Nope she's not cheating you are just overthinking...
My boyfriend's friend cheating on her GF
I don't know what to do or what to say. I feel sorry for the girl and just by recently knowing that info... I feel like I'm responsible to say it.. But it will ruin their relationship.. But the man already ruin it by cheating. I don't know what to do or what to say. I feel bad and sorry for the girl. They are in relationship for about 6 years. Help me :(
That’s fucked up
You need to tell her. It’ll be better for her to find out by you rather than on her own. But that’s just me
it definitely does suck to be in a position like that, but i also think that you should tell her. she definitely deserves to know. as you said, he already ruined the relationship by cheating and all the blame lays on him, not on anyone else
Mind your own business, let the bastard spread his genes like Gengis khan.
Women are sex objects with very low intelligence.
This is a tough one. I have been in this situation and my first instinct was "tell them" but when I told the person she ended up calling me a lier and I lost a good friend over it. Years later she ended up in a divorce because she finally caught him herself. I personally would not do this to someone who told me my boyfriend was cheating. I'd investigate it and find out if he was infact cheating and catch him red-handed. So maybe just start a conversation with your friend on what they would do if they were confronted by someone who thought they where cheating before coming out and just saying it happened. Good luck.