need to move on. I just don't want to throw something away when there's so much good coming from it, not just the negative you know

  • That's true, we're all different but a good idea is to use your own standards as a barometer of what you are/aren't willing to accept from others. I personally have put up with all sorts of shit for love and here i am single and alone anyway so was it worth it?

  • Absolutely i couldn't agree more, walking away from love is incredibly hard to do. Its a mindwarp when your heart and your brain are in conflict.

  • I think what you need to do is put up a big poster of a shirtless idris elba (or some attractive male hunk you're into) in your bedroom and see what his reaction is.

  • @Scottish so have i! and i've explained that to him as well, in past relationships i've literally allowed myself to be treated like an absolute idiot because i cared so much and basically just got taken advantage of. It's so bloody difficult honestly.

    Also he's actually going away for 5 months so it's making me feel worse about the whole situation. Not that he'll cheat or anything, but it's only going to make me feel more insecure and less close to him. I'm struggling with it all

  • @Evil_Dead this actually put a smile on my face, thank you for that haha. perhaps i should!

  • Fuck! That's a complication, a relationship neexs to be rock solid to withstand a 5 month absence. I sincerely hope it goes how you'd like it too. If you wanna talk about it pm me, some of my experiences im unwilling to air publicly and only able to open up about in confidence, still stinging i guess...

  • I’m only 15 and a female that’s not right for you or your man to do that